IOST’s One-Stop Blockchain-as-a-Service Platform is Open!

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16 min readMar 17, 2020

While developing the public chain technology and its ecosystem, IOST had also been explored consortium chains and finally launched the IOST Enterprise Edition Aiou Technology in 2019. Leveraging on our previous rich experience in working with enterprises, IOST now officially opens our Blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) to the public & build:

  • a one-stop BaaS platform for the consortium chain
  • help developers or enterprises to quickly establish a blockchain
  • and provide professional and targeted blockchain solutions for government and enterprises.

IOST BaaS Platform, also known as the Aircraft Carrier Plan is now open its blockchain solutions to the following sectors:

  • Government Affairs
  • Judicial Field
  • Supply Chain Sector
  • Charity
  • Internet of Things
  • Art Trading Field
  • Gaming Field
  • Education
  • E-Commerce
  • Advertising & Entertainment
  • Medical/ Beauty

This document consists of the following sections:

  1. Why IOST Enterprise Services?
  2. Targeted Customers & What We Can Do For You
  3. Top Business Cases
  4. How to Get Started

Why IOST Enterprise Edition?

IOST is dedicated to the research and development of blockchain technology and to the continuous introduction of trusted blockchain platforms and products to the market.

IOST BaaS is based on six underlying core technologies of blockchains: Multi-cloud support, multi-chain support, permission management, smart contracts, privacy protection, consensus mechanism. — and customized by Hyperledger Fabric, the most widely used consortium chain system in the world.

At present, the measured data of IOST BaaS TPS has reached tens of thousands, it can simultaneously update millions of data and support the upload of hundreds of millions of data. In the areas of technical maturity and stability or non-technical tools, tutorials, communities, ecosystems, etc., IOST is far ahead of other platforms and accessible for enterprises to integrate and develop.

Based on the rich experience gained after cooperating with governments and enterprises and in order to promote the implementation of blockchain applications, IOST decided to launch its IOST BaaS platform, also known as the “Aircraft Carrier Plan”. We will officially open commercial services to help more traditional enterprises in their transition to or adoption of the blockchain technology.

A. Who Is This Service For?

With the launch of the “Aircraft Carrier Plan”, IOST will open cooperations to the following types of enterprises, developers, local government departments, and other organizations in need, providing direct technical services, consultants, blockchain training, and promotion services to create an open and win-win blockchain business ecosystem.

1. Government Affairs

Challenges faced:

The current e-government system implemented in some countries face problems such as data isolation, poor security, and lack of supervision. Databases of different government departments are independent of each other, and information integration is difficult. Sharing data also impose security risks. E-government related information involves national security and citizen privacy, if things go wrong or some data is leaked, the consequences can be serious.

How IOST helps:

IOST enables cross-agency interaction, privacy protection, and efficiency improvement among government departments through encryption, public ledger, and smart contracts. In comparison with traditional platforms, the e-government platform based on IOST BaaS will adopt point-to-point encrypted transmission and rapid approval of “smart contracts”, thereby achieving cost reduction, efficiency, transparency & traceability, and information security encryption, breaking data isolation issue.

2. Judicial Field

Challenges faced:

With the development of digital technology, electronic evidence (in the form of sound files, pictures, videos, etc.) are more frequently used in lawsuits. According to the 2018 White Paper on the Application of Electronic Evidence in China, over 73% of civil cases across the country involved electronic evidence. However, there are many difficulties in the process of it.

Because they are easy to tamper, how to determine its authenticity is the main issue when accepting electronic evidence. Electronic evidence is also easy to lose. They usually require multiple backups, and also to save the original file. Furthermore, the traditional method of depositing evidence is time-consuming, inefficient and involves a high cost, while also not suitable for the preservation.

How IOST helps:

The unique characteristics of blockchain technology, such as immutability and decentralized storage can fix the pain points of electronic evidence storage. The judicial consortium chain based on IOST BaaS reduces the cost of electronic evidence storage and enhances the authenticity of electronic evidence, thereby improving the efficiency of litigation.

3. Supply Chain Sector

Challenges faced:

The supply chain can be viewed as a network of suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centers, and vendors. In the supply chain, capital flows, information flows, and real logistics operate interactively, so coordination is extremely difficult. Traditionally, relying on a single chain owner, the coordination model of core enterprises has been unable to meet the needs of a diversified and rapidly developing market.

How IOST helps:

Because of its immutable, decentralized, and asymmetric encryption characteristics, the blockchain is suitable for multi-party participation and information exchange scenarios, which helps to realize the democratization of data and the connection of decentralized databases. With IOST BaaS, companies on the chain can achieve peer-to-peer communication and transactions without the need for intermediaries, which can reduce trust costs. The information contained by on-chain nodes is identical and automatically updated, so the information seen by suppliers and customers is the same. Real-time visualization tools can identify unnecessary waste in the supply chain, optimize production links, accelerate logistics and information flow, power lean production, and make accurate forecasts. The condition is to automatically execute actions and update data according to smart contracts, eliminating manual operations and paperwork, reducing costs.

