Everyone can do IoT projects

Veronica Londoño
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

At the very first moment when our mind associate a new concept probably happens one of this two things, avoid the concept because sounds really difficult or the curiosity force to us to face something new. So in this note, I will try to answer why this concept is not difficult (evading and solving the first side), and how you can work on it (talking about last side).

If you are reading this probably you have started hearing about IoT is gonna be the future. The good thing that I could say now is: it’s not the future, IoT is the present and everybody can create IoT projects by themselves.

Why? how?

If you are wondering about it, I’m going to mention a couple examples that help you and I’ll give you the reason of why I am stating this, afterwards I’ll indicate some tools or previous steps that you will need.

Any project require a lot of knowledge from different areas such as marketing, accounting, design, project engineering and so on; the point is how from my own field of knowledge, I can create and develop good ideas to improve or give a solution to a necessity or a issue.

I am writing down about it because in a past few days a friend from a field kind of “away or separate” of software or hardware did not even have idea what was the definition of IoT, but when we started debating about the concept, she started to think about the needs as geologist and what kind of devices or data would be helpful for her.

On the other hand, while trying to introduce my family into the topic they gave me a really good brainstorm about interesting projects about accounting and logistic (their areas), so for me they were refreshing and unbiased ideas, as well motivational because they were thinking in digital transformation inspired by IoT.

As we can see in the image there a lot details that we can start care about in order to improve the process and have a better service for the client or user.

Ok but, what can I do or how can I do it?

I will say we will need a couple things before start

  1. Have an idea what is IoT about: maybe this will help you if you dont know https://medium.com/iot-medellin/whats-iot-anyway-7d11b2a8ac32
  2. Brainstorm: think about needs that you have, perhaps where you require data.
  3. Think about where you can impact and try to have a measure about it.
  4. Try to solve that, thinking in something that you are passionate about, it’s gonna be easier to work on something that you are motivate on.

Ok, sounds cool but, how can I know that I can start? Or where I can do it?

Probably you realize that you get powerful and considerable ideas when you start thinking about necessities, but you can not leave it just there, you should seek for information that can support them, even talking with people about how is moving the market where you will impact, sometimes the best ideas have borned from informal conversations. Moreover, it’s important find a way to develop the idea, it could be searching about info of platforms , hardware and all the stuff that you need to do the implementation and get that data that you will need.

But is it enough even when I don’t really have idea how to do programing or hardware stuff ?

IoT Projects are not just a technical project that are based on technology and innovation, it’s about communicate, interconnect the world, and take full advantage of the information provided by the process in which we work; It’s a topic that should matter even when you think that it doesn’t affect you, the world is turning to quick and easy way where is so important have all the information close and instantaneous, that’s why you can not stay behind and you should start giving so cool ideas, to improve and expand.

Some areas about IoT projects

In conclusion everybody can contribute to increase the development, non-skewed point of views and different motivation could arrive at the same topic and impact in different ways.



Veronica Londoño

About me 🤔Wanderlust ✈️ 🏝⛰Passionate about education 👩🏻‍💻, food 🧀🥙, exercise 🎾💃🏻 and social life 🍻🎭🎼