【IOTA 中文社群 X MagicSea 文字AMA with English Version】

🕒 時間: 2024.07.05 週五 20:00 (GMT+8)
📍 地點: IOTA 凸了木 https://t.me/IOTAmoon
🎙 主持人: KOWEI (IOTA 亞洲生態系負責人)
🙎🏻 項目嘉賓: Dr. Tangle 和 Hank(MagicSEA 共同創辦人)

AMA 記錄中文版(English version is below)


Q1: 能否請您簡單介紹一下 MagicSea 和自我介紹?

A: MagicSea 不僅僅是一個去中心化交易所(DEX)和NFT市場,它還是一個生態系加速器。我們平台提供包括公平發行代幣、代幣交易、收益農耕、代幣質押還有活躍的NFT市場在內的全方位服務,MagicSea目前在ShimmerEVM和IOTA EVM上運行。

為了支持小型生態系代幣,MagicSea 利用Uniswap v2池,確保充足的流動性和不間斷的交易機會。對於藍籌代幣,MagicSea 使用最先進的Liquidity Book CLMM技術,實現高效的代幣交易和市場做市。


我是Hank,MagicSea 的聯合創始人。

Q2: 請問MagicSea 現在有多少成員呢?具體的團隊構成和分工呢?

A:MagicSea 是一個先進的去中心化金融(DeFi)項目,由一支由10名成員組成的多元化且經驗豐富的團隊開發,每個成員都帶來獨特的技能和視角,激發創意和創新。我們團隊的主要目標是為去中心化交易所(DEX)建立一個可持續的基礎,同時認識到社區最終驅動其長期成功。



Q3: 你們與BlueLabs 和Swapline 的關係是?

A:BlueLabs 是處於幕後的實驗室組織,為我們的開發團隊提供了長期的歸宿。BlueLabs 已經開發了 MagicSea 和 Swapline。

Q4: 基於你們是公平發售的項目,請問你們是如何維持團隊開銷的?

A:沒錯,我們進行了完全的公平發行並使用自有資金開發,使我們能夠將 LUM 代幣完全分配給我們的社區。Magic LUM 代幣是我們的治理代幣,通過booster 智能合約分配,總量上限為100萬代幣。MagicSea 團隊獲得了總供應量的 20%(20萬個 MLUM 代幣),包括團隊分配和運營需求。

這些代幣將鎖定在 Magic LUM 質押池中。這確保了團隊對協議的承諾,同時因其貢獻而獲得獎勵(作為薪酬的一種形式)。由於團隊使用自有資金開發了 MagicSea,這將是團隊成員兩年多來首次從協議中獲利。最初,團隊在 Magic LUM 質押池中占有較大份額,但隨著時間的推移,這一份額將逐漸稀釋,從而實現協議的自然、逐步去中心化。

這種設置為團隊創造了強大的動力來確保協議的增長。團隊的根本激勵在於增長流動性、交易量和手續費收入。團隊與 DEX 長期用戶之間的利益一致性促進了使協議盡可能成功的強烈動力。


Q5:你們和Nakama 的關係(眾所周知Nakama 有在公開市場購買LUM 代幣)

A: 我們已經認識了很長一段時間,並且是好朋友。由於 Nakama 開發的大多數協議都需要一個強大的DEX,因此我們必須保持一致並互相支持。因此,我會將我們的關係描述為一個良好的工作夥伴關係,共同目標是發展我們周圍的生態系統。


Q1:目前MagicSEA 相關的IDO 表現都不慎理想,是否計劃在未來有所改變:以募資來說是否有考慮改成荷蘭拍或是其他方式?是否會考慮讓項目方所募得的資金需要達成miletone 逐步解鎖?

A: 我其實並不同意我們的IDO項目表現與我們的公平發行平台或項目本身直接相關。當生態系統的基礎代幣表現不佳時,很難實現良好的價格發展。然而,我們堅信這種情況在IOTA EVM上會有所不同。


至於籌集的資金,只有一小部分(15%-20%)直接用於啟動項目。大部分資金用於創建LP,並通過投票賄賂(流動性挖礦)確保進一步增長的強大激勵。此外,LP 代幣通常會被鎖定,賄賂款項會在多個周期內支付。

Q2: 根據代幣經濟學,MLUM 可以獲得收益與治理權利,LUM 則是無限增發(沒有上限),要如何維持LUM 的價格呢? Booster 確實可以在短期間讓兩者有綁定,不過你們有什麼長期計畫嗎?

