WWDC 18 Sessions 總覽

Liyao Chen
iOS Nerd 🤓
Published in
22 min readJun 12, 2018

此文件列出 2018 年 WWDC 所有 Sessions 的連結跟描述,希望能幫助大家快速找到想看的內容。這個文件是由 Nalydadad 提供的工具 WWDC_Crawler 所抓取。

A Guide to Turi Create

Turi Create is an open source toolset for creating Core ML models, for tasks such as image classification, object detection, style transfers, recommendations, and more. Learn how you can use Turi Create to build models for your apps. link

A Tour of UICollectionView

UICollectionView is a flexible, powerful tool to help you achieve great user experiences in your applications. Hear how you can leverage these rich APIs to rapidly move from initial design ideas to polished shipping applications. Topics range from getting started to advanced update animations and… link

AVContentKeySession Best Practices

AVContentKeySession allows for the management of FairPlay content decryption keys for HTTP Live Streaming. It offers a simplified key loading process that provides applications with control over the lifecycle of content keys, and features such as dual-expiry keys for offline movie rentals. Learn… link

AVSpeechSynthesizer: Making iOS Talk

Speech can enhance the audio experience of your app, whether you are generating spoken feedback for accessibility, or providing critical information beyond simple alerts or notifications. AVSpeechSynthesizer produces synthesized speech from text and allows you to control and monitor the progress… link

Accessible Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop is a powerful API that allows apps to share and communicate data. No matter how you decide to implement Drag and Drop, there’s a way to make it work for people with accessibility needs. Learn the details as we dive into accessible Drag and Drop for iOS. link

Accessing Health Records with HealthKit

HealthKit provides a consolidated repository for a variety of data including health records containing information such as lab results, immunizations, and medications downloaded directly from institutions. Discover new health records classes and types created to provide easy access to high-level… link

Adding Delight to your iOS App

iOS contains powerful technologies you can use to make your app truly delightful. Learn how to take your app to the next level with easy-to-implement features such as Handoff and External Display support. Preserve that feeling of magic in your app with pro-tips that combine animations, gestures… link

Advanced Dark Mode

Step deeper into Dark Mode adoption in your macOS application. Learn about the powerful Cocoa technologies at the core of Dark Mode, and take a detailed look at the APIs and best practices for adapting to this beautiful new look. link

Advanced Debugging with Xcode and LLDB

Discover advanced techniques, and tips and tricks for enhancing your Xcode debugging workflows. Learn how to take advantage of LLDB and custom breakpoints for more powerful debugging. Get the most out of Xcode’s view debugging tools to solve UI issues in your app more efficiently. link

Advances in Research and Care Frameworks

HealthKit, CoreMotion, and other iOS frameworks combined with the ResearchKit and CareKit open-source projects, provide a deep platform for the creation of game-changing apps for care teams, researchers, and the medical community. Discover new active tasks that leverage calibrated device data and… link

Apple Design Awards

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2018 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation. link

Automatic Strong Passwords and Security Code AutoFill

Passwords and security codes are a modern necessity required for security and privacy. iOS 12 eases the tedious aspects of account setup and sign-in by automatically suggesting and using strong, unique passwords \u2014 even from within apps \u2014 and by bringing one-time codes to the QuickType bar so… link

Automating App Store Connect

The new App Store Connect API provides a familiar and highly readable REST API designed to facilitate the automation of many tasks you would typically perform through the Apple Developer website and the App Store Connect browser interfaces. Learn how this API allows you to manage your apps and… link

Behind the Scenes of the Xcode Build Process

Ever wonder what happens when you build your project in Xcode? Learn how Xcode automates the steps required to build an application, and go behind the scenes to learn how clang, swiftc, and the linker work together to turn your source code into a working program. link

Best Practices and What\u2019s New with In-App Purchases

Learn about the latest updates in StoreKit, including offering introductory pricing for subscriptions, requesting ratings and reviews, promoting your in-app purchases within the App Store, and developing in the sandbox environment. Dive deep into best practices for processing transactions and… link

