Write for iOSnesia

Guide to contribute writing for iOSnesia publication

Firda Sahidi
2 min readMar 15, 2020


Photo by Christina on Unsplash

Halo! We were very excited to welcome you as a writer of iOSnesia. However, to make this publication more professional, there are few guidelines that must be followed for writing your stories.

Who Can Contribute?

iOSnesia is only accepting stories from Indonesian writers. However, if you are foreigners that have experience of working in Indonesian companies, you are also welcome to share your experiences stories to iOSnesia.


iOSnesia is only accepted iOS development related stories. Here are some topics that will be relevant to iOSnesia publishings:

  • Tutorials of how to make something, do something. For example: How to Make iOS Apps Without Storyboard.
  • Non-programming materials but related to iOS development. It could be UI/UX on iOS, testing on iOS, preparing interview for iOS developer job, and so on.
  • Some tips and tricks for iOS development area, either it hard-skills, or soft-skills. For example: How to Lead iOS team.
  • Your personal experience about working in iOS development area. Again, this not only dedicated for iOS developers. It could be for automation engineers that have experience on iOS automation, and so on.


iOSnesia is a publication that dedicated to Indonesian writers and readers. So, for language, you may use either English or Indonesian, with the following guidelines.

  • You might use common Indonesian slang in here (as long as it’s not a bad word), for example “lu”, “gue”, “wkwk”, etc.
  • If you’re writing in English, please use Grammarly before submitting. It will help to fix your grammars and typos.
  • Avoid using Indonesia local languages like Jawa, Sunda, Batak, and another local languages.
  • Also avoid using Indonesian abbreviation like “yg”, “klo”, or “msl”.
  • The most important: avoid SARA and pornography, even it’s for the jokes.

Story Style Guide

Before submitting your stories to us, please make sure your stories passed this guideline below:

  • Your article should have Title, Subtitle, and Cover Photo.
  • For cover photo, it’s recommended to use Unsplash or Freepik, unless you have your own cover photo. Don’t forget to include your photo sources. Example: Photo by Christina on Unsplash / Foto oleh Christina di Unsplash
  • Please don’t sell anything, asked to follow your profile, asked to join your newsletter, and so on.
  • For code-line, please use gists or block-line like shown in here.

How to Submit?

Please email us your story drafts or story links (it’s recommended to share stories that haven’t published yet) to helloiosnesia@gmail.com. We will notify you as soon as possible (maximum 7 days) whether your stories eligible to be posted on iOSnesia or not.

Thank you for reading! We are looking forward for your submission.



Firda Sahidi

Indonesian iOS Developer with 6+ years of professional experiences. Recent MSc Fintech Graduate from University of Edinburgh. Check out my list below!