A 是的,沒錯。booster作為兩個代幣(LUM和Magic LUM)之間的主要連接器。它將運行5年,為去中心化交易所(DEX)提供充足的時間進行去中心化並實現自我維持。在此期間結束後,DEX 將積累足夠的協議擁有的流動性(POL),以謹慎地調節 LUM 的供應,使其變得更加獨立。例如,看看 Liquidity Book Farms,這些農場非常高效,吸引市場做市商所需的激勵要少得多。

總體而言,這兩個代幣的價格將由協議的規模和在 Magic LUM 質押池中共享的收入來驅動。

Q3: 我發現Grant項目有入選 Gamma,請問他們會成為MagicSEA 的流動性管理協議嗎?還是你們有其他合作夥伴、甚至考慮自建?(無需調整間距和提高收益對散戶很重要)

A: 是的,沒錯。Gamma 正在加入我們的生態系統,我們已經與他們取得了聯繫。目前,他們還沒有實作 Liquidity Book,但未來可能會改變。

我們有自己的Vault,因此自動流動性管理將很快在 MagicSea 上線 :)

Q4: 假設未來IOTA EVM真的出現 RWA 資產.之後針對這塊有什麼更多的規劃嗎? 畢竟 RWA token 應該會是ERC-3643 標準,你們回有相關產品或策略嗎?

A: 目前,MagicSea 全力專注於為 IotaEVM 構建核心生態系統和流動性層。如果現實世界資產(RWA)引入到 IotaEVM 並且需要不同的 ERC 代幣標準,我們可以相應地進行調整。目前,我們僅支持 ERC20 代幣。不過,我們的池完全支持hook功能,使我們能夠在需要時支持 RWA 交易的額外要求,例如 KYC 流程。不改變包含非RWA的池中的任何協議。


Q1: IDO 關鍵是在於當項目募資後擺爛不做事或者是最後失敗了是否有退款機制,當然你可以直接覺得 IDO 就是有風險這些需要自己承擔,你們完全可以把責任交給 IDO 買賣雙方者是沒有問題的。

A1: 我們確實對想要在 MagicSea 上進行公平發行的項目進行基本的盡職調查。但之後,代幣表現不如預期的風險始終存在。

Q2: 您最期待即将推出的哪些功能?您能透露些“内部消息”吗?🥺

A:我個人最期待的是即將推出的所有 MLUM 用途。獎勵 MLUM 持有者 USDC 的質押池令人興奮,整個投票和賄賂層為項目和社區成員提供了很多可能性。

Q3: MagicSea 是否有其他創新的部分? 目前看到的跟其他鏈都沒有太大差異。先前 MagicSea 是在 SMR 上發展但可以說是幾乎失敗的,扣除賣幣的行為根本無法真正盈利,現在改到 IOTA EVM 上也很難說是否會盈利。MagicSea 是否考慮到其他鏈上發展,還是說其他地方太競爭打不過所以只好選擇 IOTA EVM ?

A: 基於 Liquidity Book,我們擁有許多區塊鏈生態系缺乏的功能。因此,從技術角度來看,我們的 DEX 可以與市場上最好的競爭。然而,我們的社區和業務發展目前主要集中在 IOTA EVM,因為這是我們的使命所在。一旦山寨幣季節開始,IOTA EVM 有機會突破,我們在這裡建立了一個強大而忠誠的社區。儘管如此,MagicSea 的目標是在 IOTA EVM 奠定基礎後實現多鏈增長。

Q4:是什麼因素促使MagicSea選擇在iota上發展/開發 即使目前幣價表現一落千丈 明明有其他更好發展的公鍊 是有任何期望的前景抑或是夢想想達成嗎

A: 這確實是事實,但這對於所有非 BTC、ETH、Solana 的幣種來說都是如此。我們認為市場目前並未正確評價 IOTA 代幣和 IOTA EVM,它們有很大的增長潛力。然後,擴展到其他區塊鏈將是下一步。:)

