WebX Asia 2023: Uniting Global Web3 Innovators in Tokyo’s Iconic Forum | Event Recap

A Showcase of Japan’s Commitment to Web 3 Advancements

4 min readAug 1, 2023


WebX Asia 2023, Japan’s most significant Web3 conference organized by CoinPost, took place at the prestigious Tokyo International Forum on July 25 and 26, 2023. The event commenced with an inspiring speech by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and it served as a gathering ground for Japanese government agencies, administrators, Web3 stakeholders from Japan, and distinguished Web3 projects from across the globe.

An impressive total of 16,500 attendees participated in the two-day WebX, with 290 speakers, including video messages. Additionally, 372 companies and organizations, encompassing sponsors, partners, patrons, and media, contributed to the success of the conference. The remarkable diversity of attendees from over 50 countries truly made it an international Web3 extravaganza. This event stood as a compelling testament to Japan’s unwavering commitment to fostering Web 3 advancements, as evident in the harmonious collaboration between the government, public, and private sectors, both domestically and internationally.

IOST AI Labs, which IOST proudly launched this year, showcased its presence at the event alongside remarkable projects like MUXIC and Air World, two Hong Kong-based metaverse ventures, as well as Climbers and Stir Network, remarkable Web3 projects developed by Japanese teams.

In addition to the passionate members of Climbers and Stir, the IOST booth was fortified by the unwavering support of a team from Eversystem, an IOST developer, and esteemed individuals from the IOST community. The booth exuded vibrance with IOST logo balloons and captivating IOST AI Labs and IOST merchandise, including t-shirts, mugs, bags, and pens. The booth was met with immense enthusiasm, and nearly all of the 200 goodies were swiftly claimed by the end of the first day.

During the first day of WebX, the Japanese licensed exchange OKCoinJapan and IOST collaboratively organized a community party as a delightful side event. The gathering witnessed the participation of both Japanese and global Web3 projects, including IOST AI Labs, Stir Network, Overlay, Cabinet, Joyfa, Climbers, Air World, and MUXIC, all joining as event supporters. More than 150 participants registered for the 70-person call. During the event’s commencement, Blake, the Co-CEO of IOST, extended gratitude to all participants and expressed appreciation for the invaluable contributions of the IOST community. To commemorate the occasion, attendees received charming bags adorned with the friendship mascots of OKCoinJapan and IOST. The event also featured an entertaining quiz competition, providing participants with the opportunity to win IOST tokens.

The passion and dedication of the Japanese community towards IOST are truly unparalleled, with more than 40% of the total market value of IOST tokens being held by the Japanese market. Co-CEO Blake was profoundly impressed by the fervor and dedication of the Japanese community, vowing to further contribute his efforts to support and uplift the Japanese market, as its influence continues to thrive in the world of Web3.

About IOST

IOST — The Web3 Blockchain Operating System

Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Singapore, IOST is an enterprise-level blockchain application platform backed by prominent global USD investment institutions like Sequoia, Matrix Partners, and ZhenFund. It is designed to serve online service providers.

Expanding the Web3 Ecosystem

Amidst the ongoing digital revolution driven by Web3, IOST is committed to fostering innovative development within the blockchain ecosystem. The platform has made significant progress in various areas, including blockchain, consensus algorithms (PoB/PoI), decentralized identity authentication (DID), zero-knowledge proofs (SNARKs and ring signatures), relay-based protocols, DeFi, NFT, AI, XR, and more.

IOST2 — The Real Web3 blockchain operating system.

  • IOST2 — The Merge: IOST will adopt the Beacon Chain + Smart Chain architecture for IOST2, ensuring compatibility with EVM and utilizing standard Engine API for communication between the two.
  • IOST2 is continuously evolving and upgrading multiple subchains, encompassing general-purpose EVM-based smart contract chains and dedicated subchains such as NFT chains, gaming chains, AI Native chains, and others.

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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.