Better Apps through Better Privacy

At Apple, we believe in building products with both great features and great privacy. Learn how to apply privacy engineering techniques to your apps so you can build trust with users to unlock better experiences and engagement. And find out how new privacy features can benefit you and your users. link

Building Faster in Xcode

Build your apps faster in Xcode 10. Learn how to structure your projects and tweak your code to take full advantage of all processor cores. Whether you’ve made a few small code changes you want to give a try, or you’re building your full app for release, these techniques will cut the time it… link

Building for Voice with Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts are a great way to help people execute actions or get information from your app, but shortcuts can be made even more powerful by adding them to Siri to be used with a simple phrase. Learn how you can now customize responses from Siri and add custom UI to make a great shortcuts… link

CarPlay Audio and Navigation Apps

Learn how to update your audio or navigation app to support CarPlay. Apps in CarPlay are optimized for use in the car, and automatically adapt to available vehicle screens and input controls. Audio apps can deliver music, news, podcasts, and more. With the new CarPlay framework, Navigation apps… link

Core Data Best Practices

As your app gains more customers and becomes more feature-rich, you may find yourself with new problems to solve. Core Data is a powerful tool that has changed a lot over the years. Learn about the new best practices in Core Data, such as how to use concurrency and persistent history, and… link

Core Image: Performance, Prototyping, and Python

Core Image is the essential framework for handling image processing tasks in your photo and video apps. In this session, we’ll explore new additions to the framework that allow you to achieve great performance in your filter chains and custom CIKernels. We’ll also demo a new approach to… link

Create Your Own Swift Playgrounds Subscription

Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary iPad app to teach coding with the powerful Swift programming language. Learn how to create your own content for Swift Playgrounds using the new template, and find out how to use the subscription format to host your own feed online for others to access. link

Creating Apps for a Global Audience

Common assumptions can break when your app is used by a global audience. Learn about the many aspects of creating apps for different regions and languages. Understand how to use fonts and typography, layout techniques, and support text input so your app shines in all languages. link

Creating Audio Apps for watchOS

Apps in watchOS 5 have control over audio playback like never before. With a full-fledged background mode for local audio playback using AVFoundation, people can listen to content on the go right from Apple Watch. Learn how to use the new volume control and how to respond to MediaRemote… link

Creating Custom Instruments

Understand how custom instruments are useful and when they should be used. Get an in-depth view of the architecture of custom instruments and how to create them. Understand the attributes of a good instrument. Dive into advanced modeling and how to use the CLIPS language. link

Creating Great AR Experiences

Engaging AR experiences are easy to start and navigate, persuasively realistic, and highly immersive. Learn best practices for successfully bringing people into an AR experience, teaching them about how to interact and engage with virtual content, and making your AR content look beautiful and… link

Creating Photo and Video Effects Using Depth

The TrueDepth camera in the iPhone X streams high-quality depth data in real time allowing you to enhance your photo and video apps in fun and creative ways. Dive deep into the principles and best practices for working with depth data, learn how to use the new Portrait Segmentation API for still… link

Data You Can Trust

A lot can go wrong when loading data into your app. Whether you work directly with JSON and property lists, or with higher-level APIs such as NSCoding and Codable, learn how to defend your customers and secure your code against invalid or malicious data. Avoid fatal assumptions by validating… link

Deliver an Exceptional Accessibility Experience

Go beyond the basics and create apps with an exceptional accessibility experience. Learn how to design elements that appear in your app for maximum clarity and accessibility. Discover how to enhance the way users interact with your app even when presenting custom views, or drawing complex UI. link

Design Studio Shorts

Five short presentations on a range of design topics including: Prototyping AR experiences by using the world around you and low-tech traditional prototyping techniques; Making your app more powerful and expressive with Apple Pencil; Indispensable techniques for presenting your design work;… link

Designing Fluid Interfaces

Discover the techniques used to create the fluid and dynamic interfaces of iOS and other Apple platforms. Learn how to design gestures and animations that feel intuitive and natural and will make your app delightful. link

