iOS Swift Newbie Gotcha Reminders #4 — Rejection from appstore due to iOS App Icons Resolution / Sizes

iOS Newbies
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


This is a series of of multiple XCode / Swift / iOS Programming Gotchas to remind myself and hopefully relieve the stresses of many other beginner programmers whom are struggling with developing iOS apps via XCode.

Learning is a process of making many mistakes.

4. Rejection from appstore due to iOS App Icons Resolution / Sizes

Apples requires different resolution for different devices and apps

Creating app icons for different screen resolutions can be a pain, but there are solutions out there to help make our lives less stressful.

One problem you may run into is when you submit your app for approval for the first time to “Testflight” is that it will get rejected without proper app icons within the Assets.xcassets. Apple will reject your app and ask for you to resubmit your bundle until you have proper app icons set up and resolutions/size.

Solution 1: Online/Web-based Resizing Generators

Resizing icon generators take your high resolution icons and format them into proper assets for your iOS app. It helps in creating and also labeling all necessary App Icons.

The following are a list of app icon generator helpers to make generating icon assets a little bit easier.

Essentially you just have to upload your high resolution image to the website and it will spit back out a .zip folder of all your assets resized at correct resolutions.

Once you have your generated images you may place them in your Assets folder of your app.

Solution 2: Offline Resizing Generators

Prepo is is great if you don’t have a great internet access. It’s always to nice to have a handy backup, but a problem that I ran into before was it doesn’t always generate the most recent sets of icons needed based on Apple’s specs.


You may clap, share, and leave a comment below as to what your favorite way of dealing with this common issue with apple is. Would love to learn what you guys use or recommend as an alternative.


