Bug + Change

Mobile Makers Day 16 — Persistence, NSUserDefaults

Robert Figueras
my iOS Dev Journal


I didn’t post for this day because today sucked. Was distracted all day by an annoying “bug” so basically I had to do the challenge at night when I was away from the bug.

Edit: Today we learned about persistence and created an app called FavoritePhotos which used the Flickr API and persistence. I was lucky in that, for some reason, the FlickrAPI was not all that difficult for me to understand. I don’t know why.

A couple key findings I learned today included the idea that you can’t store any UIImage objects in an array if you are persisting the data in the documents folder. You have to convert it to NSData objects in order for the array/dictionary to save properly. It is problematic in that there is no feedback given if you try it, it just doesn’t save.

Also, today was the WWDC 2014 keynote and they dropped a bomb for developers by announcing the new language Swift.

Better read up!



Robert Figueras
my iOS Dev Journal

in order of importance: Papa, Hubby, Son, Sib, iOS Developer, Software Consultant, Musician, Entrepreneur Wannabe