How to run your iPhone test on AWS Device Farm

Olivier Destrebecq
iOS App Development


Amazon introduced AWS Device Farm some time ago and later on added iOS support. This service is great if you need to test on a specific device, but don’t have one handy as you can remotely test your app.

The other huge benefit is that you can run your automated tests on real devices with a mix of OS version. Unfortunately, this entails a fairly complex process, so here is a walkthrough.

What you’ll need

- xCode 8

- a project you want to play with


If you are creating your project from scratch for this, make sure that you select a team when you create the project. This will ensure that all the code signing works correctly. Also, check the “Include UI Tests” check box.

Remember to set the team and to select to “Include UI Tests”


If you were not creating the project from scratch, you’ll need to create a target to contain your UI tests. Else skip this section.

