Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2020

The month of may has come and gone with the iost project taking part in numerous activities to further its presence in the space, it has been an exciting month and some of the events that took place within the month is as follows

The month kicked off with an Ama session that was hosted on okex telegram channel, iost co founder and CTO Terry provided answers to questions from the community, it was a very interactive session.

Decentralized social platform Uptrennd gave out an exclusive airdrop to iost community members.

Iost nodes showcased some of the the things they have achieved in various categories.

A detailed write up was released about non fungible tokens (NFT) to futher educate the community.

The iost team continued to interact with the community, bringing them up to speed on the developments in the platform, the team hosted an interactive Ama session on the iost English, Russian and korean telegram groups.

Iost co founder, Terry was also featured in the podcast by jeff the co founder of Uptrennd, Terry shared insights about the iost project.

Ask me anything series continued, the next was on the Russisa binance telegram group which was organised by partner node IostBest.

In a continued effort to make the iost user friendly, the team released the most comprehensive Iost wallet guide co-written by iost and tokenpocket.

Iost.Africa which is a partner node started a series of education using graphics to represent important facts in the iost platform.

It was an exciting time when the team organised a quick quiz and gave out ios tokens to the community.

It was a good news when the team announced that it has secured partnership with ankr network to enable easy, accessible and affordable node hosting solutions.

The team also collaborated with Uptrennd to host article writing contest for the community.

Sonata which is an iost partner node also started a free account creation service.

iostwatch which is a partner node also held an interview with Ankrs CMO

It has been an exciting month,the coming months promises to be even more exciting as the iost team, iost nodes and iost community continues to work hard in a continued effort to be the top. more partnerships and activities are incoming





i am a Firm believer in blockchain technology and trust-less solutions. join the revolution and contact me for collaborative effort