【IOTA 中文社群 X Nakama /Deepr 文字AMA with English version】

🕒 時間/Time: 2023.06.23 週五 20:00 (GMT+8)
📍 地點/Where: IOTA 凸了木

🎙 主持人/Host: KOWEI(量子)
🙎🏻 項目嘉賓/Guest: Nakama Founder Kappy(Rob) & CTO Daniel Carpincho

AMA 記錄中文版(English version is below)


Q1: 能否請您簡單介紹一下 Nakama 和自我介紹?



Daniel於2012年進入加密貨幣領域,並於2013年開始研究區塊鏈的工作原理。作為一個技術背景出身的人,他於2017年開始對IOTA及其使用DAG作為數據結構的實現感興趣,而不是典型的區塊鏈,後者具有其已知的限制。從那時起,他開發了一些項目,將物聯網設備與IOTA Tangle網絡相連,例如XDK2MAM和IOT2TANGLE。近年來,DeFi引起了他的關注,他開始在該領域的不同dApp上進行開發。




kowei:我相信IOTA 生態系不是不歡迎VC,而是需要創造價值的VC,Nakama lab 就是這樣的存在.而可持續性非常關鍵,不論是對於加密貨幣整體或是DeFi NFT GameFi

Q2: 請問有多少項目將由Nakama 孵化呢?你們管理的資產規模是?


Deepr.Finance — 一個去中心化的借貸市場

Accumulator — 一個去中心化的收益聚合器/複投器

Genies Bounty — 一個概念驗證、基於鏈上隨機數的Web3遊戲



Q3: 請問Nakama 的團隊構成、舉例有多少人力在開發Deepr呢?

A: Nakama Labs目前擁有近20位才華橫溢的開發人員、設計師和傳媒人員。我們對每個項目的開發採取了後端、前端、藝術和傳媒團隊的方式。我們通常根據目標來調配資源,並為每個團隊中的每個項目指定一位負責人。目前,Deepr核心團隊由3名開發人員(分別負責後端、前端和開發運維)以及3名藝術家和傳媒人員組成。值得強調的是,我們團隊的大部分成員都熟悉Deepr協議,因此在不久的將來,當我們計劃推出一些新功能時,我們將能夠為該項目分配更多的人才。

kowei: 這是一個非常具有彈性的團隊配置🔥

Q4: 請簡介Deepr. 為何選擇Compound fork 而非Aave fork 呢? Deepr 會有什麼特殊設計嗎?

A:Deepr.Finance是一個借貸市場,它允許您提供流動性/抵押品,同時利用該倉位產生 被動收入,同時使用該倉位來進行借貸,而無需像 Celsius 等中心化平台參與。

我們選擇分叉 Compound,因為它是一套更簡單且我們認為更安全的代碼,過去有許多團隊分叉了 Compounder 而非 Aave。



我們將直接使用經過審計的代碼,僅添加一些與我們的通證經濟模型相關的合約。這些添加的合約已經由 Hashex 審計過:https://hashex.org/audits/deepr-finance/

kowei: 確實,多數借貸協議都是compund fork,這就是市場的選擇吧


Q1.1: 是否會將NFT納入經濟結構系統中或質押功能?

A1.1: 目前我們沒有計劃將我們的非同質化代幣(NFTs)進行權益抵押,這並不意味著我們將來不會考慮這個功能。值得注意的是,Nakama的NFTs將為我們每個項目增加某種形式的實用功能,例如可能的一小部分代幣分配、提前訪問權限、Discord特權等。

kowei: 幫忙畫重點,有代幣分配歐.

Q1.2 將來是否會擴展加入其他的鏈?