Designing Notifications

Thoughtfully designed notifications are a powerful way to communicate timely information to people that they will find valuable and useful. Learn how you can design notifications people want to receive by making them beautiful, helpful, actionable, and respectful of their valuable time and… link

Designing Web Content for watchOS

watchOS 5 brings web content to Apple Watch by rendering rich HTML in Messages and Mail. Gain insights into how watchOS maintains compatibility with existing web content, and find out what you can do to optimize your web content for Apple Watch. link

Embracing Algorithms

When you imagine building a new app, what do you think about? Models, views, and controllers deserve their prominent place in the design process, but we don’t often give the same attention to the underlying work our apps need to do. Understand how to identify and optimize the algorithms in your… link

Engineering Subscriptions

Learn the best practices for architecting your subscription infrastructure using StoreKit and server-side logic. Find out about simple engineering techniques to keep your subscribers longer, and how to utilize new tools and APIs to give your subscribers the best experience. link

Getting Ready for Business Chat

Business Chat is a powerful way for organizations to connect with customers directly from within Messages. Whether you are a Customer Service Platform provider, a brand looking to integrate chat for customer communication, or a brand app developer looking to extend your iOS app to enhance… link

Getting and Using a Mapkit JS Key

MapKit JS uses the JWT standard for ensuring a secure connection between your site and the MapKit JS services. Learn how to create, protect, and use site-specific keys to ensure only your servers are accessing APIs linked to your domain. link

Getting the Most out of Playgrounds in Xcode

Discover major advancements in Xcode playgrounds. Learn advanced tips and techniques, hear about new and often overlooked workflows, and rediscover the tools provided when coding in playgrounds. link

Getting to Know Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager makes it possible to easily develop and distribute source code in the Swift ecosystem. Learn about its goals, design, unique features, and the opportunities it has for continued evolution. link

High Performance Auto Layout

Get a glimpse inside to find out what happens when you add a constraint! Dive into the internals of Auto Layout to develop intuition for how your code affects what happens under the hood. Learn how to measure and refine your approach to Auto Layout and see how its improved performance in iOS 12… link

HomeKit Deep Dive

Get a fresh look at the HomeKit APIs. Understand how Siri and the Apple Home App use Action Sets and Accessory Services & Characteristics to provide a great home automation experience. link

I Have This Idea For An App…

Do you have an idea for an app that you think would be useful to others, but you don’t know how to make it a reality? You’re not alone! Lots of people are interested in app development, but they aren’t sure how to turn their idea to code and then into a finished app. From first steps to Xcode,… link

Image and Graphics Best Practices

Whether it’s for UI elements or a fundamental part of your application, at some point, you have to handle images. This session is packed with engaging insight into how images are handled in iOS including discussion of UIImage, UIImageView, custom drawing in UIKit, plus advanced CPU and GPU… link

Implementing AutoFill Credential Provider Extensions

Password AutoFill delivers the ability to fill passwords seamlessly within iOS apps and Safari. Join us to learn how app developers who provide credential management can surface their credentials during sign-in within apps and on the web. link

Inside SwiftShot: Creating an AR Game

Developed by Apple, SwiftShot is an energetic and immersive multiplayer AR game built with key iOS technologies. Glimpse behind the curtain and see how SwiftShot was designed and developed using ARKit, SceneKit, and Swift. Understand the intricacies of designing great gameplay for AR, and learn… link

Integrating Apps and Content with AR Quick Look

With iOS 12, ARKit includes a built-in viewer for displaying and sharing high-quality 3D content using Pixar’s usdz file format. Get introduced to the capabilities of AR Quick Look and see how to easily integrate AR into your app. Learn best practices for preparing 3D models for AR, and see how… link

Integrating with Photos on macOS

Make your apps even better through improved integration with Photos on macOS. We’ll dive deep into the Photos Project Extension API that was introduced in macOS High Sierra and update you on what’s new. You’ll also learn best practices for handling file promises and image URLs to better handle… link

