IOST 2020 Q3 Global Partner Nodes Contribution Meeting Recap

IOST Foundation
Published in
17 min readOct 30, 2020

Oct 29, 2020, the Q3 Global Partner Node meeting was held with the attendance of over 40 participants including the IOST team and node representatives all over the world.

The session lasted for over an hour and consists of 2 main parts:

Introduction & IOST Representatives’ welcome messages:

  • IOST Representative Stephanie Ma welcomed all partners and IOST representatives to the nodes meeting and provided a brief introduction of the current IOST partner nodes ecosystem as well as the latest nodes updates.
  • IOST Head of Chinese Nodes Lyratt shared about the main differences in the node system between Q3 and Q4 including the increased collaboration with nodes, transparency, rewards, and opportunities

Nodes Sharings

  • 15 node partner representatives presented and demonstrated their past contributions and future plans for IOST

At the end of the session, the IOST team reminded the nodes about the next step and deadline for submitting the Q4 contribution plan- which is on 31st October 2020.

We’d like to thank all partner nodes for spending your precious time with us, and hope this meeting will help you to understand each other work better and open rooms for future collaboration opportunities across nodes.

Sharing by Node Partners: Contributions in the Q3 of 2020 and development plans for the next phase

15 global partner nodes took part in the sharing and below is the order of their speeches and their speeches scripts open for your reading.

Order of Partner Nodes Presentation


Hello everyone! IOST.BEST.NODE team is here with you. Last quarter, we worked in the category of content creation and promotion. We are glad that the IOST project had enough news and success.

There was a lot to tell via various media channels such as CoinPost, Crypto Lamer, Zavodil, Сryprtonewsworld, and others. It was text and video content. In addition, we worked with the community, developing our accounts on social networks. For more details, everyone can refer to the report of our team, posted on our website ( (

We are quite sure that the current quarter will become even more eventful and full of partnerships. We will continue to promote IOST. Our aim is to increase the presence of IOST in the information space. We wish you all success! Thank you for your attention.

2. Watermelon (Xigua)

Hello everyone! I’m Pu, a developer from Xigua (Watermelon). I am very happy to have the opportunity to share with you all again today.

After a month of intense development, Xigua finally launched successfully on the 27th of Oct. During the process, I got the support of the IOST team and TP, DAppBirds Liebi, GameTea house, and other nodes. First of all, a big thank you!

As of the 28th Oct, the amount of IOST staked: 250 million, approximately 1.5 million US dollars. Non-IOST assets staked: approximately $250,000

We are still working hard to improve. Although there are still problems, the first battle has been won.

In the future, we will continue to make more contributions to the development of DEFI in the IOST ecosystem, with watermelon as the core.

Other partner nodes are welcomed to cooperate with us in the following:
1) Listing of new tokens on the Xigua Exchange. The current trading experience of Xigua is very smooth.
2) Develop Yield Farming projects. A lot of our code and experience can be shared. Xigua can also be used as a traffic driver, for everyone.
3) Fundraising through IXO (Initial Xigua Offering). If you have a new reliable project and want to raise funds, you can try to do IXO at Xigua.
4) Cooperation in other DeFi fields. We hope that in the future, we can work on syntheti assets, asset introduction, and NFT on IOST. However, our own development capabilities are limited and we might need help & cooperation.

Well, this concludes my speech.

3. Citadel

Hello, IOST community!
Happy to be here on behalf of the Citadel team. For those unaware, we are a non-custodial platform for the management and storage of crypto assets, including IOST among the first-integrated networks. To begin with, I wanted to highlight that Citadel and Paradigm Fund are no longer associated with each other, meaning that Citadel functions as a completely separate project. Speaking about our progress over this quarter, we not only made significant enhancements on the development side but also actively participated in the IOST community life with our consistent media presence and regular reports. We are also happy to announce that Citadel is now presented in Chinese social networks like Weibo and WeChat so we will provide the Chinese localization of our IOST content.

