Make Memory Management Great Again

Swift Automatic Reference Counting explained with ease for complete beginners without CS/CE degree

Bob Lee
Bob the Developer
7 min readFeb 4, 2017


Beautiful picture from Unsplash

Last update on May 15th, 2017 | Swift 3.1


This article is written for those who may have close to zero understanding of Memory Management. Many iOS courses and books tend to skip this because it can be quite complicated for beginners. For example, have you seen those keywords like weak and strong when you create IBOutlet ? You probably have. You just do it because it somehow works.

Before we talk about Swift, let us build a strong foundation in terms of what memory is in the first place, and why we need it. You may skip this part.

The term memory management refers to an overview of how an operating system, iOS for example, handles saving and extracting data. As you may already know, there are two main ways to save information/data. 1. Disk and 2. Random Access Memory (RAM).


A decent understanding of Object Oriented Programming, Optionals, and Optional Chaining. If you are stuck, feel free to check out my YouTube Swift series. Here

The purpose of RAM

Imagine you are playing a shooting game on your phone, and it needs to store a bunch of images and graphics so that you can continue playing even if you press the setting button, and you still expect your PR stay even if you come back. If not, that would be horrendous. 😅

But, when you shut down your phone, all those images are gone. So, as you might have guessed it, they are all stored in RAM. They are a temporary storage on your phone, and it’s much quicker, around 15,000 MB/s as supposed to 1,000MB/s of a normal hard drive. Those graphics do not get stored on your hard drive. If that was the case, your phone would be full of images and texts after playing a couple hours of the game.

Often times, teachers describe RAM as a short term memory. Take a look at the short clip below.

The chimp has a greater short-term memory than most that of humans. However. both will never remember the pattern in long term

My iPhone has a 4GB RAM and 128GB disk. So, when you are running your app, pretty much everything is stored in your RAM unless I specifically use UserDefaults or CoreData to store data on the disk.

Ram Storage Limitation

This is another scenario. It’s 2AM, you are scrolling through Instagram or Facebook Feed on your bed. But, how is it possible that your phone is able to maintain a beautiful 60 frame per second, very smooth transition even if you scroll up and down? It’s because they those objects and data are temporarily stored in the RAM. However, you can’t store indefinitely.

When we say memory management specifically in iOS, we refer to the process of managing space available in your RAM. Although nowadays you rarely see it gets overloaded since it’s getting more powerful than your computer 5 years ago. However, the golden rule for iOS developers is to create an efficient app so that you don’t kill apps in the background. Let’s be respectful to other iOS developers. We want our apps to stay alive.

Okay, What now? 😴

RAM is like a refrigerator. You can add food, drinks, and even clothes if you are like me. Similarly, in iOS, you can add a bunch of pictures, images, large objects such as UIView. However, just like a fridge, there is a physical limitation to how much you can store. You might have to take out a couple of beers so that you can add fresh sushi. 🍲

Fortunately, in iOS 10, the cleaning/freeing part has been automatically done by a library created by Apple Engineers. They have implemented what they call, Automatic Reference Counting to indicate whether an object is still being used or no longer needed. In other programming languages or back a couple years ago, however, you had to manually insert objects into the box and discard those objects — one by one.

So, let’s take a look at how Automatic Reference Counting works.

Automatic Reference Counting

First of all, let’s create an object first. I’ve made a class called Passportwhich contains its citizenship and an optional property called human which is described later — You don’t need to know how the Human class is made up of for now since it’s an optional type.

By the way, if you don’t know what deinit means, it’s the opposite of init. So when you init, you’ve created an object and inserted into the box/memory. deinit occurs when the specific location of the object in the box has been freed/deallocated/purged.

Let’s create an object by itself without creating var or let

Wait, why is it being deleted right after you’ve made an instance/object? Well, it’s due to ARC and let me explain.

In order to maintain an object in memory, you must have a reference to something, and there must be a relationship. I know it sounds weird. Please bare with me for a bit.

myPassport holds a reference/relationship with Passport

When you’ve created the Passport object by itself, it had no relationship/reference count. Now, however, there is a relationship between myPassport and Passport and the reference count is one.

The Only Rule: If the reference count is zero/no relationship, the object gets purged out of the memory.

You might be wondering what strong means. It’s a default relationship. One relationship adds reference count by one, and I will explain it later when we have to use weak in certain cases.

Now, I’m going to create a class called Human which has an optional property whose type is Passport.

Since the variable passport is an optional type, we don’t have to set it when you first initialize aHuman object.

bob to Human and myPassport to Passport

If you decide to make both bob and myPassport as nil then

All gone and deallocated

As soon as you’ve set them as nil for each object, the relationship no longer exists, so the reference count for each becomes 0 which causes both objects to be deallocated.

However, even if you set something to nil it may necessarily not deallocate due to possible relationships with other objects, thus not reaching reference count to 0. It may sound crazy. So, let’s take a look.

The Human class had an optional property whose type was Passport Also, Passport had an optional property whose type is Human.

To visualize the relationship, I’ve made a diagram for you.

Okay, now, let’s do the same thing by setting those objects to nil.

Nothing happens. They remain. Why? It’s because there is still a relationship between bobby and newPassport.

It may look counter-intuitive. You must break all the relationships associated among/between objects in order to purge both objects completely. For example, even if Human with “Bob Lee” has been set to nil, it doesn’t get deallocated since there is a relationship (reference count 1) as Passport is referring to the Human object. So, now when you try to set Passport to nil , it doesn’t get deallocated because the Human object is still alive and has a reference to Passport. The reference count never reaches 0.

“The Only Rule Converse: It doesn’t matter whether you’ve set objects to nil, it’s all about the reference count number. You must Destroy everything. nil != deallocation” — SangJoon Lee

The content has been migrated to the personal blog. If you wish to get the full tutorial about Memory Management, please visit the link here.

