IOST and University Laboratory Co-Hosted Web3 Summer School “Metaverse and Smart Contract” Contributing to Blockchain Education

IOST Foundation
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2022

The IOST Foundation started the “Blockchain Free Education Program” in 2018 and has provided a cumulative total of more than 500 students at 9 universities and educational institutions in Japan to provide Web3 education.

On August 11, 2022, IOST Foundation held the Web3 Summer School “Metaverse and Smart Contracts,” a blockchain learning event co-sponsored by the Kawamura Laboratory of the Department of Intelligent Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University. The lecturers were developers from DeNA, a mobile game company and famous for the Yokohama DeNA BayStars NFT movie collection “PLAYBACK 9” and EverSystem, which develops multiple services on the IOST blockchain. In addition, the Japan Blockchain Association supported the event to educate students and develop human resources.

Fumitoshi Ogata (System Developer, DeNA Inc.)
Ogata introduced himself in Metaverse and shared the sense of the world of Metaverse with the students through an application that digitizes objects in the real world using LiDAR built into smartphones. He talked about the transition from the beginnings of the Internet to the new concept of Web3 and its differences, as well as the globally standardized standards that are important for the diffusion of new technologies. He also introduced DeNA’s blockchain-based NFT and other applications that can be enjoyed on smartphones.

Takao Wada, Ph.D. (CEO and Blockchain Developer, EverSystem Inc.) Takaya Shirahama (Blockchain Developer, Eversystem Inc.)
Dr. Wada explained the mechanism of blockchain technology and the characteristics and mechanism of the public chain that started from Bitcoin, and demonstrated the IOST blockchain game “Crypto Ninja”. Mr. Shirahama demonstrated a new game application under development that utilizes the IOST blockchain and allows everyone to become an author. Mr. Shirahama also gave a hands-on IOST smart contract to students.

Japan Blockchain Association (JBA)
The learning quiz at the end of the event, students who did well in the quiz were awarded T-shirts written of “Web3 is a National Strategy!” In terms of Web3 human development, JBA is working with its member companies to nurture talented blockchain engineers and entrepreneurs in the future.

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