My Favorite Xcode 8 Shortcuts Part 2/3

Taps, Auto Focus, Simulator, Indentation, Code Encapsulation

Bob Lee
Bob the Developer
3 min readDec 7, 2016



I’ve used up a quarter of my life. As much as I love creating apps, I can’t afford to lose anymore. My headline has been “Figuring out how to stay productive”.

We can start off right now. I invite you to open up Xcode and follow these shortcuts if you haven’t used them.

1. Create Tabs

Common Usage: Creating tabs in Xcode is identical as creating tabs using Google Chrome or Safari. We have easy access to files we only need without having to navigate dozens of Swift files.

Command T (Create)

Command W (Delete)

Command Shift [ ](Navigate)

#1 Create, delete, navigate between taps

2. Storyboard Auto Focus

Common Usage: When you have more than 10 view controllers, it takes time zooming in and out to navigate between each view controller. What if someone told you that you could auto focus any view controllers from anywhere?

Command Shift L

#2 Auto-focusing cavas

3. Run, Build, Clean, Stop

Common Usage:If you are still clicking those buttons on the top left to run your simulator, you are killing yourself. No exception.

Command R(Run)

Command B(Build)

Command .(Stop)

Command Shift K(Clean)


4. Select Entire Line

Common Usage: It is often used to copy or delete a specific line without highlighting the entire syntax.

Control Shift E(Select)

#4 Selecting line from the left and deleting one by one

5. Indent Code

Common Usage: This should be a must for every developer. No developers shall make a fatal a mistake of indenting line by line.

Command [ ](Indent)

Shift Up/Down(Select One)

Command Shift Up/Down(Select All Below/Up)

#5 Indenting multiple lines of code

6. Hide Code

Common Usage: I often use this feature to provide a clean look for my swift files. It’s useful especially when code is modularized.

Command Option Left/Right

#6 Hiding functions and extension

Last Remarks

Making Gif files isn’t a fun process. It’s an intellectually non-challenging task but I tried to provide visual content for my readers. So, ❤️ for the time I spent on creating these bad boys?

Part 3/3

Bob the Developer

I’m an iOS instructor from Seoul, 🇰🇷. Feel free to get to know me on Instagram. I post regular updates on Facebook Page and 🖨 on Saturday.