In addition, to break data isolation in the supply chain will also be of great significance. IOST BaaS will provide more resources for big data analysis based on the supply chain, improve data quality, reduce the risk of data leaks, and make Big Data become possible. At the same time, by achieving data ownership in the supply chain, it can also help establish a data trading market.

4. Charity

Challenges faced:

Traditional charity organizations are run by centralized institutions, thus the records of all donations are held by those institutions, which has led to a general lack of transparency. Traditional charity organizations have always been operating inefficiently, not open, not transparently, and distributed resources unreasonably and irrationally.

How IOST helps:

Blockchain is essentially a distributed database with the advantages of being open, transparent, traceable, and difficult to tamper. With immutability and traceability at the heart of charity information disclosure, blockchain technology is the perfect candidate to improve the credibility of public welfare organizations. By recording all donations on this ledger, donors and recipients can be effectively connected and everyone can check the flow of donated materials.

In addition, the use of blockchain smart contracts can also solve problems such as complex processes and black box operations in traditional charity projects.

5. Internet of Things

Challenges faced:

With the development and evolution of the Internet of Things, the problems related to it are gradually accentuated. In terms of personal privacy, a centralized management structure cannot be fully trusted, and personal privacy data is often leaked.

Currently, the IoT data flow is aggregated into a single central control system. With the continuous evolution of Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) technology that enables long-range wireless connectivity for low power consumption, IoT equipment will grow exponentially, and the cost of centralized services will become increasingly difficult to bear. According to IBM’s forecast, there will be more than 25 billion connected devices in 2020. The global IoT platform lacks a unified language, which can easily cause communication between multiple IoT devices to be blocked.

How IOST helps:

IOST BaaS IoT chain will directly overturn the centralized architecture of the IoT, which will not only greatly reduce the pressure on the computing side, but also unleashes more possibilities for new organizational structures of the IoT, providing more room for innovation. Secondly, the accuracy and immutability of the consortium chain records also make the privacy and security evidence-based, and it is easier to defend and deal with in terms of security. In some architectures, distributed blockchain IoT nodes will also not be affected by traditional DDOS.

From the perspective of integrity, blockchain and the Internet of Things are also mutually reinforcing relationships. Blockchain + IoT can effectively expand the source of access to data, reflect credit information in the field of circulation in a more credible way, and further provide valuable services.

6. Energy Field

Challenges faced:

The current power transmission loss rate in the energy field is high, and corporate financing is also difficult. The industry has a large scale and a large number of funds, and the transactions are very complicated, resulting in high transaction costs and settlement costs between various links. And the lack of an effective credit mechanism has led to a low data-sharing rate in the energy industry.

How IOST helps:

Blockchain technology will change the production and trading model of the energy system. Energy trading entities can implement energy production, trading, infrastructure sharing, and digital and precise management of energy, which in the future will be able to extend to energy interconnection scenarios such as distributed trading microgrids, energy finance, carbon certificate trading, green certificate issuance, and electric vehicles.

In P2P power transactions, especially for distributed energy, transactions between users and generators can be achieved through an energy consortium chain developed on IOST BaaS. For the determination of loss, the conversion loss between different energy sources, the long-distance transmission of energy, and other losses caused by other operations can be notarized more transparently through the blockchain. In the cross-energy market, transactions between multiple energy systems and their price information can be recorded, and the marginal prices of different types of energy in each region can be generated in real-time based on this.

7. Art Trading Field

Challenges faced:

At present, basic art transactions are characterized by privatization, fragmentation, speculation, and poor resource circulation. Among the art trading methods, traditional trading methods, including galleries, expositions, and other places often experience private transactions, which brings potential risks and high transaction costs to art transactions.

The art market is flooded with counterfeits, which also seriously undermines the integrity of transactions. And this phenomenon is mainly due to the existence of many opaque phenomena in the authorization mechanism, which makes the authenticity of the artwork and the source difficult to distinguish.

How IOST helps:

IOST BaaS Consortium Chain can build a highly trusted decentralized artwork data database, including photos, collectors, affiliated artists, transaction information, and review information of artworks, etc. can be uploaded to the blockchain network. During the transaction process, art enthusiasts can extract artwork data from a decentralized network, view the artwork information, and make a reasonable valuation of the artwork.

Any relevant information on the artwork circulates transparently on the chain, and its source can be easily traced back, which will greatly reduce counterfeits in the industry. Through the blockchain technology, a decentralized art trading platform has been created, real-time transaction settlement and tamper-proof and verifiable sources have been created. This has improved the transparency of art transactions and has also simplified and automated the financial service process.

