IOST Mainnet Olympus v3.7.3 Update Now Released!

Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2021


As the crucial underlying infrastructure of a public chain ecosystem, the mainnet’s performance determines its development. Since the mainnet launch, the IOST development team has maintained an innovative attitude and has updated and optimized its versions frequently, releasing Olympus v3.7.3 today.


  1. Added GetBlockTxsByContract RPC, an interface for querying transactions from historical blocks, which can filter transactions in historical blocks by block interval and contract id;
  2. Upgraded the protobuf version;
  3. Upgrade golang to v1.17.

Note: Olympus v3.7.3 is a compatible update. Read more about v3.7.3 here.

About IOST

IOST is committed to building a developer-friendly public chain platform. In the future, IOST will continue to innovate and continue to upgrade and optimize the mainnet, bringing more powerful underlying infrastructure support and a good development experience to all mainnet ecosystem users.

From here, we would like to express our gratitude to the IOST development team and developers from all over the world for their unremitted efforts and also welcome developers to join our developer community.

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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.