iOS Development Tutorials
4 min readMar 6, 2016


If you know anything about me, I guess you know that I’m a big fan of high performance, personal development training and growth. I have been studying this area and practicing it for as long as I can remember.

This week, I just learned that successful people really don’t care if they “knew, or learned, or heard” about any success principles. All they care is how excellent and consistent they are applying these habits and practices in their lives.

What does it take for us to generate massive success? That’s my question today. I think the answer is “Just get back to the basics, the fundamentals.”

Below are 7 habits, success practices that I learned today that have been proven all over again with the world’s most successful people. That if you apply these habits with a great force of excellence, consistency, success is yours to create!

In just a few sentences, you’ll start to see that these habits are really just common-sense. The problem is common-sense is not always common-practice. That’s what sets the pro from the amateur apart — a totally different level of intensity, discipline, consistency in practicing these fundamental success habits.

I really don’t mean this lightly. As I am writing this blog post for you all, I just keep evaluating all areas in my life and can see clearly from these 7 habits, which area have I been missing out, what is the next level for me in this area.

So here we go…

  1. Personal Responsibility

The habit of taking total responsibility in our lives (take command of everything happen in our lives).

First, how well have you been managing your aim, goals and ambitions? Have you been waking up each day and be truly responsible for your goals and ambition or just wandering around, responding to other people’s agenda?

Second, your intention and focus. You must own it. Stop those habits of distractions that you are doing everyday. If you sit down and create an app, a website, own it, create it and finish it. All of us must be diligent in guarding our attention, and presence every single moment.

Third, your attitude. Are you showing up like a complete stranger that is mean and rude to other people? Stop that! Do you have at least 3 words that describing how your best self would treat and interact with other people each an every day? Can you push yourself to generate a whole different attitude like the best self you want to live into?

Fourth, you actions. What behaviors are you doing in your life? Remember, the theme of your life is the overall theme of your actions. Have you been taking consistent actions towards your dream, your goals and ambition? If you haven’t do it. If you have been doing it consistently, my challenge to your is to ask yourself how could you go to the next level of excellence to take actions in your relationship with your spouse, friends, partners, co-workers, your attitude, your energy, diet, health, finance, creative expression and contribution?

2. Sleep and Hydration

It’s striking to know that more than 50% of the population in abundance society are fatique because of they are not sleeping enough.

Let me ask you this, have you been sleeping 7 to 8 hours every single night? If you haven’t, please don’t lie to yourself that you can get through the day to perform at your highest level with just 4,5 hours of sleep.

Your body needs that 7 to 8 hours each night to renew, breath and recover. Yes, you hear me. Sleep is a habit. If you are sleeping 8 hours a day, how can you even improve the quality of your sleep? Again, push, push and challenge to the next level!

Do you know that most people are dehydrated their entire life? No drinking that bottle of soda or 5 hour energy or Starbucks don’t give you hydration. In fact, these things take all water out of your body like a sponge.

My chalelnge to you is to drink 4 to 5 litters of water every single day. If you work out a lot, go for 6. This is one of the earliest practice I do in my high performance studies and it changed my life!

I can’t believe the level of energy I have each day. Most of the live coding workshops that I did for you have been at our 7PM (it’s like the end of my day and I’ve gone through tremendous work).

But chatting with you guys in the live workshops feels like a new day for me. How can I do that? Energy. Get yourself hydrated! Sleep!



iOS Development Tutorials

Developer. Founder of Developers Academy. iOS Development trainer.