8. Gaming Field

Challenges faced:

In the traditional & centralized games, the game producers have the authority to control the game rules & sometimes, at the expense of players’ interests. If the game’s numerical system is out of balance, the game producers may start to adjust the values, but any adjustment will damage the interests of some players.

In addition, game assets cannot be exchanged in traditional games, and players only have the right to use the game, without ownership.

How IOST helps:

The core technologies of blockchain such as distributed ledgers, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms have strong application prospects in games. For example, when rules of the game are written into a smart contract, it prevents developers from making random changes to the game and enables the rights and free circulation of game assets.

Earlier, IOST has officially signed a contract with King Kong Games, the first game listing company on the NEEQ. The IOST BaaS chain has changed the existing game development, distribution, communication and profit model for games, breaking the barriers of trust between players and game developers, putting the core assets on the chain, and realize digital asset rights and digital asset circulation in games.

In the future, players and game manufacturers will jointly build a harmonious game ecosystem. Assets in different games can be easily transferred to other games. Players can realize the free trading of virtual digital assets. Real data and trust costs will be greatly reduced. Players can directly benefit by making contributions to the game ecosystem. The breaking of the multi-game economy dimension wall will allow the game economy ecology to gain new possibilities.

9. Educational Field

Challenges faced:

Some main problems faced by the traditional education organizations include the widespread falsification of academic qualifications, the difficulty in assessing the teaching quality of institutions, and the lack of interaction among participants.

How IOST helps:

Academic data, student evolution files, and other data related to academic history can be stored and recorded on the blockchain. Blockchain + education can make use of the anonymity and privacy of the blockchain to open up the current data isolation and allow students, schools, training institutions, etc. to share learning data, thereby optimizing the data supply end and achieving personalized teaching according to the student’s aptitudes. Earlier, IOST reached cooperation with BlockDevs Asia to store the learning certificate in the IOST consortium chain, which has ensured the authenticity of the user’s learning process, making the verification of learning credentials more effective, safe and simple.

10. E-commerce Field

Challenges faced:

In the traditional e-commerce field, in the past 10 years, the e-commerce industry has continuously optimized and upgraded sales links, channels, and suppliers, which has brought great convenience to people’s lives. On the other hand, the increasing centralization is unavoidable, the benefits are captured by the giants, and the value generated by the platform is sometimes difficult to return to merchants and consumers. At this time, new technology or model is needed to break the ceiling of the industry and empower the e-commerce industry.

How IOST helps:

With IOST’s consortium chain, any seller can publish goods through a standard smart contract template, and buyers can search for the corresponding goods through the blockchain network, or even directly pay the seller in tokens, achieving decentralized transactions.

In the future, products will be more open and transparent, so anyone will be able to search through the blockchain network. Once consumers feel that a product is not suitable for sale, such as some contraband, they can report it directly. Then, a third party composed of merchants and users can be randomly generated on-chain to judge the product. If the product is considered unsuitable for trading, it will be taken off the shelf.

In addition, the e-commerce chain based on IOST BaaS can also decentralize the platform’s interests and return the value generated by users to users.

11. Advertising and Entertainment Field

Challenges faced:

At present, traditional advertising models are losing popularity rapidly among users, and publishers of advertisements do not get their due income. Users may receive a poor experience, and the advertising platforms also face the risk of losing users.

In addition, the appearance of advertising bots that imitate human patterns and produce fake clicks in ads cause publishers to suffer a lot of losses, at this point, existing anti-fraud techniques hardly prevent this from happening. Many advertising publishing platforms earn revenue and shares based on the number of clicks on advertisements. Therefore, there lacks a strong subjective willingness to monitor the actual clicks, which has led some advertisers to deceive content publishers with bots.

How IOST helps:

With IOST’s Consortium Chain, all parties of the advertising supply chain, including consumers, will co-exist in a decentralized platform ecosystem. Consumers will participate in designing, producing, creating and innovating with businesses. Since consumers can observe the information and data of each node on the blockchain, the trust relationship between advertisements and consumers may be transformed into machine trust and data trust.

In the future, each advertisement can accurately locate each consumer according to the information flow and database on the blockchain node, avoiding ineffective placement and excessive disturbing to consumers, while maximizing benefits. The severe reduction in advertising costs may reduce consumer costs too and achieve a win-win situation. The biggest role of blockchain technology in the field of advertising is to integrate all the intermediate parties in the industrial chain, break the data isolation of each node, and use blockchain technology to reach a broad consensus among advertisers, traffic owners, and users, achieving mutual trust at the lowest cost and improve the efficiency of the entire industry chain.

