IoT At DevFest Nyeri 2016

IoT Presentation at Dedan Kimathi University

Ngesa Marvin 10x
IoT/5G Extreme Ideas Lab


Gdg Devfest Nyeri was was a three-day event held from 11th November 2016 to 13th November 2016 at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. The goal of the event was to push the limits of what we previously achieved, by organizing a three days’ event that features a technical Session where developers get hands on training, in depth tracks on relevant technical information on the latest Google & Intel technologies and products, a Hackathon where developers can build product on Google Cloud Platform and a Buildathon where developers can utilize different Microcontrollers and sensors including Arduino, Raspberry pi and Intel Edison. After the Buildathon & hackathon, developers presented their IoT solutions to Judges. DevFest Nyeri 2016 boasted of entirely new Drones all built from scratch, competing at the Game of Drones.

Additional sessions involved talks on women within the Technology space. There was also an introduction to the new Google IoT Developer Prototyping kit, the new Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green Wireless board which is tailored specifically for Google Cloud Platform and talks about the Google beacon platform.

During the event, we had attendees from 5 different universities:

  1. Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
  2. Meru University of Science and Technology
  3. Laikipia University
  4. Egerton University
  5. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Real time Internet of Things Development with Intel Edison, Firebase and Node Js

I gave talk about how developers can use a combination of Intel Edison, Firebase and Jonny five, (a Node Js framework for robotics) for IoT prototyping. While meeting common needs can be challenging at times, IoT development platforms such as Google Firebase provide services allow developers to meet many of these requirements.

They were introduced to diverse different microcontrollers including, Intel Edison, Arduino Uno, Arduino 101, Raspberry pi and the new Google IoT Developer Prototyping kit, the new Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green Wireless board which is tailored specifically for Google Cloud Platform.

Google Beacon Platform & The Zephyr Project

They were also shown how Google beacon platform enables developers to manage their beacons remotely, integrate with Google services and help users’ devices to discover content and functionality across Android, native apps and the web.

They were then introduced to the The Zephyr Project. The Zephyr Project is an open source, real-time operating system released earlier this year by the Linux Foundation. It supports x86, ARM, and ARC processors on a growing number of boards, such as the Arduino 101, Minnowboard Turbot, NXP FRDM-K64F, and Arduino Due.

Intel started working to combine these two technologies in early 2016, with the idea of providing an alternative development environment for the Arduino 101 and future IoT boards using the Zephyr OS. Currently, Zephyr Project applications are written in C, and the programming model requires a fair amount of expertise. A JavaScript interface hides a lot of this complexity.

It explore the benefits of having JavaScript available at every level, from small embedded devices to the largest servers, and from prototyping to seamless end-to-end applications.

The initial goal for the ZJS project was to work well on the Arduino 101 board. The Arduino 101 is an Intel x86-based, entry level Arduino platform. The features are similar to the Arduino Uno, but it adds Bluetooth Low Energy and an accelerometer and gyroscope.