Intentional Design

Great app experiences leap off the screen. They are dynamic, immersive, personal, and, above all else, the result of a strong and clear intent. Learn key techniques for being intentional with your design by choosing appropriate metaphors, making extreme choices, and making every interaction feel… link

Introducing ClassKit

The new ClassKit framework lets you organize educational content in your app so that teachers can discover and assign specific activities and view students’ progress in the new Schoolwork app. Learn how to adopt ClassKit to your content structure, declare assignable content, and share student… link

Introducing Create ML

Create ML is a new framework designed to help you easily build machine learning models using Swift and Xcode. Designed for Simplicity and Performance. Learn how you can build customized models from data that will enable new and powerful features in your apps using Create ML. link

Introducing Dark Mode

Hear from the Apple design team about the principles and concepts that anchor Dark Mode. Learn the basics of enhancing your app with this new appearance, and add an experience that people are sure to love. link

Introducing MapKit JS

MapKit JS brings Apple Maps to your website. See how MapKit JS provides map rendering that is optimized for various browsers and devices, and supports native gestures such as pinch-to-zoom, two-finger rotate, and more. Learn how to add annotations and overlays, and how to use JavaScript… link

Introducing Natural Language Framework

Natural Language is a redesigned framework designed to provide high-performance, on-device APIs for fundamental NLP tasks across all Apple platforms. Through the deep integration of the framework with Core ML and Create ML, you now have the ability to train custom NLP models to perform many… link

Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets

The new Network.framework API gives you direct access to the same high-performance user-space networking stack used by URLSession. If you’re considering using Berkeley Sockets in your app or library, learn what better options are available to you. link

Introducing Podcast Analytics

Podcasts are created and enjoyed by millions of people around the world. With the addition of Podcast Analytics, podcasters can gather actionable and insightful intelligence into how their show is consumed, while respecting the privacy of their listeners. Learn how to interpret and use these new… link

Introduction to Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts are a powerful new feature in iOS 12 that allow your app to expose its functionality to Siri. This enables Siri to suggest your shortcut at relevant times based on various context. Shortcuts can also be added to Siri to run with a voice phrase on iOS, HomePod and watchOS. Learn how… link

Live Screen Broadcast with ReplayKit

ReplayKit 2 provides built-in services for broadcasting your screen from iOS and tvOS to viewers online. See how broadcasts can be started right within Control Center or from standard UI included in your own apps and games. Hear about developing broadcast extensions for ReplayKit 2 and get best… link

Managing Documents In Your iOS Apps

Last year we introduced the Files App and an easy way to view, edit, and share documents within your application. Learn best practices for implementing this technology, how to effectively manage documents in your app, and how to avoid common document manager pitfalls. Hear about the difference… link

Measuring Performance Using Logging

Learn how to use signposts and logging to measure performance. Understand how the Points of Interest instrument can be used to examine logged data. Get an introduction into creating and using custom instruments. link

Measuring and Optimizing HLS Performance

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is used to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Discover how to adjust and tune stream authoring and delivery elements to improve the viewing experience. Learn how to accurately measure your streaming performance, identify optimization opportunities,… link

Metal Game Performance Optimization

Realize the full potential of your Metal-based games by tackling common issues that cause frame rate slowdowns, stutters, and stalls. Discover how to clear up jitter and maintain a silky-smooth frame rate with simple changes in frame pacing. Get introduced to new tools for analyzing rendering… link

Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling

Metal provides powerful tools for analyzing shader behavior and optimizing performance. Dive into troubleshooting vertex-stage problems with new geometry viewing capabilities in Xcode. Use the shader debugger to step through vertex, fragment, and compute shader execution line-by-line. Get details… link

Metal for Accelerating Machine Learning

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) includes a highly tuned library of machine learning primitives leveraging the tremendous power of the GPU. With iOS 12 and macOS Mojave, MPS adds capabilities to accelerate the computationally intensive task of training a neural network. Learn performance… link