12. Medical/Beauty Field

Challenges faced:

After entering the 21st century, the medical beauty industry has become the third-largest industry after the automotive industry and the aviation industry, with a total annual market of around 150 billion US dollars. However, some outstanding challenges in this industry include: unlicensed and/or false licenses, unsafe medical beauty drugs, frequently leaked medical data, and some institutions are even constantly wandering on the edge of the law, which has seriously hindered the development of the medical beauty industry.

How IOST helps:

Through the IOST BaaS consortium chain, it is possible to achieve decentralized management, immutable tracking, and auditing, data traceability, reliability and easy to use, privacy and security. Applying it to the medical beauty industry will help in providing safety services for the global medical beauty ecosystem. At the level of medical institutions, blockchain technology can achieve unified management of distribution, inventory management, and medical staff, and realize a decentralized collaborative office system. At the consumer level, it can provide predictable effects to consumers, help consumers choose the most appropriate medical solution, and record unchangeable medical data on consumer information to protect personal privacy rights.

B. Top Business Cases

At present, IOST has developed a high-performance blockchain system, the IOST BaaS platform, based on the underlying core technologies of blockchain. IOST targets four major areas: anti-counterfeit & traceability, supply chain finance, data asset sharing, and evidence record. It provides accurate and effective docking for supply and demand in the industry and has achieved considerable social and economic benefits. Empower the physical industry with innovative blockchain technology in multiple areas.

1. Aerospace Data Platform

Strategic cooperation with the global leading drone company EHang, using IOST Pass to provide a safe and reliable data management system for drone companies to ensure that the operating system data is encrypted, verified and tamperproof against third parties, this also guarantees the validity of the drone flight data for the Civil Aviation Administration.

2. Artwork Traceability System

Strategic cooperation with the gallery of the European Art Association, the top antique dealer in China. IOST Source was used to record the partial property rights certificate on the chain. Information cannot be tampered after being recorded and has a unique ID on the chain; each exhibit will be strictly screened before being recorded to ensure that the collector holds the genuine product, which will provide a strong guarantee for the healthy and orderly development of the art market.

3. Traditional Games “chainify” Transition System

Formally signed a contract with King Kong Games, the first game listing company on the NEEQ, the existing game development, distribution, communication and profit model for games through the IOST blockchain, breaking the barriers of trust between players and game developers, putting the core assets on the chain, and realize digital asset rights and digital asset circulation in games.

4. P2P Power Trading System

Partnership with Fujimi City Power Plant, the third-largest power plant in Japan, to develop the IOST-based consortium chain suitable for its business. All power information can be jointly managed by the participants, and users can more smoothly and efficiently settle power transactions. The mayor of Fujimi, Japan said that the project has profound significance for residents and power companies throughout the city.

5. Shanyiou Information Disclosure Platform

Traditional charities are usually inefficient, insufficiently open & transparent and slow & questionable in the matter of distribution. IOST Enterprise- Aiou Technology launched a charity information disclosure platform based on blockchain technology, in conjunction with Ningbo and Changsha local governments, the China Enterprise Federation and China Software Association, to promote the transparency of charity organizations and contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

After the platform was launched, it attracted the attention of major mainstream media. People’s Daily, Xinhuanet, and Tencent all expressed their recognition of the blockchain model of charity platform + charity innovation. At present, the charity assets publicized by the Shanyiou platform are nearly one billion yuan, and thousands of items have been donated, providing donations for about 20 provinces and cities nationwide. With the development of the cooperation, it is expected that in the future, only one hundred members of the China Enterprise Federation and China Soft Association will join the Shanyiou Charity Information Publicity Platform.

6. Blockchain Education Platform

Jointly launched an online education tool with BlockDevs Asia, using the decentralized, verifiable, and tamper-resistant storage system of the IOST technology to store the learning certificate in the blockchain database, which can ensure the authenticity of the user’s learning process, making learning credential verification more effective, secure and simple.

7. Public Welfare Traceability Platform

Cooperation with Mantra and Apopo Foundation, based on the IOST blockchain, every donation will be recorded, and the donor can clearly check the whereabouts of the donation and related information. The immutable nature of the blockchain can also ensure that information is permanently stored and cannot be tampered. This will greatly increase the authority, transparency and public trust of the service.

C. Contact Us

Want to improve your business with blockchain technology? Join us!

For enterprises and organization in China, visit IOST’s Enterprise Arm Aiou Technology on

  • Official Website:
  • WeChat public account: Aiou Technology
  • Aiou Charity information publicity platform:

For organization from other countries, visit IOST or Aiou Technology:

To join the carrier program:

1. Send an email to to become an IOST aircraft carrier program partner.

2. The following information should be attached to the email:

  • Company/Project Introduction
  • Corporate/Project Department Needs
  • Enterprise/project department transformation goals and plans
  • Your budget/resources
  • Contact information

After evaluation, we will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with an exclusive blockchain solution based on your existing business and your needs.



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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.