Q5:是否有考慮加入 uniswap v4 hook 相關的功能,當 uniswap 發佈這功能時讓 vault 可以有更多操作空間

A: MagicSea 現在已經具備了掛鉤相關的功能:) 據我所知,集中流動性挖礦正在利用掛鉤功能。不過,Dr. Tangle 才是這方面的專家。你現在在 MagicSea 上看到的還不是我們功能完整的去中心化交易所。在我們目前的 Hype Train Campaign 結束時,我們會發放大量獎勵,那時候去中心化交易所的功能將接近完整。:) 所以接下來的幾周對於用戶即將推出的功能來說是非常令人興奮的。

Q6: 目前 iota evm / smr evm 都有 layaerzero 的支援那是否有考慮增加直接跨鏈 swap 的功能呢?

A: 有幾個支持跨鏈交換的專案正在進入 IOTA EVM,我們與他們保持密切聯繫。:)

Q7: 如果我想在沒有無償損失的情況下參與挖礦,未來會有適合的產品嗎?

A: 如果您想完全避免無償損失,所有的挖礦選項都不適合您,因為任何兩個代幣的池都會有無償損失的風險。像 Magic LUM 質押池這樣的質押選項可能是您參與去中心化交易所收入和發展的選擇,而無需提供流動性。


如果您能承受一點無償損失,我會尋找相關性高的代幣,並且不要集中於某一處,而是使用標準的簡單 V2 池和農場。

Q8: Magic sea會保持原本在smr上的策略方針 還是會因應IOTA EVM 的推出 做出任何地改變以因應更多的流量(ex.更多的marketing or 因應趨勢調整roadmap)

A: 從排放的角度來看,排放將分配到我們目前看到交易量最大的地方。但這將越來越多地交由社區通過投票和賄賂來決定。


Q9:如果有機會,你們會考慮跨足像是Deepr的借貸服務嗎? 畢竟”TVL放大器”這是一條區塊鏈DeFi的基礎,目前IOTA EVM上似乎沒有更好的選擇


AMA record English version

Moderator’s Questions

Q1: Could you please briefly introduce MagicSea and yourself?

A:MagicSea is not just a DEX and NFT marketplace; it is an ecosystem accelerator. Our platform offers a comprehensive range of services, including Fair Launches, Token Trading, Farming, Staking, and a vibrant NFT Marketplace, currently operating on both the ShimmerEVM and IotaEVM.

To support small ecosystem tokens, MagicSea utilises Uniswap v2 pools, ensuring robust liquidity and constant trading opportunities. For bluechip tokens, MagicSea is using the cutting-edge Liquidity Book CLMM technology, enabling highly efficient token trading and market making.

Our community-first approach has propelled us to become the largest protocol in the ecosystem. This philosophy ensures that we are a strong partner for projects aiming to launch and scale their tokens, providing them with the necessary tools and support to succeed.

I am Hank, Cofounder of MagicSea.

Q2: How many members does MagicSea currently have? What are the specific team composition and roles?

A:MagicSea is a cutting-edge DeFi project developed by a diverse and highly experienced team of 10 members, each bringing unique skills and perspectives that fuel creativity and innovation. Our team’s primary goal is to build a sustainable foundation for the DEX while recognizing that the community ultimately drives its long-term success.

Our development team consists of skilled full-stack developers and smart contract experts with extensive experience in Fortune 500 companies and strong backgrounds in Computer and Information Sciences. Together, they work on customising the frontend, refining the user experience, and ensuring the backend operations run smoothly.

On the business and marketing side, we have team members with a wealth of experience in International Management, Project Management, Marketing, Graphical Design and Community Building. They together lead business development, marketing strategy, content creation, and community management, focusing on building a strong brand identity, capturing trends, and maintaining a long-term vision for the platform.

Q3: What is your relationship with BlueLabs and Swapline?

A:BlueLabs is the Lab Organisation in the background — which is giving our development team a long term home. BlueLabs has developed MagicSea and Swapline.

Q4: Since your project is a fair launch, how do you maintain team expenses?

