Iphone vs Android; my favorite analogy

and how to recommend which

Jason Ip
4 min readFeb 25, 2014

Let me get this out of the way first, I am an Android user, have had every Nexus since the Nexus One and many a flagship in between. Prior to the Nexus One, however, I had the original Iphone and to this day, I will admit, it was a game changer. My non-techie wife uses an Iphone and Ipad so I stay on top of iOS to keep her current.

I’m sure many of you (techies) can relate to this, uninformed friend or family member is new to the smartphone game and asks for your suggestion. Usually this boils down to Iphone vs Android. You are fairly certain they will be taking your word as gospel and, if you so choose, could probably lead them up to a final buying decision.

So now you’re thinking, which is best for this person? As a general rule of thumb if the recommend-ee is not technical at all I’d recommend Iphone, it’s when they are, or think they are, technical that it gets a bit dicey. So here’s my go to analogy:

Think of the Android as owning a home and the Iphone as owning an apartment/condo. I think this is the perfect analogy in a lot of ways and easy to relate to, let me explain.

I’ll start with the Iphone. Many times when you decide to own an apartment you’re doing so out of convenience; either the location is good, not as much maintenance around the property, parking complex, etc. Look at NYC, if you want to be at the center of the universe (Manhattan); you’re most likely living in an apartment building. Boom, Iphones, they are the epitome of convenience. Built for ease of use, only a handful (2? if only including current generation) of models and did I mention easy to use? If you want no-fuss, just-works, then this is it. Because of this, they get the latest apps since there are so few models to code for. Everything is always ‘in-sync,’ updates aren’t a quagmire like it can be on Android, the app-store is more tightly controlled. It is, like they say, a walled garden but this garden is comparable to Eden.

Then there’s Android, at worst of times it’s a cluttered mess, at the best of times…? I use the house comparison with Android because it’s apt in so many ways. A house, compared to an apartment, affords you more freedom. Want to mount a satellite dish? Go ahead, anywhere you want. Want pets? kids? Sure. Want to blast the music? Check. However all these freedoms come with responsibility. Ever try to clean a big house? Not an easy task especially if you add pets and/or kids into the mix. Enter Android, just like a house, whatever you want to do with it you can. Root it and even more possibilities spring up. The customization level is endless but customize too much and you’ll no longer receive OTA updates, not that non-Nexus device OTA updates are even up-to-date. There’s lots of clutter with Android, analogous to mowing your lawn or shoveling the snow. But for those that value being able to whatever the heck they want to their device then Android is it. There’s a beauty in the mess if that makes sense.

Like most good analogies, there’s no right or wrong answer and many relate to owning/renting a house or apartment. Let’s be honest, some people don’t have the time and/or desire to tinker; it has to just plain work. The Iphone not only works, it works well. But then again, what was it that Einstein said about a cluttered desk?

So next time you find yourself having to explain the difference between the two smartphone giants, try this analogy.

If you found any of this useful, please recommend :-) Still looking for my first one. You can also follow me on Twitter: @the_real_jay

