iOS Swift Newbie Tips #8– pod repo update takes forever?

iOS Newbies


pod repo update

If you developed with cocoapods, then you may be familiar with the above command. And this one command alone can stall or take quite some time to run on your local environment. If you internet connection is sluggish, it will bog down your entire development life cycle.

Solution: Remove unnecessary local pod repos before you run `pod repo update`

Step 1: Find local pod repos

Run the following command:

pod repo list

The command will list how many local repos you have currently in your environment for cocoapods to check against each new versions whenever you run pod install against our Podfile.

When you run pod repo update , you are pulling all the latest changes on the master branch for each repo and this will take a while if you have more than one repo listed here.

Step 2: Remove unnecessary repos

Get rid of repos that you know for sure you don’t need is a great way to help speed up installing pods and updating the repo for your future projects.

In our case we just need to trust `cocoapods master repo`. So we will remove by them with the following commands. It may be different in your case, so definitely check with your development team.

pod repo remove appodeal
pod repo remove artsy

Step 3: Check local pod repos

Run pod repo list

Step 4: Run update

Run pod repo update again and you should see that it run much faster!

This is a series of of multiple XCode / Swift / iOS Programming Gotchas to remind myself and hopefully relieve the stresses of many other beginner programmers whom are struggling with developing iOS apps via XCode.

