NB-IoT Prototyping Hub — new products for a new network. Interview with Krzysztof Cichomski, Co-Owner ABARO

NarrowBand IoT (or NB-IoT) has recently become one of the most innovative and exciting technologies and Deutsche Telekom is the major player in the field. NB-IoT shows a broad spectrum of capabilities and great potential for the Internet of Things. This new technology, which uses the GSM and LTE spectrum, is specially designed to connect great number of things around us. It is especially useful when we need to send small amounts of data and look for long battery life solutions, deep indoor coverage and low costs.

hub:raum IoT Academy
hub:raum IoT Academy
4 min readJul 10, 2017


ABARO — NB-IoT Prototyping Hub

NB-IoT brings totally new opportunities in Agriculture, Logistics, Healthcare, Retail, Security, Smart Cities, Smart Homes and many more areas. In order to make use of the NB-IOT potential, Deutsche Telekom together with hub:raum organized a special program: NB-IoT Prototyping Hub. As we may find in one article by Deutsche Telekom:

The start-up partners at the Prototyping Hub receive key technical support — an NB-IoT developer’s kit and access to a test network — as well as material help in the form of Deutsche Telekom’s extensive pool of mentors, expertise and business contacts. The goal is simple: Emphasize and extend leadership in the NB-IoT field by bringing new products to market as soon as possible.

What is more, the companies taking part in the NB-IoT program will receive the support from hub:raum in business and product development.

Soon enough, the new communication standard for the Internet of Things will be available in Poland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary and in the Netherlands. The first pilot projects are already in the realization.

Abaro, a company which deals with smart water metering, is among the 24 startups which have been chosen to the NB-IoT Prototyping Hub Program. We have asked Krzysztof Cichomski, Co-Owner Abaro, a few questions in order to learn more about them, their solution and how NB-IoT and the NB-IoT Prototyping Hub influences their business.

ABARO — NB-IoT Prototyping Hub

IoT creators: What is your company doing?

Krzysztof Cichomski: In ABARO we design comprehensive, large-scale telemetry and IoT systems, especially for long-life battery powered scenarios based on GPRS communication. Our systems include all sorts of monitoring devices and software for advanced data analysis. We offer our own products, however, we can also provide services as an original design manufacturer.

What kind of problems do you solve? Who are your customers?

Our products are created mainly for district heat and water suppliers. Originally, it was about data required for invoicing, but now our focus is on using the data to find more ways to optimize our clients’ operations. These kinds of services will be the key, as IoT is going deeper and deeper into everyone’s lives.

How did you come up with the idea?

ABARO is a new company, but our team has been working together developing some of the largest telemetry systems in Poland for the last 10 years. We have a lot of experience in many areas, but, most importantly, we have a good mix of technology and business skills and we are always able to guide our clients to the right solutions.

ABARO — NB-IoT Prototyping Hub

What was the biggest challenge when you started your company?

Which way to go? How risky is it? Will it pay off? Do we have a plan B? Asking and answering these questions proves to be the most challenging task.

How can NB-IoT help your business grow?

Finally, after 10 years of struggling to make GPRS work, it can be put to a well deserved rest. NB-IoT was designed to provide cheap, low-powered communication, and these features are essential in our business. Now, we hope that we will see much improvement and find new markets for our services.

How do you see the role of the Prototyping Hub?

Prototyping Hub is a unique initiative. R&D startups and experienced companies can work together testing and implementing cutting edge technologies. This guarantees effective cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers — and this is the key to success when implementing new technologies. Also, you’ve got some really good coffee. And the staff is really helpful.

NB-IoT Prototyping Hub — interview with Krzysztof Cichomski from Abaro in hub:raum Kraków

NOW, hub:raum wants to move communication with “things” to a new level. Therefore, it has recently launched the WARP NB-IoT program dedicated to startups and growing companies having products or working prototypes across various areas, for example smart cities, smart tracking, smart industries, smart health, smart agriculture or smart property. The application form is available on http://bit.ly/Apply-WARP-NB-IOT. The deadline for the application is until July 17th, 2017.

Hurry up top register!

author: Natalia Sokal, IoT creators

