VIPER Introduction — iOS

iOS World
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2023
Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

VIPER is an acronym for View, Interactor, Presenter, Entity, and Routing. It is an architectural pattern that aims to separate the logic of an application into distinct components and to provide a more clear and maintainable structure for large iOS applications.

  • View: The View is responsible for displaying the data to the user and handling user input. It is usually implemented using classes such as UIView or UIViewController in iOS.
  • Interactor: The Interactor is responsible for handling the business logic of the application. It communicates with the Presenter to receive user interactions and with the Entity to retrieve or update data.
  • Presenter: The Presenter acts as an intermediary between the View and the Interactor. It is responsible for handling the presentation logic, formatting data for display, and updating the View with new data.
  • Entity: The Entity represents the data model of the application. It is responsible for storing and manipulating the data, and it is typically implemented using classes or structs.
  • Routing: The Routing component is responsible for handling the navigation between different screens of the application. It communicates with the Presenter to determine which screen to navigate to and how to present it.

VIPER pattern is designed to improve the organization and maintainability of the code by separating the concerns of the application and allowing for better separation of concerns. This pattern is widely used in iOS development for building large, complex and scalable apps.

It’s important to note that the VIPER pattern can be more complex than other architecture patterns, and it may not be suitable for small or simple applications.


  • Better separation of concerns: VIPER separates the logic of an application into distinct components and provides a more clear and maintainable structure for large iOS applications.
  • Improved testability: Because the Interactor and Presenter are separated, it makes it easier to test the business logic without the need for a user interface.
  • Reusability: The Interactor and Presenter can be reused across multiple views, making it easier to manage common functionality.
  • Single Responsibility Principle: Each component has a single responsibility and is less likely to change when another component changes.


  • Increased complexity: Because VIPER introduces more components than other architectural patterns, the overall architecture of the application becomes more complex.
  • Increased boilerplate code: VIPER requires more code than other patterns, which can make the development process more time-consuming.
  • Learning curve: Developers need to learn and understand the VIPER pattern before they can effectively use it.
  • Overhead of communication between components: Since components are separated, there is an overhead of communication between them and this can lead to more complex code.

