ITC Progress Report 01/12/2019–31/12/2019

IoT Chain
IoT Chain
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2020

IoT Chain

1. Mainchain Optimization

  • [Completed] The mainnet node synchronization strategy optimization is completed.
  • [Completed] We have also completed the optimization of the mainnet block generation strategy (redundant log processing, etc.).
  • [In Progress] We are working on the mainnet wallet address format upgrade (New address will start with ITC).

2. Functional Support

  • [Completed] The Back-end services, Java SDK, JS SDK, etc. are now compatible with the new ITC format address.
  • [Completed] The Mainnet blockchain browser is completely updated.


Decentralized Crypto Asset Management Tools

1. Desktop management tool development

  • [Completed] The Functional requirements analysis and prototype design are completed.
  • [Completed] The implementation of the Basic function is ready.
  • [Completed] The Ledger supports module development is completed.
  • [In Progress] Work is still in progress for internal testing and solving any bug issues.

2. Hardware wallet support

  • [Completed] The process of get-address and signature based on the Ledger-eth-app is completed.
  • [Completed] Ledger-itc-app version support function development (based on Ledger Nano S).

3. Optimization of mobile management tools

  • [Completed] Functional adaptation and optimization of individual Android models.
  • [Completed] We have optimized and adjust the Android and iOS hot update strategies.
  • [In Progress] We are working on the new format address compatible implementation.


We are working with a domestic automobile platform and other institutions to explore the Internet of Vehicles x Blockchain solution to achieve the blockchain upgrade and adaptation of automotive intelligent hardware, including internal node deployment and solution customization.

Exploration: The use of hash algorithms to perform on-chain operations on intelligent hardware data, based on technical characteristics such as No tampering and traceability to implement decentralized vehicle networking information verification,monitoring and use.

Progress: At present, we have completed the delivery of the V0.2 interface algorithm library. Technical interaction and testing are in progress.