That’s true — we did a full fair launch and self-funded ourselves, enabling us to fully distribute the LUM token to our community. The Magic LUM token, our governance token, is distributed via the booster and is capped at 1 million tokens. The MagicSea team received 20% (200,000 MLUM tokens) of the total Magic LUM supply, which includes both team allocation and operational needs.

These tokens will be locked in the Magic LUM Staking Pool. This ensures that the team is committed to the protocol while being rewarded (as a form of salary) for their contributions. Since the team self-funded the development of MagicSea, this will be the first time in over two years that team members can earn from the protocol. Initially, the team will have a larger share of the Magic LUM staking pool, but over time, this share will dilute, allowing for a natural, step-by-step decentralisation of the protocol.

This setup creates a strong incentive for the team to ensure the protocol’s growth. The team is fundamentally incentivized to grow liquidity, trading volume, and fee revenue. This alignment of interests between the team and the long-term users of the DEX fosters a strong motivation for making the protocol as successful as possible.

The team only earns when the protocol is profitable. This setup was intentionally chosen to avoid transferring development risk to the community and to keep the team focused on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are crucial for success.

Q5: What is your relationship with Nakama (as it is well known that Nakama has purchased LUM tokens on the open market)?

We have known each other for quite some time and are good friends. Since most of the protocols developed by Nakama require a strong DEX, it is crucial that we are aligned and support each other. Therefore, I would describe our relationship as a good working partnership with a shared goal of growing the ecosystem around us.

Pre-collected questions

Q1: Currently, the performance of MagicSEA-related IDOs has not been ideal. Are there any plans for changes in the future? For fundraising, have you considered switching to a Dutch auction or other methods? Will you consider requiring project teams to achieve milestones to gradually unlock the raised funds?

A: I actually don’t agree that the performance of our IDO projects is directly related to our fair launch pad or the project itself. It’s very difficult to achieve good price development when the underlying ecosystem token is not performing well. However, we strongly believe that this will be different with the IotaEVM.

Regarding your question about fundraising, our fair launch pad is not designed for projects to raise funds. Instead, it is created to kickstart and bootstrap important liquidity for the project. The core goal is to enable trading in the most efficient and fair way for the community.

As for the raised funds, only a fraction (15%-20%) goes directly to the launch project. Most of the funds are used to create the pool and ensure a strong incentive for further growth via vote bribing. Additionally, the LP tokens are usually locked, and the bribes are paid out across multiple epochs.

Q2: According to the tokenomics, MLUM can earn revenue and governance rights, while LUM has unlimited issuance (no cap). How do you plan to maintain the price of LUM? Booster can indeed bind the two in the short term, but what are your long-term plans?

A: Yes, that’s correct. The booster serves as the main connector between both tokens (LUM and Magic LUM). It will operate for 5 years, providing the DEX with sufficient time to decentralise and become self-sustaining. After this period, the DEX will have accumulated enough Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL) to regulate the LUM supply cautiously, making it significantly more independent. For example, looking at the Liquidity Book Farms, these farms are highly efficient and require much fewer incentives to attract market makers.

Overall, the price of both tokens will be driven by the protocol’s size and the revenue shared in the Magic LUM staking pool.

Q3: I noticed that the Grant project includes Gamma. Will they become the liquidity management protocol for MagicSEA? Or do you have other partners, or even consider building your own? (It’s important for retail investors not to need to adjust spacing and to increase yields)

A: Yes, that’s correct. Gamma is joining our ecosystem, and we are already in contact with them. Currently, they are not implementing Liquidity Book, but this may change in the future.

We have our own vaults, so automatic liquidity management will be coming to MagicSea soon :)

Q4: If RWA assets really appear on IOTA EVM in the future, what plans does MagicSEA have for this area? After all, RWA tokens should adhere to the ERC-3643 standard. Do you have related products or strategies in place?

A: At the moment, MagicSea is fully focused on building the core ecosystem and liquidity layer for IotaEVM. If Real World Assets (RWAs) are introduced to IotaEVM and a different ERC token standard is required, we can adjust accordingly. Currently, we only support ERC20 tokens. However, our pools are fully hook-enabled, allowing us to support additional requirements such as KYC processes if needed for RWA trading, without changing anything for pools containing non-RWA.

