Community Interview with IOST Candidate Node: DDEX Decentralized Exchange

IOST Foundation
Published in
5 min readDec 27, 2018

The Chinese IOST community group -“IOST Fans”- had the opportunity to have an exclusive interview with Wang Bowen, co-founder of DDEX , one of the first confirmed IOST node candidates. IOST Fans was keen to find out how DDEX will contribute to the IOST community and their plans for the future!

Node Profile: DDEX Decentralized Exchange

One of the largest decentralized exchanges on the Ethereum network, DDEX accounts for 25% of the total decentralized transactions on the network.

According to news of their future plans, DDEX will create a dedicated decentralized exchange on the IOST network, providing a trading platform for IOST Token pairings.

Node introduction

DDEX is the first decentralized exchange based on the Hydro protocol technology, providing users with a quality trading experience through a real-time chain-linking mechanism and a secure chain-based settlement mechanism.

The team members of DDEX are also tech veterans coming from well-known Internet giants such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Palantir with strong technical and development experience. Because of their technical team and quality products, DDEX has impressed investors and secured funding from Zhenge Fund, YC Partners and Reddit Co-founders.

DDEX products are also very flexible, users can use DDEX on computers, mobile apps, or use the exchange in Cipher, Toshi, Trust, Dapp Browser and other decentralized browsers. DDEX provides users with the Hydro API for automated trading and market making solutions.

With such a strong team and excellent product, DDEX has become one of the most traded decentralized exchanges on Ethereum, accounting for 25% of the volume on the network.

We are extremely excited that DDEX has confirmed it is coming to the IOST ecosystem.

DDEX Interview

IOST Fans: Hello Mr. Wang, we all know that DDEX is a well-known decentralized exchange on Ethereum, and the transaction volume is very large. What is the reason for the DDEX team to join the IOST blockchain from Ethereum and participate in the node election?

DDEX co-founder Wang Bowen: In the first quarter of 2019, there will be more than 30+ public online mainnets. More than 10 public chain projects have inquired before.

We conduct comprehensive evaluation based on the virtual machine language, popularity, security level and progress of the main network. IOST is one of the most perfect developments we have seen in the public space.

DDEX wants to create a decentralized exchange for IOST

IOST Fans: Mr. Wang, there was news that DDEX was going to develop a decentralized exchange for IOST. Is this true?

Wang Bowen: Yes, DDEX, as the largest decentralized exchange in Ethereum, is constantly looking for opportunities for the next generation of public chains, and trading is a natural need for a token-based chain.

IOST is very popular, and DDEX will support high TPS chain decentralized exchanges on IOST.

IOST Fans: It seems that you are very confident about the performance of the IOST blockchain. So how do you think DDEX will play its advantage in the IOST node election and get more votes?

Wang Bowen: As the first decentralized exchange on IOST, DDEX will be the first to support IOST native tokens and will be the first Dapp used by IOST users.

Focus on voters: vote for DDEX with airdrop rewards

We all know that although EOS prohibits bribery, it cannot prevent this from happening. Unlike the “no bribery” written in the EOS rules, IOST allows nodes to redistribute their own rewards, which allows nodes to have more room to promote and more flexible operation.

IOST Fans: When you become a node, you will get a lot of benefits. Will DDEX give back a part to the voters?

Wang Bowen: Yes we will do it. DDEX will launch Angel Tokens to inspire early adopters and provide “Proof of transaction” to provide liquidity.

IOSTFans: Can you disclose more details?

Wang Bowen: The incentive plan will revolve around Angel Token, which will give the early Angel Token holder an airdrop in the future.

What do you want to say to long term IOST holders?

IOST Fans: Because the long term IOST holders account for about 50% of the total number of Tokens in the entire system, the votes of holders are also very important. What do you want to say to them?

Wang Bowen:We want to tell all IOST holders, “DDEX Accepts IOST token”, trade IOST Token, and then DDEX.

This is also suggesting that after the IOST version of the DDEX exchange is launched, we may soon see the IOST Mainnet Token being supported.

IOST Fans: In addition to IOST’s decentralized exchange, does DDEX have any other development plans?

Wang Bowen: After the election, the DDEX IOST version will be released according to the timetable, and will continue to work on lending and financial derivatives in the long run to provide a variety of services for the IOST ecosystem.

In addition, as an exchange, DDEX will cooperate with the IOST ecosystem token to reward the community. Airdrops, sweepstakes, etc. will be carried out.

IOST Fans Final Thoughts

How to measure whether a node loves or not loves a community depends on how much it contributes to that community. So far, we have seen DDEX has become a committed participant in the IOST ecosystem.

As a well-known decentralized exchange, it is awesome that DDEX is building a decentralized exchange for IOST. Soon, by the launch of IOST Mainnet, we will have a decentralized exchanges on IOST.

EOS took three months to appear on decentralized exchanges, and IOST is available NOW for decentralized exchange services. The technological progress forward is not the same as EOS.

Moreover, one of the most important parts of the ecosystem, decentralized exchanges, has already been confirmed. The rest is DApps, wallets, community growth etc. Now we just wait patiently for the ecoystem development. :)

This interview was conducted by the IOST community “IOST Fans” and has been translated from the original Chinese version.

How to become an IOST node?

Applications for IOST Candidate Nodes has already opened and voting will commence in mid January.

There is no limit on the number of Servi Nodes (block producers) on the IOST network and we encourage any and all interested parties to apply.

No technical knowledge or skills are required and is highly profitable for those that can effectively market the IOST network and themselves as candidates.

For Node application information see here.

To apply, visit here.