And now, just to showcase some of the recent development updates:
● We added pledge/unpledge functionality. To recall, GAS for transaction payment is got from pledged token, so it’s vital to track.
● Updated overall page (notification board, balance structure, and detailed rewards chart)
● Added rewards page
Also, we are working on a mobile app and will be ready to introduce it soon!

Thank you for your time and attention!

4. Liebi

Hello everyone, I am Bonnie from Liebi. During this quarter, we have mainly fixed some problems in development and completed 3 Milestones.

  1. Liebi developed several modules such as blocks, transactions, quotas, and signatures on the original IOST architecture. We deployed the signature/verification/gen_sec_key/gen_pub_key/check method in the encryption algorithm. In addition, the development of coding IOST transaction data and the serialization/deserialization of IOST data structure was completed.
  2. Liebi completed the development of the Bifrost IOST Bridge runtime, including Offchain worker, IOST RPC, and IOST support.
  3. Block monitoring/verification, transaction monitoring/filter/verification, cross-link interface protocol, Merkle tree verification, and cross-chain contracts on IOST are all completed. At present, 80% of the total development process has been completed, and joint debugging with IOST is still being done, and we expect the completion of the IOST Bifrost cross-chain after this process. This means that IOST will gain staking income and liquidity, while also retaining user governance rights and increasing the degree of decentralization of the original chain.

The IOST transfer bridge has the ability to step into Polkadot by combining the content of the Bifrost protocol. After accessing the Polkadot ecosystem, it can cooperate with other Polkadot projects to implement specific applications. Completing decentralized transactions on the parachain allows the IOST ecosystem to be interconnected with Polkadot and its ecosystem.
Thank you all for your time, and hope we build a magnificent rainbow bridge between IOST and Polkadot in the future

5. Bitboy Crypto

First, I would like to thank my voters to my node and the IOST team. My node is the only 7 time Tier 1 node and I look to continue this streak. While many content creators from the early mainnet days have left, I continue to be dedicated to the decentralized vision of IOST. I do believe that this last quarter showed us the power of decentralized finance as we all examined how IOST can play a bigger role in that niche. I think the next two quarters are absolutely pivotal for IOST as the bull run heats up. Will the team be able to catch up to other smart contract platforms or be passed by up and coming ones? I do believe this project can have a price renaissance bigger than many others. If we are honest, altcoins seem to pump cyclically on a carousel. IOST frankly has not taken its turn in quite a while and hopefully can reap gains in a big way once the massive altcoin season to end all altcoin seasons comes to pass. It is vitally important during this time that IOST makes its mark. Look forward to this next quarter as we push the decentralized message of IOST to the masses.

6. Wax Gourd

Hello everyone! I am Mark from Waxgourd Finance. In Q3, we have worked on the development of BKK warriors and the DeFi project Waxgourd.

All our team members are IOST believers and wish to improve the liquidity of high quality and hope to improve the liquidity of ecological high-quality projects and tokens through the wax gourd Swap platform and realize community autonomy and decentralization. At the same time, we also provide a liquidity market-making platform for “individual token holders”, allowing holders to earn interest based on the mainnet voting and pledge while also increasing token liquidity income.

Waxgourd Finance is a completely open-source project, operated and constructed jointly by developers from the ecosystem and the community, in a decentralized manner. At present, Waxgourd has entered the public beta stage, the website is The official version is expected to be live at 20:00 on October 31st.

We hope that more partners and developers from here contact our team so we can build the IOST Ecosystem all together”

7. Sonata

First of all, thanks IOST Foundation for giving me the chance to share my Q3 contribution.

In Q3, Sonata had partnered with TokenPocket to distribute TokenPocket wallet activation code via Sonata free IOST account platform. This allows our IOST community members to create a new IOST account to be used in TokenPocket wallet directly. Sonata had created over 900 free IOST accounts and distributed 35 TokenPocket activation codes for the IOST community.

In Q3, Sonata had also contributed to the technical development aspect of IOST. We are proud to release the very first version of the .NET IOST SDK. This serves as an entry point to the IOST ecosystem for all the new .NET developers as well as experienced developers. The Software Developers Kit (SDK) is based on .NET Framework 4.7.2. It is free to use for any .NET based projects that want to build on top of IOST Blockchain. The core features of the IOST .NET SDK provide similar features as the other existing ones like Java, Javascript & Python IOST SDK.