Real time QA

Q1: The key issue with IDOs is whether there is a refund mechanism if the project fails to deliver after raising funds or ultimately fails. Of course, you might think that IDOs inherently come with risks that participants must bear themselves. It’s entirely acceptable to place the responsibility on both the buyers and sellers involved in the IDO.

A: We do have a basic due diligence check for projects that want to Fairlaunch on MagicSea. But after that there is always the risk that a token performs not as expected.

Q2: Which upcoming features are you most looking forward to? Can you share some “insider information”?

A: I am personally looking forward most to all the MLUM utility that is being rolled out soon. The staking pool rewarding MLUM holders in USDC is exciting and the entire voting and bribing layer on top enables a lot of possibilities for projects and community members.

Q3: Does MagicSea have any other innovative aspects? Currently, it doesn’t seem much different from other chains. Previously, MagicSea was developing on SMR, but it can be said that it was almost a failure. Excluding the act of selling tokens, it couldn’t truly generate profits. Now, moving to IOTA EVM, it’s still hard to say whether it will be profitable. Has MagicSea considered developing on other chains, or is it that other places are too competitive, so you had to choose IOTA EVM?

A: Building on Liquidity Book we do have a feature set that many chains lack. So from a tech perspective our DEX can compete with the best out there. However, our community and business development is mainly focused on IOTA EVM for now as this is where our mission lies. IOTA EVM has the chance to break through once Altcoin Season starts and we have a strong and loyal community here for which we build. However, MagicSea is intended to grow multi-chain after the foundation is layed on IOTA EVM.

Q4: What factors led MagicSea to choose to develop on IOTA, even though the current token price is plummeting? There are obviously other blockchains with better development prospects. Are there any hopeful prospects or dreams you wish to achieve?

A: This is true but it is true for all non BTC, ETH, Solana coins. We do not feel that the IOTA token and IOTA EVM is priced correctly right now by the market and there is a lot of growth potential ahead. Then expanding to other chains would be the next step . :)

Q5: Have you considered adding Uniswap v4 hook-related features? When Uniswap releases this functionality, it would allow the vault to have more operational flexibility.

A: MagicSea is now already featuring hook-related features. :) Concentrated Liquidity Farming is utilizing hooks as far I know. But Dok is here the expert. What you see on MagicSea right now is not our feature complete DEX. At the end of our current Hype Train Campaign where we are giving out a big amount of rewards the DEX will about feature complete. :) so the next weeks are quite exciting in terms of functionality coming for users.

Q6: Currently, both IOTA EVM and SMR EVM have support from LayerZero. Have you considered adding a direct cross-chain swap feature?

A: There are a couple of players entering IOTA EVM that support cross-chain swaps and we are in close contact with them. :)

Q7: If I want to participate in mining without the risk of impermanent loss, will there be suitable products in the future?

A: If you want to avoid Impermanent Loss completely all farming options will not be for you as every pooling of two tokens will hold impermanent loss risk. Staking options like the Magic LUM staking pool might be an option for you to participate in the DEX revenue and development without providing liquidity.

If you only want to reduce impermanent loss risk there are stable coin pools. Stable Coins by standard do not hold Impermanent loss risk unless a stablecoin seriously depeggs.

If you can stomach a little bit of impermanent loss I would look for correlating tokens and not concentrate but use standard simple V2 pools and farms.

Q8: Will MagicSea maintain its original strategy on SMR, or will there be any changes in response to the launch of IOTA EVM to accommodate more traffic (e.g., more marketing or adjusting the roadmap according to trends)?

A: From an emissions point of view emissions will be allocated where we see the most trading volume for now. But this will be more and more handed over into the hands of the community with voting and bribing.

From a marketing perspective it is similar. Where we see more projects entering and more collaborations happening there will be more to share about.

Q9:If given the opportunity, would you consider expanding into lending services like Deepr? After all, “TVL amplifier” is a fundamental aspect of blockchain DeFi, and there doesn’t seem to be a better option on IOTA EVM at the moment.

We are more looking into partner with protocols that enable lending capabilities that match well with our DEX. We believe as a team very much in focus. We do not try to do everything but focus on the core building blocks of a DEX and do that well. For everything on top we are very proactive in engaging with other protocols to find synergies. :)

