Review of ‘Steps — overcome social anxiety’ iOS app

Illya Bakurov
iOS App Reviews
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2017

This is a new format for me, so I will be looking for the best ways on how to present data in coming articles. So far, I came up with such important aspects of reviews as:

  1. Is it easy to find an app on the AppStore?
  2. UI/UX
  3. What can be added and fixed
  4. Summary

I am looking forward to your comments, and will try to incorporate all suggestions!

Today I am looking at the app called ‘Steps — overcome social anxiety’. This app aims to make you more socially open through completing series of fun challenges.

Easy to find on an AppStore?

It is not the easiest. If you know the ‘Steps’ part of a title — you could end up never finding the app. But if you put any other component such as ‘social’ or ‘anxiety’, it would bump an app up in the search listenings, so be sure not to give up after the first try.


I like that it takes you right into the app. But, that’s because I know what it is about. For a new user it is hard to pick up the idea of why do they want to use this app, so small tutorial is not a bad idea. Maybe to have it as a second challenge after downloading the app? — That would be way better! Wait, second? Yes, the first one is hidden from you too (*not a hidden Sarcasm*). Why would they hide it and not present on a first launch, I can only guess.

The screen where app lands

Alright, at the first screen we have some categories. I like how GIFs implemented here. Only one GIF is visible per screen at the same time, which doesn’t overwhelm.

This ‘silly sally’ category sounds fun. Let’s dive into it.

One of a challenges available

Very nice simple UI. When you swipe between tasks, there is a small lag before image is downloaded. Why not to load all images for the next tasks, while the first one is opened? I’d say this is for not using much of cellular data, but UX is a bit odd. I would expect them there. What do you think? — Write in comments.

Short description of the tasks are good. I like smooth pan animation. Simple left-right swipe to switch between tasks.

Challenges screens, pan animations and easy swipe

Yes, I do cook great stuff at home, so let’s apply for the chef job challenge today:

Let’s try to save something into my list.

Reminders are good to get your users in a loop. But no warning once permission declined

The app suggests reminders to me, which is good, I want reminders. But, I looove to decline access and see how apps handle it! — After I declined permission, no warning is presented that I won’t be notified by ‘Steps’, thus I could easily forget about my tasks :(

That’s what we all downloaded this app for — CONFETTI 🎉🎊, isn’t it?

Completing task right away and now I see share option. Why not to share? Twitter is handled nicely, I even have 20 more symbols to type into. How about Facebook? — Neeh. I’ve been there — Facebook share option doesn’t add image or text by default, so this share option is not good for us. Developers should really rethink share options, because that is crucial growth tactic!

An outline of a card would be nice. I was stumbled for a long time what should be down there.

Oh, wait, there are more sections on the main page at the bottom. They should definitely have an outline on those non-yet-downloaded categories and loading indicators. I was stumbled for a long time what should be down there.

About page

What’s in about page? — Feedback, Learn more, Legal work, some credits. Ok, everything works smooth, nothing left out.

No share options in this view, and if this is where I would tick my tasks, I would never know about share option

Let’s check my saved challenges list. Well, there is a small UX misconception here: If I complete task through green circle on a card, I will never know that there is a share option inside.

Easy swipe between pages

Bonus: Quick nice scroll between two main pages — No surprise they don’t use default Tab bar controller — nice move.

And hands down — cheers to confetti 🎉 through out the app. This should be definitely packaged in open source library so that more apps could easily use it.

It’s time for hard truth!

What can be added and fixed

I’ll start from things which should be added, to make the app more engaging and interactive:

  1. Accounts. You would ask why? — For syncing my progress among multiple devices, but moreover for rich share experience, which benefits both parties.
  2. More advanced sharing options is must have for the next version.
  3. Challenge friends. Especially once you’ve completed the task by yourself, you can’t stand an idea not to challenge your friend to do it.
  4. The way for users to create/add their own categories/tasks. That way the app and community around it could grow quicker!
  5. After accomplishing a task, it could be nice to add notes and images to it (some story behind how I completed this challenge).
  6. I would like to add some deadlines to the tasks, so I am more motivated to do them.

Alright, what about fixes? So far, I’ve been able to find two things I would fix in the current version:

  1. Check for notification access, and warn users if they declined it before. Again — that is user retention we are talking about.
  2. Add a share button on a ‘card’ view of a task after circle tapped.


The app is nice to use and simple. But simplicity is both the best and the worst thing about it. It is easy to get excited about this fun challenging app, but it is easy to drop off, because it lacks the social aspect and retention perks. I hope to see big update of the app in coming weeks.

Steps have been featured on Product Hunt:

Here is an AppStore url to download an app:

Follow them to get the latest updates:



Let me know what you think about ‘Steps’ app in comments. And share this article with friends.

About author

I’ve been iOS developer for almost 5 years now. 📱I’ve gained lots of insights of what works and what doesn’t work with app development and app marketing in Canada and US. I am constantly learning and Medium is a new learning curve for me — writing and reviewing, thus now I am learning twice as hard! 🚀

Follow @ibakurov at Medium, Instagram, Twitter, and ProductHunt ❤️

Please follow me for future reviews 👆, and comment what I can do better!



Illya Bakurov
iOS App Reviews

Have 5 years of experience in app dev and marketing. Writing articles on how others approach this challenges 🚀 &