Endless Dice Officially Online | Transaction Volumes Exceeded 700 Million IOST within First Day of Launch

IOST Foundation
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2019

IOST has always been committed to building a playable blockchain ecosystem, and many quality game teams will gradually bring a large variety of exciting DApps onto the IOST Mainnet for our users.

After meticulous preparation by the IOST development team, the first IOST blockchain game — Endless Dice has officially launched, and total transaction volumes have broken 700M IOST on its very first day. Everybody wins at Endless Game!

Top Three Ranking Dapp Within 24 Hours of Launch

Currently, Endless Game ranks in the 2nd spot by transaction volumes in 24 hours among the public chains on DAppReview, and ranks the 3rd by transaction value.

As a game which is topping the charts within a day of launching, what magic is behind Endless Game?

Endless Game — Endless Enjoyment and Memories

Endless Game is a virtual online game arcade which is highly transparent in its profit sharing.

Do you remember the classic and memorable games, such as Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Street Fighter, Mario Bros. and Terminator? These are the beautiful memories when we had great fun with our friends. Endless Game wants to create a virtual arcade that helps us relive all these fun.

More importantly, Endless Game will share the profits with you! Players will be issued Endless Tokens as “game proof”. The platform’s profits, from in-game sales to advertising, will be distributed daily to all token holders.

Fair and Equitable Game Play

We have seen so many manipulation cases on other gaming platforms. Endless Game, on the other hand, uses the strength of blockchain which are immutability and transparency to tackle these existing pain points. Each random event will be recorded by smart contracts in verifiable ways to ensure that the game is fair and equitable.

What is Endless Dice?

Endless Dice is the Endless Game team’s first mini-game. As a proof-of-concept game, the team is constantly optimizing the game based on user feedback, and will continue to bring more interesting games to the IOST community.

To cover server costs, Endless Game is set up to have a 2% house advantage. 40% of the revenue arising from this house advantage will be given out as dividends to Endless players.

What are the advantages of Endless Dice?

The team uses a proven and reliable random number generation process and is the only platform that gives cash rewards back to players.

  • Betting is mining, and you get dividends every day. The more you bet, the more Endless Token (iet) you will earn.
  • Endless Dice takes out 40% of its revenue to give back to players on a daily basis.
  • As a universal token, iet can also be used in other games.
  • Endless Dice is proven to be fair, random and equitable — Endless Game team has no means to influence the dice results.
  • Invite a friend to receive a bonus for each referral! You can receive 10% of the iet from their betting, and this dividend will continue to accumulate for you:

How does iet work?

Endless Token (iet) works in a very simple way. Endless Game firmly believe that all players are equally important as our investors and team members. Therefore, Endless Game will share 40% of the revenue as dividends for its users on a daily basis.

Endless Dice is still in its infancy stage, and will need to reinvest the remaining of the dividends into R&D as well as to pay server bills. Endless Game aims enhance the distribution percentage over time and give even more dividends to its players as the platform matures.

How are iet issued?

  • Total iet supply is fixed at 100 billion. Endless Game project team hold 48.8 billion, which will be used for operations and airdrop and will not receive any dividends.
  • The other 51.2 billion will be distributed to users and receive dividends. The issuance schedule is as follow:

>> If iet issuance is less than 6.4 billion, you will receive 1 iet for each IOST you bet.

>> If iet issuance is between 6.4 billion to 12.8 billion, you will receive 0.5 iet for each IOST you bet.

>> Following that, for every 6.4 billion issued, iet given will be reduced by half each time until 51.2 billion is released.

How to distribute dividends?

  • The Endless Game team will distribute 40 per cent of revenue to iet holders on a daily basis.
  • You need to stake to obtain iet.
  • The amount of dividend you can receive per day is proportional to the amount of iet you stake per hour

Tutorial to Play IOST

The following are the ways of knowing how to play with these games:

Method 1

  • Go to this link: iost.endless.game
  • The current method only supports buying/staking resources in the TP wallet. We are awaiting Google to review and approve the latest version of the iWallet Chrome extension (contributed by community member, Lucusfly). Once ready, you can buy/stake resources in directly in the iWallet.
  • Download TokenPocket at: https://www.tokenpocket.pro/
  • Set up your account and add IOST.
  • You can buy iGas and iRam on TokenPocket and play on Endless Game.

Method 2

More Games in Pipleline!

More high-quality games are in pipeline, such as the world’s first blockchain casual competitive game platform development team Team Joy (IOST Joy), Liar Game adapted from the world famous Japanese movie of the same name, Realm 10 game development team (IOST Game), award-winning sandbox growth game by development team — White Matrix, Japan’s famous blockchain game CryptoNinja development team — Eversystem, CryptoDerby which allows you to race horses virtually, and many more!

We will bring a wealth of fun DApps to IOST, stay tuned!