A: 我們計劃首先在ShimmerEVM上進行發布,這對我們團隊來說有很多優勢,包括:





kowei: 在我心目中未來會是多鏈的,不過可以是Tanlge 上的EVM MoveVM SolVM… 🙂

Q2.1 借貸協議其中一個重要的部分為清算機制,目前 smr evm 生態上還非常小。這該如何避免因為在鏈上流動性太差造成無法清算? 是否會有自有的儲備資金準備清算時使用

A: 在Nakama,我們非常重視風險和安全性,這就是為什麼我們已經多次討論過這個話題。重要的是,我們盡可能地降低風險,特別是針對清算風險,這指的是有足夠的流動性來清算大額抵押品以保護債務。為此,我們正在實施以下措施:





kowei: 風險控制對於借貸協議非常重要,尤其是要選擇什麼品質的資產、並且給予多少的抵押率

Rob: 安全和風險控制不是什麼有趣的功能,不過他們會是我們團隊的第一優先事項,平台的部分儲備金被用於應對可能發生但希望永遠不會使用的壞帳風險情境。

Daniel: 我想補充的是,對於某些已知市場,我們正在使用與Compound相同的抵押因子和參數。這些經過測試的參數已被證明是穩固可靠的。

Q2.2 nakama 本身扮演 vc 及 builder 兩者角色,這會不會造成投資項目的矛盾? 例如目前已經有借貸項目在投資上是否會避免再投借貸相關?

A: 我認為這是一個優勢,因為這使我們能夠進行投資並建立能夠確保緊密合作關係的項目。在Web3內部,項目之間的互操作性對於增長和成功至關重要,我們計劃利用我們的資源為所有利益相關者創建成功的生態系統。然而,我們需要確保我們有一個平衡的投資組合,並在多個不同的Web3項目之間實現分散風險,我不認為這是一個利益衝突,即使我們只專注於建立或投資,這種多樣化也將存在。

kowei: 我也認同投資與建設並不矛盾,Paradigm 和Delphi 也都是會跳下場幫項目設計協議漢代幣經濟學的偉大VC

Q2.3 就 vc 的角度怎麼看投資獲取 token 或是股權的差異? 這兩者會不會有所不同


kowei: 簡單來說,代幣比較能激勵人、也比較好砸盤

Rob: 是的,可以說目前我們更加專注於開發 Web3 應用程序,這是因為我們相信 ShimmerEVM 生態系統中存在著許多機會,我們希望在為社區提供基礎級去中心化應用程式方面發揮核心作用。對於短期的P&D投資(漲價然後拋售等),這不是我們所提倡的策略。我們致力於為所有利益相關者創造長期價值,並且明顯需要從以往的牛市中吸取教訓。關鍵在於為代幣創造足夠的價值和效用,以確保它們成為長期持有的吸引力。

kowei: 長期思維在長期來看非常重要,而我相信IOTA 是非常有耐心的長期社群

Q3.1 身為 iota & SMR & ASMB的創投與孵化器,您們打算如何與iota官方作合作? 有考慮一同進行項目的審核或是以iota官方的審核做為評斷的依據嗎?又Nakama審核項目的重點為何?







kowei: 優質medium 長文總是讓人期待的

Rob: 我們即將推出更多的Medium內容,事實上,我們剛剛在我們的通訊部門增聘了更多的人手,以在這方面提供幫助。

Q3.2 Nakama孵化項目除了資金以外,會提供哪些資源呢?

A: 我們在各個領域提供建議,包括代幣經濟模型、品牌、團隊、開發協助等。我們提供開發社群內的聯繫和合作機會。我們還幫助那些我們沒有投資的項目,因為我們希望協助更廣泛的開發社群,確保ShimmerEVM能夠取得盡可能大的成功,因為我們相信我們間接地從更大的生態系統中受益。

kowei: 我完全同意在Web3 crypto 領域,VC 提供的支援不僅僅是錢

Rob: 如果我們覺得無法通過支持項目提供額外的價值,我們就不會對該項目進行投資。我們有一支知識豐富的開發團隊,可以提供更多的價值,這使我們處於一個獨特的位置。

Q3.3 Nakama最終的願景是什麼?是單純以尋找有潛力的項目挹注或是結合合作的項目組成生態系?

