IOSG 8th Old Friend Reunion is Coming | Scaling Summit & Metaverse Carnival

IOSG Ventures
Published in
6 min readNov 9, 2021

On December 18–19th, IOSG 8th Old Friends Reunion will spotlight to reunite friends again. Following the success of our 7th Old Friends Reunion-DeFi Summit 2020, we will bring together renowned blockchain developers, investors, and community enthusiasts from home and abroad to share their ideas and opinions. Enlightening like stars and shining like diamonds, each of us will be the brightest star to create brilliant achievements for the industry together!

✨ Day 1 — Scaling Summit

It has been difficult to scale the blockchain to a global level whether for Bitcoin or Ethereum. With more transactions on the chain, users face endless waiting and high transaction fees. Although highly anticipated as the primary infrastructure for global open-source applications, Ethereum’s limited block space can no longer meet people’s needs at this stage. As Vitalik says, “layer2 is the future of Ethereum scaling,” the high transaction costs and unsatisfactory user experience have made people realize that the network needs to scale.

We can build a truly decentralized and scalable network that can compete with the traditional Internet to answer the question. We have seen some solutions such as State channels, Sidechains, Plasma, Optimistic Rollups and zk-Rollups, which have their own trade-offs and advantages in terms of security, decentralization, throughput, and flexibility. Nevertheless, there is still some way to go.

IOSG Ventures has always believed in the positive cycle of the “technology-capital” paradigm that started with infrastructure and technological revolution. Our investment strategy is always the same, which is the perseverance to invest in long-termism and value. Namely, based on the macroscope of the industry, we always pursue a thesis of a research-based and technology-and-innovation-driven investment. Besides, we have joined some scaling projects like Aztec, Arbitrum, Celer and Aurora. We also prioritize and believe in the potential of each scaling solution. Therefore, at the Scaling Summit, we hope to gather well-known blockchain developers, investors, and community enthusiasts at home and abroad to sparkle with insights!

  • Introduction

At the forthcoming event, together with imToken, StarkWare and Arbitrum as co-hosts, we at IOSG will hold the 8th Old Friends Reunion on December 18–19th in Shanghai 1933 Old Millfun. Activity sharing includes but is not limited to Rollups, EVM, Laye2 Dapps, cross-chain, MEV, etc. There will also be outstanding projects, such as MatterLabs, Optimism, Aurora, Aztec, Polygon, Celer, Hop Protocol, xDai, the Graph, Synthetix and etc, to share the prospects for the scaling solutions. We are pleased to have invited many industrial heavy hitters and experts to be our guest speakers, they are Alex Gluchowski@MatterLabs, Steven Goldfeder@Arbitrum, Alex Shevchenko@Aurora, Arjun Bhuptani@Connext, Chang-Wu Chen@imToken, Chris Winfrey@Hop Protocol, Deniz Omer@Ethereum Central, Dong Mo@Celer, Igor Barinov@xDai, Kain Warwick@Synthetix, Philipp Zentner@Li.Finance, Robert Lauko@Liquity, Sandeep Nailwal@Polygon, Vaibhav Chellani@Movr Network, Yaoqi Jia@Polkadot. We believe it would be the best platform to share opinions with all participants through the exchange of ideas!

✨ Day 2 — Metaverse Carnival

Besides the Day 1 Scaling Summit which gives the solid tech sharing and the scaling future of blockchain, Day 2 IOSG and M7e are co-hosting to provide a characteristic Metaverse Carnival, which will bring together crypto-native art, sports, collectibles, Game-Fi, Social-Fi and virtual worlds. Moreover, M7e will invite founders and investors, projects and teams from various fields such as gaming, social, entertainment, infrastructure, etc. from the Web 2.0 world who wish to enter Web 3.0, to review how NFT and Metaverse sweep technology, application, community, culture, economy, and society in this year through keynote speeches, fireside chats, roundtable discussions, and showcase experiences, and let 2021 go down in history as the first year of Metaverse.