Metal for Game Developers

Metal 2 is Apple-designed graphics software that lets developers build console\u2011style games. Learn key aspects of the Metal architecture that support the techniques for modern high-performance game rendering. See how Metal now enables the GPU to schedule work for itself, allowing complete scenes… link

Metal for OpenGL Developers

Metal is the foundation for accelerated graphics and compute on Apple platforms, enabling your apps and games to tap into the incredible power of the GPU. Get introduced to essential Metal capabilities and understand the recommended approach for transitioning OpenGL-based apps onto the Metal API. link

Metal for Ray Tracing Acceleration

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) harnesses the massive parallelism of the GPU to dramatically accelerate calculations at the heart of modern ray tracing and ray casting techniques. See how ray tracing can provide greater realism in 3D scenes through improved shading, soft shadows, and global… link

Metal for VR

On macOS, Metal 2 adds specialized support for virtual reality (VR) rendering and external GPUs. Learn about new features and optimizations to take advantage of these technologies within your Metal 2-based apps and games. Understand best practices for scheduling workloads across multiple GPUs and… link

MusicKit on the Web

MusicKit has enabled the creation of new, compelling, and engaging Apple Music powered app experiences. With the introduction of MusicKit on the web, as a developer, you can now bring Apple Music powered experiences to the web. Learn how to use declarative markup or javascript to enable Apple… link

New Localization Workflows in Xcode 10

The localization process in Xcode 10 has been updated to aid you through the lifecycle of exporting, importing, and testing localized content in your apps. See new functionality added in Xcode 10 and learn how the new localization catalog helps you build world-class, localized apps. link

New Ways to Work with Workouts

Tracking workouts with Apple Watch is popular with fitness professionals and novices alike. See how the new workout API streamlines the entire lifecycle of a workout, complete with ability to restart a session after a crash to prevent you from losing data. Learn how the new workout classes,… link

Object Tracking in Vision

Vision is a high-level framework that provides an easy to use API for handling many computer vision tasks. We’ll dive deep into a particularly powerful feature of Vision\u2014tracking objects in video streams. Learn best practices for using Vision in your app. Gain a greater understanding of how… link

Optimizing App Assets

Learn how to use assets to bring visually compelling and data efficient artwork to your apps, leveraging new features in iOS 12. Gain insight into organizing, optimizing, and authoring artwork assets by using asset catalogs to their fullest. Learn techniques to better streamline workflows between… link

Optimizing Your App for Today\u2019s Internet

Learn what Apple has been doing to help your app get the most out of the network with the least effort. Let Apple’s networking APIs do the heavy lifting for you. Learn best practices for getting top networking performance from your app using the URLSession APIs. link

Platforms State of the Union

2018 Platforms State of the Union link

Practical Approaches to Great App Performance

All apps benefit from a focus on performance and an increase in overall responsiveness. This information packed session gives you strategies for fixing performance problems using Instruments and other tools. Additionally, get practical advice based on experience in tuning Apple’s own apps… link

Quick Look Previews from the Ground Up

Quicklook Previews are an easy way preview documents in your app. Hear about the basics as well as some advanced implementations. Learn to present a variety of types of documents from within your app without reinventing the wheel, and make sure your custom file format works great with the… link

Siri Shortcuts on the Siri Watch Face

Learn how to use Siri Shortcuts to bring glanceable information and custom interactions to the Siri watch face. Walk through how to create a compelling user experience by providing relevant shortcuts and by donating interactions from your app. See how these experiences can be created from both… link

Source Control Workflows in Xcode

Xcode integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab to help you manage your source code, back up your files, and collaborate with others. Find out how to easily see the changes in your project right in the source editor, and learn how to use Xcode for common source control workflows with Git. See… link

Strategies for Securing Web Content

Whether you use web content in your app via an embedded WebKit view, deliver pure web apps, or create web content to be embedded by others, it’s important to ensure that you are using the most current web security standards. Learn techniques like such as special cookie attributes and HTTP… link

Swift Generics

Generics are one of the most powerful features of Swift, enabling you to write flexible, reusable components while maintaining static type information. Learn about the design of Swift’s generics, including how to generalize protocols, leverage protocol inheritance to express the varying… link