A: 為了在Web3生態系統中為所有利益相關者創造長期價值,當我談到利益相關者時,我指的是用戶、流動性提供者、團隊、合作夥伴和投資者。確保所有利益相關者都對每個項目的成功有所激勵是至關重要的,以確保長期價值的實現。



Rob: LUNA崩潰不是因為一個Oracle,而是因為其構建在金字塔式經濟設計上。儘管如此,我們正在考慮實施一個額外的Oracle供應商作為備份。

kowei: 我認為他所說的是一些借貸協議在LUNA崩潰時因為Oracle問題而損失了資金(例如,Chainlink將LUNA價格固定在0.01或其他數值)。

Daniel: 是的,當運行某些DeFi協議時,預言機是一個敏感的環節,你希望至少有一個可靠的首選項,以及一個備用選項,如果你發現首選項的行為不正確,可以切換到備用選項。目前,Deepr使用Pyth作為首選項,我們正在集成Redstone作為備用選項。我們非常清楚在ShimmerEVM上需要有多個預言機供應商的需求,我們認為隨著時間的推移,像Chainlink這樣的預言機供應商也將可用。

Q2: 當想開始投入在 defi 上開發項目會需要很多工作,例如社群經營/合約開發/前端開發.有沒有任何建議可以給個人開發者呢?不太可能在一開始就找一群人一起,如果什麼都要做也會太過分心


kowei: 順帶一提,我現在就算是在Touchpoint 團隊,歡迎大家諮詢

Daneil: 我建議您研究一下您感興趣的現有協議,並從包含所有所需實例(合約、subgraph、前端)的協議中開始進行分叉。這是一個非常有教育意義的過程,可以讓您了解到一個項目的複雜性,而無需親自涵蓋所有方面,這實際上是不可能的。

Q3: ETH DeFi 有個傳統是不給USDT 抵押率,這件事情會在nakama 生態系被繼承嗎?還是我們會認為USDT 也是好的穩定幣像是USDC?

Rob: 這將取決於在 ShimmerEVM 中哪些穩定幣具有最高的流動性,以確定哪一個將得到更多支持。我們計劃支持 USDC 和 USDT,但其中一種可能會佔據主導地位。

Q4: 請問Genies Bounty是什麼風格的web3遊戲,又與既往的web3遊戲有什麼不同呢?

Daniel: Genies Bounty只是一個概念驗證,展示了ShimmerEVM如何通過協議的getEntropy()函數在鏈上產生真正的隨機性。我們並不打算進一步開發它,但我們希望為其他可能在其他鏈上運行並目前通過Chainlink VRF等服務支付隨機性的GameFi產品打開「免費隨機性」的大門。

Bider: 我可以解讀為Genies Bounty為Nakama概念之一的沙盒嗎? 又類似這樣的概念驗證是否能夠開源或是租用給 Nakama支持的項目使用?

Rob: 沒錯,Genie’s Bounty是一個概念驗證。我們想設計一個遊戲,利用ShimmerEVM的區塊鏈隨機性來創造一些有趣的事物。其他希望建立基於區塊鏈的隨機遊戲的團隊可以參考這個概念進行分叉開發。

Q5: 請問您是否可以在這次的AMA中談談有關Nakama代幣經濟模型的內容?雖然我們知道您將來會發布一篇Medium文章。對於這些項目,將只有一個代幣還是每個項目都有一個代幣?


Daniel: 順便說一下,Deepr的代幣經濟模型非常出色。DEEPR代幣的獎勵從一開始就非常豐厚,並且會隨著時間的推移逐漸減少,因此這是你們可能想在我們上線主網後嘗試的一個方案。「你只需要提供流動性就可以獲得代幣,不需要借貸」,盡管系統設計了根據參與程度發放即時獎勵(你使用協議越多,獲得的DEEPR代幣就越多)。


