IOST Chrome Extension iWallet v0.2.9 Update Official Release

Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2022


As the official Chrome extension wallet for desktops developed by IOST, iWallet plays an important role in the IOST ecosystem. The IOST users can transfer and receive assets on the IOST chain through iWallet, purchase iGAS and iRAM, and also log in to DApps on the IOST chain, such as the IOSTABC block explorer, Revival NFT platform, the DeFi protocol Donnie Finance, and more.

There is no doubt that iWallet has become an indispensable infrastructural tool in the IOST ecosystem. At present, IOST’s tech team is responsible for the development and maintenance of iWallet and will be releasing updates to optimize and improve the wallet app in a timely manner, aiming to provide better service and experience for the IOST users.

What is New?

  1. We have added support for using local networks for testing purposes;
  2. Token logos can be obtained from external APIs. However, for the token logos to be displayed on iWallet, the DApp team needs to submit the corresponding image to the IOST team. (See links below);
  3. Added support for the Japanese language.

iWallet v0.2.9 is now officially on the Google Store. We invite you to update it now and try out the new features, or to download it now if you still haven’t!

About IOST

IOST is committed to building a developer-friendly public chain platform. In the future, IOST will continue to innovate and continue to upgrade and optimize the mainnet, bringing more powerful underlying infrastructure support and a good development experience to all mainnet ecosystem users.

From here, we would like to express our gratitude to the IOST development team and developers from all over the world for their unremitted efforts and also welcome developers to join our developer community.

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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.