[ Project Akombe ] Akombe FireChat

Android application made for real-time chat conversation.

Ngesa Marvin 10x
IoT/5G Extreme Ideas Lab
1 min readDec 12, 2017



Android application made for real-time chat conversation. I am designing it with latest UI and UX studies and rules.

App features

  • Allow users to sign in.
  • Sync data using the Firebase Realtime Database.
  • Receive background messages with Firebase Notifications.
  • Configure an application with Firebase Remote Config.
  • Track application usage flows with Google Analytics for Firebase.
  • Allow users to send invitations to install with Firebase Invites.
  • Display ads with AdMob.
  • Report crashes with Firebase Crash Reporting.
  • Test your app with Firebase Test Lab.

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Learn how to use the Firebase platform to create Android applications. You will implement a chat client and monitor its performance using Firebase.


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Ngesa Marvin 10x
IoT/5G Extreme Ideas Lab

Electronic Engineer. Engineering Manager. AI Innovator, Intel. Grew @LiquidInTech, Deep Learning Abantu. Wabi -Sabi. #AI #Cloud #5G Freak. Opinions are my own