IOST Became The First Blockchain Project Interviewed & Advertised by Amazon AWS China

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5 min readMar 20, 2020

Last year, IOST’s Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform was officially live on Amazon Web Services Marketplace. This year, IOST Foundation is happy to enter a deeper collaboration with AWS China, the global leading cloud computing platform to implement its cloud development strategy & push forward its compliance process.

IOST co-founder Terry was invited to an exclusive interview with AWS China and IOST foundation is glad to be well-endorsed by AWS China & to be:

  • the first blockchain project interviewed by AWS China
  • the first blockchain project advertised on AWS Cloud Computing WeChat account as their first high-quality blockchain cooperation
  • the first blockchain project displayed on AWS China website

Click here for the official report link (Chinese)

Click link to official reports on AWS WeChat (Chinese)

With the consistency of AWS’s infrastructure technology architecture in various regions around the world, IOST’s blockchain application projects can be deployed in multiple places, meeting the requirements of different countries and regions in terms of compliance, data residency, and user access.

Through this cooperation, IOST will accelerate the growth of our global ecosystem and the compliance process for the global market, thus reaching out & empower more enterprises worldwide with its leading & innovative blockchain technology.

AWS to Boost IOST Cloud Development Strategy & Global Compliance Deployment

After comparing AWS to other service providers, IOST chose to deploy based on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and obtained one-stop professional support for consulting, architecture planning, and hosting services provided by an AWS Partner Network (APN) member.

As IOST co-founder Terry highlighted: “The core purpose of blockchain applications is to achieve ‘reliability’ and ‘trust’. Our aim is to provide compliant services, but when facing compliance requirements in different countries and regions, we might have to invest a huge amount of resources in legal affairs.”

Compliance is extremely important for every blockchain company. IOST has also started its compliance process worldwide:

  • In China, IOST became the first public chain project to be invited to give a speech by national television of China, CCTV, and the Great Hall of the People;
  • In Indonesia, BAPPEBTI invited IOST to serve as the government blockchain technical consultant.
  • In Singapore, IOST strengthens strategic government ties with Enterprise Singapore & Ithe Infocomm Media Development Authority Singapore
  • In 2020, IOST will continue to advance its compliance progress of Japan, South Korea, the United States, Singapore, Vietnam, and other countries.

AWS has developed an excellent infrastructure worldwide and has been a promoter of cloud computing with a comprehensive compliance program.

“Blockchain has been gradually applied to different industries, including public utilities. It is important to deploy on a compliant cloud platform, and AWS can meet the compliance requirements of blockchain companies in China and globally.” IOST co-founder / CTO Terry Wang said, “AWS has a higher number of available areas than other cloud service providers, which means that we can deploy IOST’s blockchain applications in a wider range of regions and effectively push the global compliance process of IOST. With the AWS China (Ningxia) region operated by Xiyun Data and the AWS China (Beijing) Region operated by Halo New Network, we can easily develop our business both in China and globally.”

IOST’s Road to Promote Blockchain Applications

Since the beginning, IOST has been committed to promoting the blockchain technology applications in real life. We believe that blockchain in general, and IOST, in particular, have a great potential to transform multiple industries and fields in the near future.

IOST’s global business has been advancing steadily and has now been applied in many fields. This is demonstrated by our partnerships with various industries leaders including, but not limited to:

  • UAV flight data management system for civil aviation, to prevent tampering and effectiveness of UAV flight data;
  • blockchain oracle in the financial industry to enable the blockchain to interact with real-world data;
  • asset digitization and deposit certificate in artwork transactions, to help customers achieve traceability of artwork and deposit certificate of property rights on IOST blockchain;
  • and the partnership with the Singapore Information and Communication Media Development Authority (IMDA) to gather third-party developers to build an IOST cross-chain technology framework to achieve consistency of cross-chain transaction data between different blockchains, and many more

The in-depth collaboration with AWS- the global leader in providing cloud services will further accelerate IOST’s global deployment and global compliance progress.

In the future, IOST will continue to work with AWS and APN Premier Consulting Partner, to introduce more concepts, architectures, and services to restructure the entire blockchain internal testing platform infrastructure and strive to bring advanced blockchain technology into more industries and empower enterprises to develop innovatively.

Check Out One-Click Deployment Platform for Enterprises

Last year, IOST’s Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform has been live on AWS Marketplace.

IOST’s high speed, secure BaaS platform allows developers to launch blockchain solutions in as quickly as 5 minutes. Developers can easily deploy a blockchain infrastructure with dev tools to develop Dapps, projects and test out IOST’s high-speed infrastructure with just one click.

Developers interested to use IOST’s one-click blockchain deployment solution on AWS can do so here:

For developer documentation, please visit:

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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.