Let your creativity and inspiration fly away

Veronica Londoño
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2018

I don’t Know why, when people start talking about big and great developments they think about other people and even other countries, I would say it’s more about a change of mentality, because technology doesn’t discriminate by race or a social reason. It is more about letting your ideas flow and believe that you are also very good, and that like others you have great abilities. I am a woman in tech, I am not rich and I have let myself take and go through the world and ideas that I love.

I know that mostly the information we usually find on the internet is about developments and inventions from other countries, but we have asked ourselves, what has been developed in our country? and how are we empowered at the level of technology even about the internet of things?

For a couple of months, I have been in the task of reading the state of our country at the IoT level, more specifically in Medellín, and I have realized that there are many products and services at the level of innovation and development that can really compete with international ones, but a big problem is that we do not believe in them and we do not recognize its quality.

As a result I found more than I expect, in Medellín there are a lot of startups that are creating quality products or services as Eleinco, that created an emergency push button to improve the logistic and security, or Cowsurfing that finds a way to get to monitor the cows status on a farm; as these many more new ideas that potentiate and improve the quality of products and services.By the other side big companies are changing the way that they use to work benefiting from technology to innovate in solutions and provide a better service; As an examples are Haceb in the construction of smart appliances or Quipux a company specialized in the application of solutions for transit and mobility.

Moreover, universities and research projects are providing advances and improvements to to be always updated, such as Gaunal from the National University that is working with Signal Propagation in Body area networks. There are also great academic programs led companies or innovation centers such as Ruta n dabbling on all fronts, from children in their schools to great professionals who want accompaniment in their projects.

Broadly speaking Medellín has focused on the development of IoT* in
1. Management of public services in Smart City
2. Industrial intelligent monitoring
3.Products and services associated with the construction of intelligent infrastructure
4. Integration of Wearables and smart sensors into the health system
5. Services that allow an audit of environmental conditions
6. Academic and technical training for the generation of local capacities required for the use of IoT

Many more projects like these are being developed in Colombia, from the agricultural sector, such as smart cities and medicine, So your startup or project can start with a good idea solving a necessity, the only thing that matters is giving yourself the opportunity to believe that your ideas are good ones and that you can do develop them. Opportunities are to take them, besides to keep them at the forefront of what is moving worldwide in what refers to technology, more specifically on the internet of things, as a great boom of opportunities, which leads to a digital transformation and improvement of services.

To have some ideas when you want to develop an idea of IoT this is a trend map in the market by area

IoT trends* in Medellin by area manufacture, Health, smart city, transportation and others

In general, when you think about technology let your imagination fly, and see beyond what the world of people usually does, do not limit yourself by what others say or do, that you have great capabilities to build great things.

Sometimes we get scared when entering unknown worlds, but we can do more than we think and that’s why today, we wanted to impact with people, projects and companies that impacted around IoT, in the region where we are

Generating a project here in Colombia is possible and even more so when talking about new trends and great inventions, it is not reduced to bad news or discouraging words that you say you can not.

*As a good source you can refer to https://www.rutanmedellin.org//es/observatorio-cti/item/internet-de-las-cosas.



Veronica Londoño

About me 🤔Wanderlust ✈️ 🏝⛰Passionate about education 👩🏻‍💻, food 🧀🥙, exercise 🎾💃🏻 and social life 🍻🎭🎼