IOST Mainnet Olympus v3.5.1 Official Roll-out

Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2021


On February 25, 2019. the IOST team officially launched the IOST Mainnet. Since its launch, the IOST mainnet has grown rapidly in terms of DApps, Mainnet accounts, and mainnet transactions. Accordingly to IOSTABC, the IOST block height is close to 130Millions, with over 567 million transactions made. Staking ratio now stands over 31%

As the crucial underlying infrastructure of a public chain ecosystem, the mainnet’s performance determines its development. Since the mainnet launch, the IOST development team has maintained an innovative attitude and has updated and optimized its versions frequently, releasing Olympus v3.5.1 today.

Note: After releasing v3.5.0, we noticed that there was a small issue and released v3.5.1 in response. Please update to v.3.5.1 directly.

Changes in Olympus v3.5.0:

  1. IOST Mainnet code now supports Go MOD mode and no longer needs to rely on GOPATH. Now devs can develop in any directory;
  2. IOST Mainnet code supports the latest version of Golang — 1.16;
  3. IOST Mainnet Docker image upgrade to ubuntu18.04;
  4. iWallet now supports both CGO and non-CGO mode for compiling;
  5. Upgraded some libraries to the latest version, such as Protobuf GRPC.

Changes in Olympus v3.5.1:

  1. Fixed an issue: the error message couldn’t display via the RPC GRPC request.

IOST is committed to building a developer-friendly public chain platform. In the future, IOST will continue to innovate and continue to upgrade and optimize the mainnet, bringing more powerful underlying infrastructure support and good development experience to all mainnet ecosystem users.

From here, we would like to express our gratitude to the IOST development team and developers from all over the world for their unremitted efforts and also welcome developers to join our developer community.

If you would like to hang out with the IOST community on chat, social media, or to discuss product development, we have something for everyone:




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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.