The Impact of IoT on Employment: A Growing Concern in the Job Market

“If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all over again!” — Brendan O’Brien

Internet of things, The most popular word in twenthieth century. It refers to the interconnectedness of physical devices, such as appliances and vehicles, that are embedded with software, sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data.


“What the Internet of Things is really about is information technology that can gather its own information. Often what it does with that information is not tell a human being something, it [just] does something.” — Kevin Ashton

The Internet of Things (IoT) has found applications across various industries, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings.

“The Internet of Things is not a concept; it is a network, the true technology-enabled Network of all networks.” — Edewede Oriwoh


One of the primary concerns associated with IoT is the increased automation it brings to various industries. Smart machines and devices are becoming more adept at performing tasks that were traditionally carried out by humans. While this automation can enhance efficiency and productivity, it also raises concerns about job displacement. Routine and repetitive tasks are increasingly being handled by machines, leading to potential job losses in certain sectors.

As IoT technology advances, there is a growing demand for a workforce with new skill sets. Jobs that involve designing, developing, and maintaining IoT systems are on the rise. This shift in demand necessitates a workforce that is adaptable and equipped with the relevant technical skills. While some traditional jobs may be replaced, new opportunities will emerge for those who can embrace the evolving technological landscape.

On the positive side, the widespread adoption of IoT fosters enhanced connectivity and data-driven decision-making. This connectivity opens up new possibilities for job creation in areas such as data analysis, system integration, and IoT consulting. Businesses are increasingly relying on skilled professionals to harness the potential of IoT, leading to the creation of new roles in the job market.

“And just like any company that blissfully ignored the Internet at the turn of the century, the ones that dismiss the Internet of Things risk getting left behind.” — Jared Newman

“And just like any company that blissfully ignored the Internet at the turn of the century, the ones that dismiss the Internet of Things risk getting left behind.” — Jared Newman

Even though IOT causes loss of various job due to automation, It also produces various job opportunity when IOT technology evolves .

“Whenever I hear people saying AI is going to hurt people in the future I think, yeah, technology can generally always be used for good and bad and you need to be careful about how you build it … if you’re arguing against AI then you’re arguing against safer cars that aren’t going to have accidents, and you’re arguing against being able to better diagnose people when they’re sick.” — Mark Zuckerberg