It provides core abilities like: 

  • Query IOST Blockchain 
  • Create & Send IOST Transactions 
  • Manage IOST Accounts 
  • Execute IOST Smart Contract 
  • IRC721 Token

With the .NET IOST SDK, developers will be able to build IOST based applications on the Microsoft platform easily. This includes having IOST applications on some of the Microsoft platforms like: 

  • Universal Windows Platform (UWP) 
  • Window 10 Application in Windows Store 
  • Window Desktop Application 
  • Window Web-Based Application 
  • Microsoft Office Addin

The .NET IOST SDK opens up to .NET developers to come on board and build on IOST to create a more unique and interesting IOST window-based application.

For the upcoming Q4, Sonata will develop .NET application using our very own IOST .NET SDK. Do look forward to the first .NET application on the Microsoft platform soon. Hope to also see more IOST based products on Microsoft platform too using our .NET SDK. That is roughly Sonata Q3 contribution summary. Thanks everyone.

8. LiChang

Hello, I’m Jin from the Lichang node. I am very happy to participate in this node meeting. Lichang focuses on newcomer education, value content creation, high-quality project scouting, wealth management mining pools, and is committed to becoming a blockchain one-stop digital asset educational community. We have more than 200k fans and a total of over 980k registered users in our Lichang app.

In Q3 2020, we have mainly worked on content/media promotion, Dapps, communities, brand exposure, and DeFi. At present, the number of participants in the IOST space has more than 70k fans. For topics, around 130k IOST related topics were generated with 6219 highlight threads.

For content creation, we have approximately generated 2197 IOST related news and articles, including 1000+ premium articles.

For Dapp support, the 9 main DApps of IOST have been launched on the Lichang APP, at the same time, we have provided promotion and community maintenance.

On the official launch of the DeFi incentive program 2.0, we have actively launched Allswap an aggregation portal for IOST ecosystem DeFi products to jointly build the IOST ecosystem.

For the next quarter, in addition to actively participating in IOST activities and providing newsletters, DApps promotion, and threads, we will increase the promotion channels, organize more community AMAs to boost the progress of the IOST ecosystem and Allswap. At the same time, we are also very happy to cooperate with other nodes to jointly contribute to IOST and strengthen the influence in the industry. Thank you all.


Hello Stephanie and colleagues,
BTCManager is one of the leading English language crypto and blockchain publications that is the quickest to report all major and minor IOST developments.
In total, BTCManager released over 15 breaking news articles for IOST with customized illustrations for its audience in Q3 2020. These were shared across all social media, including LinkedIn, Twitter, and other platforms.
Some of them include:
1. IOST partnership with Singapore-based DVision;
2. The launch of Pumpkin Pump DeFi highlighting its halving feature;
3. Deal with Aegis DeFi;
4. Partnership with RAMP DeFi;
5. IOST CoinCheck Listing;
And others.

We shall continue in the same spirit in Q4 2020, striving to be the first to capture and further disseminate any breaking news items and topics touching on IOST and their ambitious objectives of building a vibrant and full ecosystem.
In the future, BTCManager hopes to work more closely with the IOST content team and hopes to land a few exclusive interviews with the IOST leadership.

10. XPET

Dear friends of the IOST node ecosystem, hello everyone! I am David from XPET Monster World, a partner of the IOST Node ecosystem. This time, I will share the progress of our new game Dream Monster.

Dream Monster is a 2D turn-based online game created by XPET and based on “”Journey to the West””. The game story backhround is based on Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels, integrating myths and legends from it. In the fast pace of the game and the ultimate round strategy battle, accompany the player to return to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and find the lost dream feelings.

Based on the underlying technology of the public chain, “Dream Monster” combines the distributed storage, openness, transparency, and non-tamperability of the blockchain with the online multiplayer, high openness, and free creation of the internet games. The aim is to create a simple and easy-to-use turn-based blockchain game, allowing more people to enter the world of blockchain through the game.

