Announcing IOSG&Chainlink Layer2 Hackathon Ecological Bounties

IOSG Ventures
Published in
8 min readSep 1, 2021

Following the success of the Layer2 Global Hackathon organized by IOSG Ventures and Chainlink in Shanghai in early August, some of the overseas bounty providers also selected their ecological bounty winners. Till today, IOSG Ventures, Chainlink, Polygon, Aurora, The Graph, Synthetix, and MCDEX have each confirmed their specific winning teams and awarded a total of $75,500, which made the total amount of award of this event reach $141,500!

Congratulations to the winners! 🎉 🎉 🎉

First of all, it is worth mentioning that IOSG Kickstarter, as one of the bounty providers, has supported a $50,000 ecological prize for this hackathon. After a long-term discussion, the Kickstarter committee finally decided to award the prize to Treasury Research, a decentralized quantitative trading platform based on on-chain data aggregation and trusted computing design. Congrats to Treasury Research! Hope to see their further progress and more innovations alongside. Check here for more information about Kickstarter; any early-stage projects or teams are welcome to apply for the support!

More of the ecological bounty 👇👇

A glimpse of the Ecological Bounties

Chainlink ($8,000 in total)

🔥 Winning Team: Objk($2,000)

The middleware product developed by the Objk team to process on-chain data in a trustless data pipeline makes it possible to perform and profit from advanced data science processing of on-chain data.

When pitching the idea of the project, the team mentioned that Synthetix is currently the leader in the synthetic derivatives space, with many advantages such as no counterparty and slippage-free trading. Still, Synthetix has faced the problem of debt pool hedging from the beginning. Users may be exposed to the systematic risk of debt pool volatility whenever their positions are not aligned with the current debt pool ratio. To hedge this risk, you need to rebalance your position based on the debt pool ratio data. Objk’s team has got down to trustless processing of on-chain data based on Chainlink’s prophecy machine network and finally re-uploaded this data to allow Synthetix to make a built-in debt pool balancing tool. It’s expected that Synthetix’s TVL will increase by more than 30%. And before that, the Objk team will also provide a tool that allows users to rebalance their debts manually.

🔥 Winning Team: ACY($1,500)

The ACY team developed AcySwap, decentralized exchange with an automated market maker for lightning arbitrage, allowing users to protect themselves from losses front-run better. AcySwap is AMM DEX deployed on Polygon and provides price feeds in the contract to provide a layer of oracle to guard the security of the user’s assets.

🔥 Winning Team: FluidDAO($1,500)

The FluidDAO team’s prize money is used to reward them for their solutions to DAO’s problems, such as lack of oversight of projects after sponsorship and the use and security of funds after fundraising. FluidDAO uses Chainlink price feeds to evaluate the strategy of “Grant and Vote.”

🔥 Winning Team: BoboSwap($1,500)

The BoboSwap team developed an AMM-based aggregated order book trading system that aggregates trades from multiple AMM systems on Polygon, including SushiSwap and QuickSwap. Chainlink’s Price Feeds are used in BoboSwap to terminate trades when the price of the trading pool and Chainlink’s oracle quotes exceed a certain threshold (e.g. 10%).

🔥 Winning Team: Metaficate($1,500)

The Metaficate team builds an on-chain metaverse certificate NFT system. In the real world, some centralized institutions issue certificates for people to prove their remarkable achievements. For example, university diplomas in China are verified by universities and the Ministry of Education, and there are official websites that provide verification services. These certificates symbolize a person’s achievements and facilitate others to understand this information more easily. In the Web 3 world made up of the entire ethereum ecosystem and other public chains, Metaficate combines some incredible innovations and interacts with each other. It generates self-certifying NFTs as a decentralized visual credential with the entire process and NFT Metadata all on the chain as much as possible. Metaficate uses Chainlink arbitrary API calls to bring real-world data securely and trustworthily to the chain and generate NFTs.

Chainlink bounty winner announcement:

Polygon ($3,000 in total)

🔥 Best DeFi project: ACY ($750)

The ACY team developed AcySwap, a decentralized exchange with an automated market maker for lightning arbitrage, allowing users to protect themselves from losses from frontrun better. AcySwap is AMM DEX deployed on Polygon and provides price feeds in the contract to provide a layer of oracle to guard the security of the user’s assets.

🔥 Best NFT project: DeDrops ($750)

DeDrops is a platform for airdrops based on historical data from the user’s chain. DeDrops can cast NFT and initiate airdrops, and their NFT can take a snapshot of the address’s on-chain historical transactions to help screen target airdrop addresses. The NFT, created by DeDrops, is a user identity symbol that allows the originator of an airdrop to effectively screen target users. As more and more NFT is thrown, the user portrait becomes more and more accurate. In the future, tokens can be dropped to target groups more accurately, improving the efficiency of the Token airdrop and increasing the value of NFT.

