Become an IOST European Ambassador

Aaron Cunningham
3 min readAug 20, 2018


IOST is an enterprise-grade blockchain platform for online service providers. The team is led by a group of repeat founders determined to lay the foundation for an ultra fast blockchain that meets the security and scalability needs of the emerging decentralized economy.

The team is presently spread across Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, Berlin, San Francisco and Singapore. The product and engineering teams are based out of Beijing and comprised of over 20 engineers hailing from top universities including Princeton, Brown, and Tsinghua.

We are seeking Community Ambassadors to work with the IOST marketing and growth teams. Your role is to spread your enthusiasm for blockchain technology and build a community around IOST in your city, university or online social circles.

We are looking for people who:

  • Envision themselves being leaders in their blockchain communities
  • Want to create a community where they can discuss and share their ideas about blockchain with like-minded individuals
  • Have a passion to learn more about blockchain technology from a technical, economic or social perspective
  • Have a thirst to gain real-world experience in the blockchain industry

Why get involved?

  • Engage directly with the IOST team, including other IOST ambassadors
  • Recurring training and education on blockchain topics
  • Receive exclusive project and partnership updates about IOST
  • Represent IOST, as a part of our team, to your local community
  • Receive swag and be rewarded for your efforts!

If you want to join our team and build a community around IOST, we are looking for people around the following roles:

Local Community Ambassador

The local community ambassador will be anyone that wishes to engage their local community with IOST. They will act as a liaison between IOST and any local community. IOST will fund this community ambassador with any set up costs including merchandise/swag and food/beverages to host local community events. The community events can be concentrated on IOST related tech, trading, or other blockchain related topics.

The ideal candidate:

  • Is passionate about blockchain technology
  • Has displayed leadership and self-initiating qualities in previous professional and or academic roles
  • Has displayed organizational skills or has previously hosted events with a large-scale audience

University Ambassador

The university ambassador will be any university student that is passionate about blockchain technology and IOST’s mission. The university ambassador will be concerned with informing their university community about the IOST project and mission. This can be done through regular university meetups or events, and the university ambassador will be given merchandise to distribute to their community.

Additionally, the university ambassador will have a potential business development or marketing summer internship opportunity with IOST.

The ideal candidate:

  • Is passionate and engaged with blockchain technology
  • Has displayed previous leadership qualities
  • Is currently enrolled in either a bachelor’s or a master’s program

Online Community Ambassador

The online community ambassador is an existing moderator of any social media or community channel that is interested in engaging their community with IOST. They will act as a community liaison between IOST and their online community. IOST will partner with the online community ambassador to ideate online community engagement events and provide merchandise/swag/prizes.

The ideal candidate:

  • Is a moderator or administrator of an existing online blockchain community
  • Is actively following developments in any existing blockchain community
  • Is passionate about different blockchain projects and knowledgeable of problems surrounding the scalability of the blockchain
  • Has displayed leadership and self-initiating qualities in previous professional roles

Thanks for your interest in becoming an IOST Ambassador!

We are looking for all kinds of people with different backgrounds and experience. If you feel like you fit into more than one ambassador role, feel free to apply to more than one position.

Similarly, if you have an idea on how to build a community around IOST that doesn’t fit one of our ambassador roles, please let us know. We are always looking for fresh ideas and talented people to join our team.

To apply for the roles fill out this form. If you have any further questions please email us.

