Yokozuna Finance’s ZUNA built on IOST Achieves Significant Milestones.

Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2022

It has been an exciting six weeks for Yokozuna Finance and the ZUNA community, following the successful November completion of the Beosin Security Audit and the highly anticipated December 10th launch of the $ZUNA token built on IOST.

While the team has been busy introducing new pairs, features, and functionality to the app.yokozuna.fi DApp, the project has reached several significant milestones, which have them eager to share some highlights and accomplishments and preview what’s to come in 2022.

Disclaimer: Third-party developers develop all IOST DApps. The information provided here does not constitute any investment advice. All content provided here is intended for education only. IOST bears no responsibility or liability for any loss that users may experience. Please contact the DApp team directly for any questions.

USD 5 Million in Total Value Locked

Despite the recent broader market pullback, the Yokozuna Finance team announced surpassing USD 5 Million in Total Value Locked Value (TVL). The early popularity and success can be attributed to the introduction of IOST, ZUNA single token vaults, and several widely popular Liquidity Pools (LP), including METX_IOST, HUSD_ZUNA, XPLUS_ZUNA, OTBC_ZUNA, and most recently, a DON_ZUNA vault introduced on January 12th.

125 Million IOST Staked to Yokozuna Finance Nodes

The teams’ new year promotion to boost the 87+3 day IOST vault to 20.22% on January 1st served as a catalyst for the Yokozuna Finance nodes “yzblock01”(Producer Node ranked 10th) & “yzblock02” (Candidate Node ranked 22nd) to secure more than 125 million IOST staked. This significant achievement helps the project to continue to offer its’ unique “Double Mining” of IOST + ZUNA in its single token vaults. The team is continuing to work with the IOS Foundation to foster collaboration with existing and new IOST based projects and attract more users to the ecosystem.

2 Millionth $ZUNA emitted

January 20th marked the 2 million $ZUNA token emitted since the project’s launch. Current $ZUNA token emissions are 47,600 per day earned via FAIR LAUNCH yield farming. The deflationary $ZUNA token distribution model will distribute 80 million $ZUNA with a distribution schedule that calls for 20% of the remaining supply emitted annually, ensuring longevity and sustainability for the foreseeable future. The maximum supply of ZUNA is 100 million, and users are encouraged to follow circulating supply, daily emissions, and price data on the dashboard of the DApp home page.

$ZUNA token has a total supply of 100 million, a circulating supply of 22 million after recently emitting its’ 2 millionth ZUNA, and is distributing 47.6K tokens to the ZUNA daily

LunarCrush begins tracking Yokozuna Finance.

LunarCrush, a leading social intelligence for crypto tracking site, has recently listed @yokozunafinance $ZUNA token and actively tracks our social media presence. We anticipate CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and other token tracking sites to follow once their requirements which include being listed on an established Centralised Exchange (CEX), are met. The team is currently pursuing CEX listings and is in advanced discussions with several mid-tier CEX’s while continuing to pursue listings on top-tier exchanges. The team expects to be listed on at least one CEX by the end of February.

In the meantime, in addition to $ZUNA being available at Yokozuna Finance AMM (app.yokozuna.fi/exchange), it is currently also available at the two IOST DEX’s otbtrade.com and iostdex.io, as well as the Donnie Finance (Donnie.finance) and XPlus (app.xigua.ist) AMM’s.

Yokozuna Finance attends North American Sumo Championships.

In keeping with the Yokozuna Finance mission to educate and entertain IOST users while promoting the sport of Sumo to avid and non-traditional fans around the world, several members of the Advisory team met in Las Vegas to attend (and one even participated) the North American Sumo Championships. Amateur male and female participants in several weight divisions competed for the right to represent North America in the July 2022 World Games to be held in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.

The Yokozuna Finance team seeks to further work toward its’ mission and continues to evaluate opportunities with Sumo Federations, Associations, and Clubs around the globe to broaden the reach and appeal of the sport for amateur and professional Sumo.

Yokozuna Finance advisor David Dzanis and former professional Sumo wrestler Yama briefly discussed Yokozuna Finance at the 2021 North American Sumo Championships in Las Vegas — photo credit (A. Freund)

What’s Next:

NFT System and DAO Fund Ownership and Governance

The development team is working diligently on the Yokozuna Finance NFT system expected to be introduced before the end of Q2. ZUNA will be the exclusive token to purchase Sumo themed NFT’s and items that will enable eligible NFT holders to own and govern the DAO Fund.

The NFT system will feature both Auction and a Secondary Marketplace for users to win, buy and sell Sumo-themed NFT’s exclusively with $ZUNA.

Seeded with 1 million $ZUNA, the Yokozuna Finance DAO Fund has a current value approaching USD 250K. A key future funding mechanism of the DAO Fund provides for a percentage of the transaction fees to contribute directly to the DAO, which will be implemented along with the introduction of the MetaVerse compatible NFT system.

What’s more:

  • The team will be introducing a new vault governance module, where users can raise proposals and seek community votes to implement changes.
  • Yokozuna Finance will increase its’ marketing support with a focus on new users to help grow the community. Users can expect AMA’s, wallet creation support events, and promotions as we lead up to our NFT system introduction.

As you can see, the team is focused on delivering the objectives set forth in our roadmap while striving to be a leading DApp in the IOST ecosystem. The team has placed a priority on communication and will continue to review community feedback and suggestions to improve the platform continually.

More on Yokozuna Finance’s Roadmap can be found here. To learn more about Yokozuna, check out Telegram, Twitter, Japan Twitter.

About Yokozuna

Yokozuna Finance is a leading Decentralised Financial Protocol built on the IOST Blockchain. It introduces new design concepts of DAO ownership based on NFTs that both govern and ultimately own the DAO fund.

The platform is designed to educate and entertain new and existing fans while promoting the sport of Sumo to avid and non-traditional audiences around the World. Built on the IOST Network for its efficiency, speed, and low transaction costs, Yokozuna Finance will allow users to guide the journey of a young rikishi (sumo wrestler) as he climbs the ranks in hopes of becoming a Yokozuna or Grand Champion. Users can accomplish this feat through a unique and creative NFT model purchasing NFT’s with the project’s native token, “ZUNA”.

Participants on the platform will have access to a multitude of financial instruments designed to establish a DAO Fund capitalized through fees and transactions from participating on the site. Qualified participants can make and vote on proposals governing the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

About IOST

High fees and slower transaction times on the Ethereum network have left the door open for new solutions to emerge, and IOST is one such project that has been gaining traction since its mainnet launch in 2019.

Backed by major financial and VC firms such as Sequoia, Matrix, and ZhenFund, IOST is a pioneering decentralized, high-throughput, gas-efficient Proof-of-Believability-powered smart contract platform built to tackle the scalability trilemma once and for all. For this, the concluding ranking from China’s CCID ranked IOST as the best blockchain platform under Basic Technology, better than Ethereum, EOS, and every other smart-contracting platform evaluated by the agency. This is a testament to the quality and ability to roll out a better, innovative product and reflective of our true desire to be the best in the sphere.

Being one of the public chain leaders in terms of adoption, performance, and utility, IOST remains committed to our mission to unleash the power of blockchain. IOST currently has the ever-expanding 500,000 community members in over 20 countries, over 400 nodes, a top staking economy, symbiotic relationships with corporations dotted worldwide.

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Senior Community manager, editor, and translator at IOST.