IOSTTOKEN — Issue Your Own Token on IOST Now!

Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2022


As the core element of the decentralized economic system, blockchain tokens play an indispensable and vital role. An easy to use and token issuance tool makes it easy for developers and non-developers to launch their own tokens, build on-chain applications, enrich IOST’s ecosystem, and attract more users and funds to participate in the construction of the crypto world.

The IOST development team is committed to creating an easy-to-use and highly reliable developer toolbox to attract more developers to construct applications on the IOST chain. The launch of IOSTTOKEN will lay a solid foundation for building a more prosperous decentralized economic system.

0. What you will need

  • An IOST wallet app;
  • An IOST account and resources — IOST, iRam, iGas;
  • An idea in mind.

Additional resources

  • Guide to IOST account and wallet here.
  • Guide to IOST resources here.

1. Create your desired token

  • Visit
  • Unlock your IOST wallet.
  • Enter the following details: token symbol (5 characters or above), total supply, number of decimals, and token name. Please note that you must use lowercase here.
  • Confirm that the above information is correct, and then hit [Create]. This process costs about 450 bytes = 0.45 kb of iRAM (worth around 1.5 IOST).
  • Confirm the transaction.

For the uninitiated:

  • The token symbol is the symbol by which the token contract should be known, for example, “IOST.”
  • Total supply refers to the number of tokens that will be issued.
  • Decimals refer to how divisible a token can be. In IOST, this value goes from 0 (not at all divisible) to 8.
  • The full name of the token doesn’t need much explanation. IOST token’s full name is “Internet of Services Token.”

If you do not have enough iRAM, you can purchase some through iWallet or mobile wallets such as TokenPocket, Bitkeep, etc.

  • On iWallet, click on [iRam] and enter the amount you would like to purchase. The minimum amount you will need is 0.45 kb of iRam. It is advisable to buy a little bit more just in case. If you want to buy some iRam for somebody else or a secondary account, you can enter the wallet address in [Resource Receive Address].
  • iRam is usually located inside the [Resources] tab on mobile wallets. Follow the same process as with iWallet to purchase some iRam.

2. Issue your token

After successfully creating the token, it is now time to issue it on the IOST chain. Once the button turns red, click [Issue], and you will receive the total supply of the token in the wallet you connected. This also means that your token is now officially on the IOST mainnet!

3. Find your token

Through iWallet

  • Unlock your wallet and scroll down on the assets & balance section until you find the [+Add Token] button.
  • Type your token’s symbol and hit [Add].
  • You will now see the token balance in your wallet.

Through IOSTABC blockchain explorer

You can also query your newly issued token through our blockchain explorer — IOSTABC.

  • Visit
  • Search for your token in the search box located on the upper right corner of the page, wait for it to load the information, a menu will automatically pop up.
  • Click on your token to check the total supply, the number of holders, and other information.

We believe you will find this tool interesting and useful! The IOST developer team will continue to launch safe, efficient, and fun tools to bring a better user experience to all IOSTIANS! Stay tuned!

About IOST

High fees and slower transaction times on the Ethereum network have left the door open for new solutions to emerge, and IOST is one such project that has been gaining traction since its mainnet launch in 2019.

Backed by major financial and VC firms such as Sequoia, Matrix, and ZhenFund, IOST is a pioneering decentralized, high-throughput, gas-efficient Proof-of-Believability-powered smart contract platform built to tackle the scalability trilemma once and for all. For this, the concluding ranking from China’s CCID ranked IOST as the best blockchain platform under Basic Technology, better than Ethereum, EOS, and every other smart-contracting platform evaluated by the agency. This is a testament to the quality and ability to roll out a better, innovative product and reflective of our true desire to be the best in the sphere.

Being one of the public chain leaders in terms of adoption, performance, and utility, IOST remains committed to our mission to unleash the power of blockchain. IOST currently has the ever-expanding 500,000 community members in over 20 countries, over 400 nodes, a top staking economy, symbiotic relationships with corporations dotted worldwide.

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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.