Apple store in nyc — 5th avenue. | TAken by will harrison

Course Introduction

The prerequisites for creation


First off, how about I introduce myself. My name is William Harrison, I’m 18 years of age and I’m a student at the University of Texas at Austin, where I study computer science and economics. My passion for code, my obsession with Apple and my desire to share my knowledge of iPhone development have morphed together to form this collection of lessons that I hope will aid many enthusiastic learners in their quests to append the greatness of technology.

Technological development is a medium through which to create, share and explore one’s greatest ideas. Unfortunately, iOS development has a very steep learning curve, a fact that has undoubtedly prevented scores of breakthrough ideas from becoming tangible applications. However, with this course, you will learn the essentials to start making your own iPhone applications, thus enabling you to turn those great ideas into applications for the masses. Once you get the ball rolling, the possibilities are endless.

This course will focus on developing iPhone applications that encapsulate most of the fundamental libraries and systems provided by Apple. You do not need a developer account for the majority of this course, but it definitely helps to have one. It costs $99 annually, a fee you pay in order to test applications on your iPhone, access developer forums and documentation, enable and use features such as Push Notification, Game Center and more and of course, publish apps to Apple’s famous App Store.To register as a developer, click here.

Below are some additional prerequisites for this course:

  • A basic knowledge of the C and/or C++ programming language(s). You don’t need to be a master, but knowing the fundamentals is a necessity.
  • Development takes time. You’ll need a lot of it.
  • If you don’t already have it, download version 5 of Xcode here (it’s free).
  • Expanding on the previous, you’ll need a Mac. Sorry, Windows users, but this course requires a Mac environment. If you’re on Windows and dead set on developing the latest and greatest iPhone app, check this website for a list of alternatives.
  • Finally, you’ll need dedication. As aforementioned, iPhone development can be hard to learn. It’s very easy to get helplessly lost in limitless seas of code, and there will be times were you will feel hopeless, but success comes only with diligence. There have been many times that I’m so frustrated by my app crashing that I want to throw my computer out my dorm room window, but for the sake of my passion (and the safety of passers-by 14 stories below), I must strive on. Believe me, the gratification you feel when something you write works perfectly heavily outweighs the frustration caused by a few crashes. Stick to it, and you’ll exceed your own expectations.

I will try to use the same syntax and diction throughout the course. Important terminology will be emboldened and followed by definitions. Links and shortcuts will be underlined. Disclaimers will be italicized. Tips and hints will appear as comments.

Unlike other development tutorials and courses, I will not give readers the ability to copy my code. Like any process of language learning, practice and repetition is crucial. If you just copy and paste my code, you will learn the bare minimum. However, by typing out your own code, even if by copying my snippets word for word, your fingers are active and thus your brain is learning.

I hope you will enjoy the posts to come. Moreover, I hope you remain diligent in your study of iOS development. If you’re truly dedicated to learning what I’m teaching, you will meet success—a byproduct of which being undoubtedly fantastic iPhone applications. See you next time, and code on.

Copyright 2013 William Harrison Development. All Rights Reserved.