🔥 Open Track, winning team: dTipbot ($1,500)

A red envelope telegram bot based on Aurora、Polygon、Arbitrum, and powered by ChainLink. dTipBot can help with community management and airdrop to newcomers. dTipBot supports sending the single transfer, multi red envelopes in group chat, deposit & withdraw, Check balance and token price.

Aurora ($2,500 in total)

🔥 Winning Team: IFTip Bot ($1,000)

IFTip Bot creates an HD wallet by creating random mnemonic words for each user. We integrate Aurora’s wallet and contract interaction in IFTip Bot and supports actions on Aurora:

  • Run on Multi-Platform: Telegram & Discord & Wechat
  • Create wallet in shallow threshold (auto-create by interaction)
  • Tip friends with Aurora ETH & ERC20 Tokens (text command)
  • Airdrop red packets to group users
  • Query price of Near and other tokens

🔥 Winning Team: dTipBot ($1,500)

A red envelope telegram bot based on Aurora、Polygon、Arbitrum, and powered by ChainLink. dTipBot can help with community management and airdrop to newcomers. dTipBot supports sending singlethe transfer, multi red envelopes in group chat, deposit & withdraw, Check balance and token price.

Aurora & IFTip Bot & dTipBot

The Graph ($4,000 in total)

🔥 Winning Team: Treasury Research($2,000)

Treasury Research is a decentralized quant trading platform that allows professional quant traders to create advanced quant trading strategies through seamless on-chain and off-chain data access, trusted off-chain computing, and cross-chain trade execution. To solve the fundamental problems that restrict the implementation of quantitative trading strategy, such as the real-time acquisition of data and cross-chain aggregation of information.

Product highlights include:

  • Data accessibility and seamlessness: To allow quantitative traders to seamlessly access on-chain/off-chain common data factors, Treasury Research uses Graph to query on-chain data so that executable quantitative trader programs can be directly accessed from the zone. The blockchain queries new data. At the same time, TR uses Chainlink oracle to process various data queries and post-aggregation so that the entire data flow can be realized credibly.
  • Off-chain calculations-Funding research uses Chainlink oracle as a trading strategy executable environment to integrate different line data and signals, perform executable calculations, and finally execute them on the trading platform MCDEX.
  • Cross-chain pluggability-With the help of MCDEX’s Mai protocol, the team can easily, instantly and securely implement the quants execution strategy on the chain, which also benefits from the high performance and low cost of Arbitrum.

🔥 Winning Team: Mobius Finance($2,000)

Mobius protocol is a decentralized trading platform that can create and trade any synthetic assets and off-chain assets, supported by the team’s risk control algorithm. The Protocol provides low fees, high transaction speed, and unlimited liquidity.

Product direction:

The next generation of multi-collateralized synthetic assets on the Layer2 (Polygon) supported by Chainlink oracles and The Graph

The Graph Special Bounty Announcement:

Synthetix ($2,000 in total)

🔥 Winning Team: Hertz Finance ($2,000)

A multichain One-Stop Defi Asset Management platform, aiming at enabling everyone to open their hedge fund in a decentralized fashion. Platform features:

  • Synthetic assets management
  • Sushi100, uni100, pancake100 tokens integration
  • Aave, compound, barn bridge yield integration
  • Hertz Top Index, which incorporates 10 best vaults in our platform
  • Social during investment ( Lottery, IDO, social board)
  • Governance

MCDEX ($6,000 in total)

🔥 Winning Team: Treasury Research

A decentralized quantitative trading platform designed based on on-chain data aggregation and trusted computation. They have aggregated the Uniswap data from multiple chains (L1 and Optimism) into usable quantifiers via The Graph. At the same time, the trading strategies are implemented into the off-chain computation module of the Chainlink oracle, and finally, the final transaction is completed via MCDEX on Arbitrum.

MCDEX & Treasury Research

A total of 109 valid registrations (including team registrations) were made for this hackathon, with thematic development competitions based on different Layer2 technology platforms. A total of 17 projects finally made it to the demo competition. We invited more than 10 top-tier industry leaders and experts to judge via various dimensions, professionalism, as well as more open and fair evaluation. After the thrilling demos and heated discussions, a total of 9 teams “hunted the treasures” from the main prize pool. Congratulations to all the winning teams below:

Source:Layer2 Hackathon 圆满结束 | 我们的征途,是星辰大海!

We would love to extend the sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the supports and dedication provided by our event participants, sponsors(Matter Labs, Aztec, Aurora, The Graph, Arbitrum, Polygon, DODO, Synthetix, MCDEX, Celer Network, Perpetual Protocol, Conflux, Tokamak Network), mentors, judges and all the audiences. Your passion, hard work and efforts in making this hackathon the biggest L2 festival this summer have completed many touching stories and made it a perfect ending. Although it has been through a couple of weeks, the memories of getting along with each of you during the event are still fresh in our minds. We believe that this is not the end of the road, and all we can do is carry our best wishes to each other and continue to move forward in the starry sea of the crypto world.



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