ITC Wallet Support Center

IoT Chain
IoT Chain
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2019

How to create a wallet?

Method 1:

1.Click ”Me” to “Manage Wallet”

2.Click “Creat an ITC wallet” or “Creat an ETH wallet”

3.Enter the name of the wallet

4.Password(This is the transaction password. Very important!)

5.Repeat Password

6.Click “Creat”

Method 2:

1.Click ”menu” on the upper right corner of “Wallet” page

2.Click “Creat an ITC wallet” or “Creat an ETH wallet”

3.Enter the name of the wallet

4.Password(This is the transaction password. Very important!)

5.Repeat Password

6.Click “Creat”

How to import a wallet?

Method 1:

1.Click ”Me” to “Manage Wallet”

2.Click “Creat an ITC wallet” or “Creat an ETH wallet”

3.Click “Import wallet”,

4.Select “ Mnemonic”, “Keystore” or “Private Key” and enter.

5.Password(This is the transaction password. Very important!)

6.Repeat Password

7.Import a Wallet

Method 2:

1.Click ”menu” on the upper right corner of “Wallet” page

2.Click “Creat an ITC wallet” or “Creat an ETH wallet”

3.Click “Import wallet”

4.Select “ Mnemonic”, “Keystore” or “Private Key” and enter.

5.Password(This is the transaction password. Very important!)

6.Repeat Password

7.Import a Wallet

How to backup my wallet?

Method 1: Backup mnemonic phrases

When creating a wallet, write down the mnemonic words with a pen and paper

Method 2: Export the keystore

1. Click ”Me” to “Manage Wallet”

2. Choose the wallet you want to back up

3. Click “Export Keystore”

4. Click “Copy Keystore” to copy the keystore and save it properly

Method 3: Export the private key

1. Click ”Me” to “Manage Wallet”

2. Choose the wallet you want to back up

3. Click “Export Keystore”

4. Enter your wallet password (i.e. transaction password)

5. Click “Copy Private Key” to copy the private key and save it properly

How to delete a wallet?

Important tip: Make sure you have backed up your wallet before deleting it. If you don’t, you won’t be able to restore it after deleting it !

1. Click ”Me” to “Manage Wallet”

2. Select the wallet you want to delete

3. Enter your wallet password

4. Confirm to delete the wallet

How do I transfer ?

1. Click ”menu” on the upper right corner of “Wallet” page

2. Choose the wallet you want to transfer

3. Click on the type of asset you want to transfer, such as ETH, ITC

4. Click the “Transfer” button on the bottom left

5. Enter the address and amount, and adjust the gas fee

6. Confirm the transfer information and enter the transaction password (i.e. wallet password)

How do I receive ?

Method 1

Enter the “wallet” page, click the QR code icon next to the wallet address, and scan the code to receive the payment

Method 2

1. Select the type of asset you want to receive, such as ETH, ITC on the “wallet” page

2. Click the “receive” button on the bottom right

How to search and add tokens?

Any ERC 20 token asset can be added to the ETH wallet address. The ITC wallet address currently only supports ITC mainnet token.

1. Click the “+” icon in the “wallet” page to enter the page of adding assets

2. Enter the name of the token in the top search box.

3. In the search results page, click “+” to add assets

If you can’t find the token you need, you can click “feedback” to submit a new token to us.

What if ERC-20 ITC is accidentally transferred to the ITC mainnet wallet?

Although the network is different, the wallet address and mnemonic phrases are common. If you accidentally transfer ERC 20 ITC tokens to the ITC mainnet wallet, you can retrieve the hidden assets by importing mnemonic phrases in the ETH wallet.

1. Have mnemonic phrases for ITC mainnet wallet ready

2. On the “wallet” page, click on the menu icon in the top right corner.

3. Click “Create an ETH wallet”

4. Click “Import wallet”

5. Enter the prepared mnemonic phrases, fill in the rest of the information, and start importing

6. After importing the wallet, you can see the assets that were hidden due to different networks.

What if mainnet ITC is accidentally transferred to the ETH wallet?

If you accidentally transfer Mainnet ITC to the ETH wallet, you can retrieve the hidden assets by importing mnemonic phrases in the mainnet ITC wallet.

1. Have mnemonic phrases for your ETH wallet ready.

2. On the “wallet” page, click on the menu icon in the top right corner.

3. Click “Create an ITC wallet”

4. Click “Import wallet”

5. Enter the prepared mnemonic phrases, fill in the rest of the information, and start importing

6. After importing the wallet, you can see the assets that were hidden due to different networks.

