IOST Ranks 15th In The Most Expected Coin Survey in Japan

IOST Foundation
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2022

Net Money, a Japanese magazine for retail investors, conducted a survey on the usage status of crypto assets on June 2022. IOST was indicated by several of the respondents as the most promising coin of the future. The survey was done by 1,000 men and women aged 20–59 in Japan who have an account at an exchange.

“Crypto assets are attractive because they can be invested in small amounts, and the number one reason for choosing an exchange was name recognition and reliability of the company. The most anticipated crypto asset was bitcoin, accounting for 48% of the total. “ — The summary by Net Money

Brand recognition or reliability is the reason to choose exchanges

In Japan, exchanges are competing with each other to get new coins into their hands faster than their competitors. In the survey, the top three exchanges where accounts are opened by respondents and most frequently used exchanges are same which are Number 1 bitflyer, Number 2 Coincheck, and Number 3 GMOCoin. The most common reason for choosing an exchange was brand recognition or reliability, followed by the variety of coins handled and then low fees.

Amount of money invested in crypto assets

In another survey report* on financial investments, crypto asset investing, like FX, is overwhelmingly favored by men and by young adults. The investment amount is small due to the large proportion of young people, in this survey, more than 25% of the respondents invested less than JPY50,000.



The most expected coins — IOST ranked #15

48% of respondents answered BTC, which appears to be absolutely trusted as the key currency for crypto assets. Followed by ETH (6.9%) and XRP (5.6%).

Interestingly, IOST ranked 15th in this survey, but the coins ranked below IOST were those that are higher rankings on CoinMarketCap. This shows how important it is to show crypto asset holders in the Japanese market the attractiveness of the project and the potential of the coins.


Read a full report by Net Money HERE

