Evolution of Procrastination in the name of Advancement.


“Smart living or Laziness?Unraveling the secrets of Iot Homes”

“If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all over again!” — Brendan O’Brien

In this universe of advancements and revolution in technology, everything goes around the advanced technologies for their needs. This technological advancements has gained the power to change the lifestyles of people on a bigger scale with enormous impact on the both sides.

Talking about the positive side, this development in technology has made everything simple in the world.They help in solving complex problems in a very simpler manner, establishing independent nature among people.It has a very significant contribution in “Time saving” process which is the main aspect of its attraction and utility on a very big scale.

On the other hand, it also reflects its negative side, which are not considered as serious as it has to be seen or viewed. One major drawback of Iot is that it makes people more and more lazier. The relation between these two parameters is that “Advancements and Laziness are directly proportional to each other”. These advancements in internet of things is making people lazier day by day. Here are few examples which justifies the statement.

  1. Food ordering apps: These apps like swiggy,zomato etc.. provides the service of delivering various dishes at the doorstep.Due to this, people tend to loose the feel and experience of having their meal at the restaurant and their travel time.It makes people more lazy to go out of their homes. As they become lazy, they also waste their money as the charges in these apps are high as compared to the restaurant’s bill.
  2. Grocery: Nowadays, it has become a trend to purchase groceries tht are stored in air tight containers for long through apps. Veggies and fruits play a pivotal part in our health and people must be very careful in purchasing them but we don’t consider its freshness while purchasing which is due to our laziness.
  3. Maps:In earlier days, when people visit new places and when they are in search of place, they ask people in the surrounding the way to reach the destination. This habit establishes a connect between people of different natives and helps in building a strong helping tendency among people. Now, people are using Iot to track the location which leads to a wrong destination at times.
  4. Dishwasher: May working professionals employ dishwashers at home since lack of time being their solid reason for it. Actually washing dishes by hand provides immense satisfaction of cleanliness and it also acts as a great exercise for muscles in hand.
  5. Shopping apps: There are a lot of apps which facilitate shopping at home. We tend to purchase things in these apps because of the low price they offer and for its door step delivery.Due to this people tend to loose their experience of bargaining and choosing the best out of the choices. People get betrayed by getting products of low auality at a higer cost which makes them disappointed. This is the prize for their laziness in buying products at stores.

There are a lot more examples to quote but these are the major aspects which makes us lazy. Iot offers a lot of solutions to problems but also acts a problem in many places and circumstances. It is people who must have the knowledge to use them at appropriate places and at the appropriate time.

