The missing link

Why the Success of Smart City Projects Depends on People and Talent

Executing the blueprint of a Smart City is like conducting an orchestra.

Mazlan Abbas
IoT World
Published in
5 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Patrick Langwallner on Unsplash

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The buzz around smart cities often highlights groundbreaking technologies, substantial funding, and strategic plans.

Yet, through my experiences and observations in this field, I’ve come to understand a profound truth — the people and their talent truly drive the success of smart cities.

Despite the pivotal roles of funding and strategic planning, without the right individuals at the helm, the most meticulously crafted blueprints for smart cities remain inert ideas on paper.

Let me share why I firmly believe that people and talent stand at the core of transforming any city into a smart one.

The Illusion of Funding as the Panacea

In the initial phases of conceptualizing a smart city, it’s easy to be trapped by the notion that if only we had enough funds, any vision could be realized.

Funding is indeed crucial — it buys the technology, pays the workforce, and builds the infrastructure.

