Switzerland Expansion | IOST Strikes Cooperation Deals with Prominent Local Partners

Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2020

Jan 27th to 29th, Terry, co-founder of IOST and Makoto, Head of IOST Japan, were invited to Switzerland by the Swiss ambassador in Japan. There they attended three business conferences with blockchain consulting company & law firm MME, the Zug City Government & Crypto Valley Association and the University of Zurich to conduct in-depth partnership discussions.

The cooperation between IOST and the University of Zurich will focus on three aspects: (i) data research on blockchain platforms, (ii) offline technological discussions and (iii) academic exchanges.


MME is one of the top 10 law firms in the blockchain industry. It not only helps blockchain companies to explore the Swiss market from the perspective of laws and regulations but also provides professional consulting services for leading projects in the crypto field such as Ethereum and Tezos.

On Jan 27, Terry, co-founder of IOST, Makoto, Head of IOST Japan, Takashi from node partner PHI, Dr. Andreas Furrer from MME and the staff of the Swiss Embassy in Japan held a business meeting. The staff of the Swiss Embassy in Japan also specially traveled from Japan back to Switzerland to facilitate the organization of this meeting.

At the meeting, Dr. Andreas Furrer explained in detail how blockchain companies can enter the Swiss market, and discussed the possibilities and processes related to IOST’s launch on the Swiss Exchange. A listing on the Swiss Exchange will greatly enhance IOST’s brand equity and positioning within the crypto industry.

Dr. Andreas Furrer said: “If you plan to register a company in a country, you need to understand not only the country’s laws on blockchain technology, but also the relevant legal frameworks that have long been created to support the new bill. In general, It ’s important to understand the laws of that country.”

IOST X Zug City Council & Crypto Valley Association

Zug has a reputation as the “crypto valley” in the blockchain industry. With its friendly tax policies and regulations, it has attracted more than 800 blockchain companies, including Ethereum.

On the afternoon of Jan 27, IOST team had a business discussion with the Swiss Zug government and the head of the Crypto Valley Association.

At the meeting, Terry introduced the IOST project and its application prospects to the Zug government. Mr. Roman Weiss of the Swiss Zug Government and Mr. Martin Berweger of the Crypto Valley Association introduced the preferential policies of establishing a branch in Zug to IOST and provided relevant suggestions for IOST’s entry into the Swiss market.

Both business meetings during the Swiss trip were conducted with the assistance of the Swiss Embassy in Japan. Here, IOST expresses our sincere gratitude to the Swiss Embassy in Japan.

IOST x University of Zurich

The University of Zurich is located in Switzerland’s largest city, Zurich, and is a world-renowned state research university. Founded in 1833, with over 180 years of history, it has now become Switzerland’s largest and most powerful university. Twelve Nobel Laureates, including Roentgen, the first Nobel Laureate in Physics, Einstein, the “Great Man of the Century”, and Jean Lindenman, co-discoverers of interferon, have all studied or worked here.

The school established a Blockchain Center (BCC) consisting of 15 professors, focusing on knowledge creation and sharing on blockchain and related technologies.

On the morning of January 29, IOST team had an in-depth talk about blockchain technology with Dr. Tossene, associate professor of BCC at the University of Zurich.

At the meeting, IOST reached a cooperation with the University of Zurich. In the future, the two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation around three aspects of data research on the blockchain platform, offline technical discussions, and academic exchanges.

BCC will conduct research on the IOST blockchain platform and collect relevant data such as TPS, Servi Behavior and PoB mechanism. In Q2 2020, IOST will visit the University of Zurich BCC again to hold an IOST technical seminar and a workshop based on IOST smart contracts. In addition, Takashi, partner of IOST node PHI, will join the University of Zurich in July for academic exchanges.

During this trip to Switzerland, IOST not only deeply felt the atmosphere of Swiss blockchain technology, but also received a lot of invitations for cooperation. In the future, IOST will continue to expand across the European markets with Switzerland as a launchpad.

Stay tuned for further in-depth reports to know more about IOST’s detailed cooperation with the University of Zurich and more cooperation and activities in the Swiss market.




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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.