The Smart City Winning Formula

What Slows Down the Smart Cities Implementations in Malaysia?

If we think budget is the main issue… think again…

Mazlan Abbas
IoT World
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


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Smart Cities….

Just saying it out loud has this futuristic vibe, doesn’t it?

Makes me picture this utopia where everything’s interconnected, efficient, and, well, smart.

I’ve been down this rabbit hole more times than I can count, dreaming up the endless possibilities.

But then, reality checks in, and boy, does it bring you back down to Earth with a thud.

Let’s chat about why it feels like we’re stuck in the mud when it comes to getting Smart City projects off the ground in some local councils or municipalities.

It’s like everyone’s excited to talk about the potential, but when it comes to action, it’s a whole different story.

The first roadblock?

Budget. Or rather, the lack of it. It’s the age-old problem, isn’t it? No money, no progress.

But who’s going to solve this puzzle?