Topics to be covered include but are not limited to:

Hats off to those who set off NFT & Metaverse;

1000 Metaverse in 1000 Eyes; What happened to those expensive JPGs? Why do people go gold rush in avatar? What drove JPGs to TXTs? Play to Earn or Earn to Play? What will we have in virtual worlds? How NFT + DAO empower Metaverse?

The metaverse is mysterious and all-encompassing. Whether NFT, Game-Fi or Web3.0, we can find the corresponding application scenarios in the metaverse. Hence metaverse will probably be one of the tracks with the broadest range of audience. We’re hoping to connect with more like-minded enthusiasts who share the same beliefs in the industry. No matter scaling or metaverse, we’re looking forward to bringing new flavors to the ecosystem and making more friends who hold expectations and interests in the industry. Finally, we’re aiming to create the stage bringing more talent, to integrate resources through our IOSG Old Friends Reunion series events.

☎️ ️At the End

Go to Eventbrite to get your event ticket

Although Goethe reverently referred to history as “God’s magical workshop”, most of them are obscure in history, while proud and memorable moments are rare. Perhaps the pioneers will outperform others in the blockchain industry and make a difference in the future, or they may be defeated and leave sad stories to be told. Whatever happens, IOSG will always weather the ups and downs and contribute to the industry to be more advanced. So without further ado, let us witness the shining moment on December 18–19th, in Shanghai 1933 Old Millfun!

🏫 About Us

IOSG Ventures

IOSG Ventures, founded in 2017, is a community-friendly and research-driven early-stage venture firm. We focus on open finance, Web 3.0 and infrastructure for a decentralized economy. As a developer-friendly fund with long-term values, we launch the Kickstarter Program, which offers innovative and courageous developers capital and resources. Since we consistently cooperate with our partners and connect with communities, we work closely with our portfolio projects throughout their journey of entrepreneurship.


StarkWare develops STARK-based solutions for massively scaling the blockchain industry. Our solutions enable a secure and trustless operation of blockchain applications. STARK validity proofs ensure an Ethereum-secure, fast finality time and seamless user experience. Our solutions support a range of data availability modes. StarkNet: A permissionless decentralized Validity-Rollup.Any developer can deploy any dApp, using smart contracts, and achieve unlimited scale; StarkEx: A standalone customizable rollup SaaS. dApps can build on the StarkEx service, which supports a range of use cases out of the box: NFT minting & trading, derivative trading, AMM, spot trading, payments, and DeFi Pooling. It currently scales dYdX (derivative trading), Sorare and Immutable (NFT minting and trading), and DeversiFi (spot trading & payments)


imToken is a decentralized digital wallet used to manage and safeguard a wide range of blockchain- and token-based assets, identities, and data. Since its founding in 2016, it has helped its users transact and exchange billions of dollars in value across more than 150 countries around the world. imToken allows its users to manage assets on 12 mainstream blockchains and all EVM chains, it also supports decentralized token exchange and open DApp browser.


Arbitrum is a leading Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution developed by OffchainLabs. Based on the Optimistic Rollup scheme, Arbitrum enables ultrafast, low-cost transactions without sacrificing the security of the Ethereum ecosystem. Launched on August 31st, 2021, Arbitrum has attracted 100+ ecosystem projects. Arbitrum is currently EVM-compatible to the bytecode level. In the next upgrade, Arbitrum Nitro, Arbitrum will further increase developer experience by incorporating WASM support.


M7e aims to build a community of entrepreneurs, investors and early users who believe in and devote themselves to metaverse. It is promoting the early completion and implementation of the metaverse supported by NFT through media, activities, community, investment and ecological incubation.

🔍 Previous Event Recap

IOSG 7th Old Friends Reunion|DeFi Summit 2020

IOSG 6th Old Friends Reunion|Layer 1 Camp 2019



IOSG Ventures

Community & Thesis Driven Investing iosg.eth