Dream Monster will target traditional online game players and help them join by assigning an IOST account to each non-blockchain player. The gold coins earned by players can be withdrawn to the IOST account and traded on Loot Global’s crypto asset trading platform.

In addition, the NFT assets such as scarce equipment and pets in the game support the IRC721 protocol and can be traded on the XLOOT network.

Dream Moster’s public beta will be available from November and the game will be officially launched in December. Partner nodes who have relevant games or community resources are welcome to promote it together

11. EverSystem

Hi everyone. This is Takao Wada, CEO of Eversystem.
As many of you know, we’ve been working on real-world business applications using the IOST chain for three years.

This quarter, we launched a new healthcare PoC project using IOST blockchain. The project consists of a medical venture company from Kindai University, a medical student at Osaka University and us. We are mainly responsible for the server-side and client-side encryption part of the project, including integration with the IOST chain.

Medical and healthcare is a promising area of application for blockchain, and real systems are in operation in many countries, including cases in Estonia. Efforts in Japan have just begun.

The project has three objectives:
- The first is to provide health data to healthcare professionals in a secure manner. The point is that health information is considered sensitive and personal information, so there needs to be a mechanism in place to prevent even the server administrator from seeing the data.
- The second is to register the hash value of the health data in the blockchain to prove that the health data has not been tampered with.
- Third, if the encrypted private key is lost, the key can be reissued with the — help of medical professionals.

Development is proceeding smoothly and we plan to experiment next month.

In the first phase, the IOST chain is used partially, but in the next phase, the IOST chain will be used at a higher level to increase the personal ownership of health data.

We will report the results in the next quarter. Thank you for your attention.

12. TokenPocket

TokenPocket is a tier 2 partner. During Q3, TokenPocket mainly contributed to the IOST ecosystem from six major aspects: wallet APP support, IOST account creation, DApp support, event support, and IOST tutorial/community support.

In Q4, TokenPocket will continue to promote IOST in the form of excellent long-term DeFi/DApp traffic support, community promotion, newsletters and self-media promotion organization linkages, so as to enable more C-end users, To have a deeper understanding and participation in IOST. We hope that:

DApp&DeFi support
IOST DeFi and DApp projects teams’ can take the initiative to contact us. We will provide traffic support, community promotion, media newsletters and other content announcements, and promote & build IOST DeFi together.
Asset liquidity:
TPT continues to open cross-chain functions, which increases the liquidity of IOST assets and promotes the development of IOST ecosystem.
User education
TokenPocket will continue to promote IOST wallet-related tutorials and preach to IOST to enable more C-end users to have a deeper understanding and participation in IOST.
Account creation
Continue to increase free accounts and promote the increase of IOST traffic.

We hope to have your support and cooperation. At the same time, I hope that friends of IOST and TP who are in the public media can provide support in the promotion. The TokenPocket community will quote media newsletters for mutual exposure. I hope that the IOST community can promote it together.

In the new quarter, TokenPocket will keep focusing on the IOST ecosystem and continue to do a good job and prepare the wallet. At the same time, it will cooperate with IOST and conduct more cooperation and exploration on the basis of existing businesses to contribute even more to the IOST ecosystem.

13. Heritage Blocks

Hello, everyone. We are a partner node in Korea, HeritageBlocks. I’m Edward, the co-founder of Heritage Blocks. It’s an honor to meet you again with other people. We joined 4Q in 2019 and are celebrating our first year in this quarter. Once again, I would like to thank the partner nodes and the foundation for the IOST ecosystem, and I would like to give you a brief explanation of our focus on 4Q.