Testing Tips & Tricks

Testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly, but often your code has dependencies that are out of your control. Discover techniques for making hard-to-test code testable on Apple platforms using XCTest. Learn a variety of tips for writing higher-quality tests… link

TextKit Best Practices

Leverage the abilities of TextKit to provide the best experience possible displaying and editing text. Get the best performance out of your app by using TextKit effectively. Learn the concepts to do more complex handling, layout and presentation. link

The Life of a Button

An in-depth exploration of essential interaction, visual and sound design principles and techniques through the design of a simple button. link

The Qualities of Great Design

Great Design isn’t magic, it is crafted with care by real people. Explore the characteristics of great design through the voices of designers from Apple and our developer community. Learn how they take inspiration from everyday life, conceive and refine ideas, and push themselves to design apps… link

UIKit: Apps for Every Size and Shape

Ground-up coverage of how to make an app that can fit on devices of every size and shape. Make your app fit beautifully on Apple’s full range of devices with the minimum amount of effort, future-proofing your user experience along the way. link

Understanding ARKit Tracking and Detection

With ARKit your app can see the world and place virtual objects on horizontal and vertical surfaces and recognize images and objects. Go beyond the API to gain insights into the innovative methods and techniques underlying these capabilities. See how ARKit combines device motion with the camera… link

Understanding Crashes and Crash Logs

Sudden app crashes are a source of bad user experience and app review rejections. Learn how crash logs can be analyzed, what information they contain and how to diagnose the causes of crashes, including hard-to-reproduce memory corruptions and multithreading issues. link

Using Accelerate and simd

Learn how to use sophisticated Signal and Image Processing techniques to bring higher performance to your apps while lowering battery consumption. See compelling use cases for the Accelerate framework with interactive demos. Explore using simd\u2014a valuable addition that effortlessly brings… link

Using Collections Effectively

Every app uses collections! Go beyond the basics with specific tips on how best to use indices, slices, bridging, laziness, and reference types. Gain better understanding of when to use each collection for best performance. link

Using Grouped Notifications

Grouping the notifications your app sends helps people get more information at a glance and manage multiple notifications at once. Learn how to implement Grouped Notifications in your app. link

Vision with Core ML

Using Core ML models in Vision makes the creation of powerful Computer Vision applications easy. Learn how easy it is to use custom trained classifiers and object recognition models in a live camera capture. In addition, you’ll learn about the latest additions to the Vision Framework along with a… link

VoiceOver: App Testing Beyond The Visuals

VoiceOver provides spoken descriptions and braille output of onscreen elements. Learn how to go beyond the visuals to identify VoiceOver and functional issues to help improve the experience for all users. link

WWDC 2018 Keynote

WWDC 2018 Keynote link

Wallet and Apple Pay: Creating Great Customer Experiences

Get the latest news and updates from the Wallet and Apple Pay team. Learn how iPhone and Apple Watch can power innovative commerce experiences. Hear about the latest design best practices for Apple Pay. And discover how to create your own contactless passes for rewards cards, gift cards, tickets… link

What’s New in App Store Connect

App Store Connect is constantly evolving to improve the experience of managing and deploying your app on App Store. Learn about the new App Store Connect API for managing frequently modified data such as users and groups, see the latest updates to Sales Trends and Analytics reporting, and… link

What’s New in Cocoa Touch

iOS 12 enhances the Cocoa Touch frameworks to improve app performance and deliver exciting new features. Learn about performance best practices, security improvements, tools for supporting multiple screen sizes and shapes, new APIs for iMessage apps, Siri Shortcuts, and Swift refinements. Find… link

What’s New in Cocoa for macOS

Gain insights into the latest in Cocoa frameworks for macOS. Hear about Dark Mode, control tinting, contextual workflows for Touch Bar and Finder, and other improvements in AppKit, Foundation, and related areas. Get an overview and guide to the sessions that we have this year covering… link

What’s New in LLVM

The LLVM suite of compiler tools in Xcode 10 have new language features, improved diagnostics, and more powerful optimizations. Find out about improvements to ARC for Objective-C, keep up with the newest additions to C++, get an overview of new and improved diagnostics and static analyzer checks,… link

What’s New in Managing Apple Devices

Learn about new management capabilities for iOS, macOS, and tvOS, tool evolution over the past year, and important changes coming this fall. You’ll discover how new MDM features help administrators manage devices more effectively, how educators can enhance the classroom learning environment, and… link

What’s New in Search Ads

Search Ads is a great way to help people discover your app in App Store search results. Learn how new market expansion will give you greater opportunities to reach high quality customers. See how Search Ads Advanced new creative variations will help make your app promotion even more effective. link

What’s New in Swift

Hear about the latest advancements in Swift, the safe, fast, and expressive language. Find out about improvements to build times, code size, and runtime performance. Learn how to take advantage of new features in your code that eliminate boilerplate, increase safety and security, and improve your… link

What’s New in TVMLKit

With TVMLKit you can quickly and easily develop tvOS apps that deliver intuitive and engaging media experiences. Learn about enhancements to data binding that allow you to separate your application logic and user interface, and new features and functions to customize the media playback experience. link

What’s New in Testing

Hear about exciting improvements to code coverage, including how you can build your own automation on top of Xcode’s coverage reports. Learn how to dramatically speed up the execution of your tests by leveraging distributed parallel testing, new in Xcode 10. link

What’s New in tvOS 12

Apps on tvOS entertain, inform, and inspire with their content and interactive experiences. tvOS 12 brings new technologies that help make these experiences even more enjoyable and engaging. Get an introduction to focus engine support for non-UIKit apps, new UI elements, and Password AutoFill… link

What’s New in watchOS

watchOS 5 makes creating great experiences on Apple Watch easier than ever before. Learn about robust capabilities to create rich and interactive notifications, a new background mode and controls for audio playback, shortcuts that bring your apps to the Siri watch face, and more. See what’s new… link

What\u2019s New in ARKit 2

ARKit 2 makes it easy to develop vivid augmented reality experiences and enable apps to interact with the real world in entirely new ways. Discover how multiple iOS devices can simultaneously view an AR scene or play multiplayer AR games. Learn about new capabilities for tracking 2D images, and… link

What\u2019s New in Core ML, Part 1

Introduced just one year ago, Core ML has already revolutionized the way apps can benefit from machine learning, by enabling fast and private on device machine learning features for your app. Find out how new Core ML features let you reduce the size of models, make them more flexible, and… link

What\u2019s New in Core ML, Part 2

The Core ML tools ecosystem gives you many options for building and optimizing models to meet your app requirements. Learn how to add flexibility to existing models, quantize them, and take advantage of Core ML’s support for customization. link

What\u2019s New in Energy Debugging

People expect long battery life on their mobile devices, and apps play a vital role in achieving that experience. Understand how app behavior affects battery consumption, and learn strategies to conserve energy while providing the best experience for your app. Find out how Xcode Energy Reports… link

What\u2019s New in Safari and WebKit

Safari and WebKit are continually evolving with new features, APIs, and cutting edge web standards. Learn about this year’s biggest feature highlights, designed to help you create richer experiences with better performance and security \u2014 whether you are developing content for a browser or… link

What\u2019s New in User Notifications

Local and push notifications enable your app to keep users informed with timely and relevant content, by displaying messages and accepting users’ actions, or playing distinctive sounds, or updating the badge on your app icon. Improvements to rich notifications help you create more engaging… link

Your Apps and the Future of macOS Security

Apple is on a mission to advance the state of Mac security, and we want your apps to be there with us. Learn about new protections for user data, new capabilities with Developer ID, and how you can best secure your apps. link

iOS Memory Deep Dive

Discover how memory graphs can be used to get a close up look at what is contributing to an app’s memory footprint. Understand the true memory cost of an image. Learn some tips and tricks for reducing the memory footprint of an app. link