In the last 3Q, we focused on the continued distribution of IOST content using the expanded channel (PR, crypto community portal).(25 cases, average view 300 and above). This includes content from Pumpkin, a partner node project launched at 3Q. Especially in the third quarter, following the offline meeting in the first quarter, we planned and carried out the online meeting. The meet-up was held on October 13th, and to that end, we discussed the planning and composition of the participating events in cooperation with our country manager Blake. The promotion, which began on September 24, has been promoted in 19 local communities (over 25k in total). On the day of the meet-up, we were able to have more than 100 real-time participants and now have more than 600 views. Partner Node D.Street, who took this opportunity to help provide location and equipment for broadcast transmission.Thank you for participating in the presentation with quality content following the first quarter of the year with our partner node Q.E.D’s Hunil. Also, I would like to thank Terry for his sincere response to the community pre-question. It was valuable content to understand the business direction IOST is planning, including Watermelon, which many in the community are curious about.

In this fourth quarter, we are going to focus more on the Korean language and distribution of contents of our global partner nodes in order to strengthen the ecosystem. As all of them are active in the IOST ecosystem, I hope that the activities of various partner nodes in the Korean community will be known and recognized. Especially, I know that many Defi projects in the IOST ecosystem, including Watermelon, are preparing to launch. As IOST has set the DeFi area as its main road map and is strengthening the ecosystem, we plan to focus on Korean contents and distribution of this area. If any other node here needs to enter Korea, introduce, translate content, or collaborate, please contact us anytime!( In addition to the new content, we will also have the opportunity to promote IOST and its partners to potential investors in Korea through our existing online and offline networks.

With the current atmosphere in the crypto market much better than at the beginning of the year, we will make efforts in the fourth quarter to capture opportunities for IOST and ecosystem partner nodes to grow and move forward. Thank you.

14. Q.E.D

Hello, this is the IOST-Q.E.D node that operates the Chrome Extension Wallet Jetstream, the blockchain game Herorats, and the NFT issuing site My Unique Asset.

In the third quarter, we continued to operate the Jetstream Chrome Extension Wallet.

In September, as IOST was listed on Coincheck, a Japanese coin exchange, many Japanese users entered. At this time, Jetstream supported Japanese and many Japanese users created IOST accounts through Jetstream. In addition, we were active on the IOST Japan Telegram channel, and posted an article in Japanese on medium and responded to how to use Jetstream.

Next, we continued to run MyUniqueAsset, a site that easily issues NFTs on the IOST blockchain. Over 100, user-created NFTs have been published. Recently, in addition to issuing NFTs, we opened a beta version of the NFT exchange where users can sell or purchase user-created NFTs. We hope that more users will issue NFT, and the NFT ecosystem will be activated in IOST in the future.

Next, Pumpkin Defi was released in September, and we provided a Hotfix code that can fix minor bugs in this website. Specifically, the following error message was displayed depending on the user’s usage environment. For example, messages such as “send fail undefined error”, “Insufficient Balance error”, and “send fail TimeError”. Because of this, there were users who were unable to staking at Pumpkin Defi, so we made a Hotfix code for this, posted an article in English, Korean, and Japanese on medium, and responded on the IOST Telegram Channel. We are also answering technical questions on the IOST Telegram Channel and Slack Channel.

Next, let me tell you about the products we were mainly developing in the third quarter. There are a lot of people currently working remotely. However, there are situations where communication becomes uncomfortable in remote work. This is because “instant communication” is difficult to do in a remote work situation, and we have created a product that solves this problem using the IOST blockchain. It will be released soon this fourth quarter. We will make this product a useful app in real life using the IOST blockchain. Thank you.

15. Crypto Times

In Q3 2020, we have been working hard to distribute various news and PR activities.

In September 2020, IOST was listed on a stock exchange, the first time IOST has been listed in Japan, which generated a lot of buzz and increased traffic.
Although we were not able to disclose it in Q3, we were able to contribute to increasing IOST’s presence in the Japanese market by interviewing IOST’s partner RAMP DeFi.

CRYPTO TIMES will aim to publish 4 IOST articles per month (after today), for a total of 12 per quarter.
We will also make sure to publish one original piece of content in each quarter that is not a news article or PR piece.
(e.g. interviews with Founder and team, interviews with IOST partners, introductions to new IOST products, etc.) In addition, CRYPTO TIMES will be expanded to include “How To” content as a Servi Node, which is often voted on by Japanese users.