Daniel: Compound確實經歷了嚴格的實戰測試,許多安全巨頭如TOB和OZ都進行了多次審查。老實說,最近對協議核心的黑客攻擊並不多見。Hundred Finance的駭客攻擊是由開發團隊犯下的一個非常簡單的錯誤造成的:他們留下了一個空的活躍市場,用於操縱價格並通過閃電貸款獲得可觀的利潤。這並不是Compound的漏洞,而是團隊可能忽視了的預期行為。

kowei: 追加的問題是,您是否會提供所有資產,例如以10美元的價值,以確保不會發生類似於Hundred Finance的黑客攻擊。

Daniel: 我們將為所有市場提供資金流動性,並為Deepr設置一個禁用的市場,該市場也將持有一些資金,但不會運作(與Hundred Finance不同,Deepr市場將不接受任何操作)。

Q6: 對於目前超過 30% 的 crv 都被拿去借貸項目換成 usdc 這件事有什麼看法嗎?目前 deeper 是否有考慮到這種情境

Rob: 我認為所有借貸協議都需要管理所有市場的流動性風險。我不想對Aave發表負面評論,但是根據我們之前在這次AMA中討論的內容,我們將實施其他控制措施,例如擔保品/債務限制和資產選擇。

AMA record English version

Moderator’s Questions

Q1: Could you please briefly introduce Nakama and yourself?

A: We’re Rob and Daniel, Co-Founders of Nakama.

Rob became interested in Crypto in 2015 while trading virtual game items for bitcoin and fell down the DeFi rabbit hole in 2018 whilst following his interest in finance which he had a 15 year career in Private Equity prior to launching Nakama as a Co-Founder 1 year ago.

Daniel entered the crypto world in 2012 and started studying how Blockchains work in 2013. Coming from a technical background, in 2017 he got interested in IOTA and its implementation of a DAG as data structure instead of the typical blockchain with its known limitations. Since then, he developed projects to interconnect IoT devices with IOTA’s tangle such as XDK2MAM and IOT2TANGLE. In the last years, DeFi got his attention and he started working on different dApps in that area.

Nakama is a thesis-driven, long-term focused builder and venture fund. We partner closely with the projects we invest in or incubate and actively participate in their governance, community-management and adoption. Our mission is to create value for all stakeholders and help crypto move away from value extraction, towards value creation and sustainable token economies.

Unlike most VC’s we’re self funded and have yet to seek investment from the community, we’d rather create long term value with all our stakeholders which includes users, investors, team, liquidity providers and partners

We’re unusual in that we focus on both investment and web3 building.

kowei: I believe that the IOTA ecosystem is not unwelcoming to venture capitalists (VCs), but rather it seeks VCs that can create value. Nakama Lab is precisely such an entity. And sustainable is the key, no matter for crypto as a whole or DeFi NFT, gamefi.

Q2: How many projects will be incubated by Nakama? What is the scale of assets you manage?

A:We’ve publicly announced three projects:

Deepr.Finance — a decentralized lending market
Accumulator — a decentralized yield aggregator/compounder
Genies Bounty — a proof of concept web3 on chain randomised game

We have a significant sized team of close to 20 people and are developing additional projects which we hope to share with the community shortly.

In regards to the amount of assets we control that is not public information, however we are self funded.

Q3: What is the team composition of Deepr, and for example how many people are working on developing Deepr?

Nakama Labs currently has almost 20 talented developers, designers and communicators. Each project we develop is approached by our backend, frontend, artistic and comms teams. We generally regulate how much bandwidth we allocate depending on our goals, and always assign a lead per project within each team.Right now Deepr core team is composed of 3 devs (back/front/devops respectively) and 3 artists and communicators. It’s important to highlight that, most of our team is familiarised with the Deepr protocol, so we are able to assign more talent to the project in the near future, when we plan to release some new features.

kowei: This is a highly flexible team configuration.🔥

Q4: Briefly introduce Deepr: Why Choose Compound Fork Over Aave Fork? Will Deepr Have Any Special Design?

Deepr.Finance is a lending market, it allows you to provide liquidity/collateral which earns a passive income whilst using that position to take out a debt position without the need for a centralized party such as Celsius for example.

We chose to fork Compound because it’s a simpler and we believe safer set of code to fork as evidenced by the number of teams who have forked Compounder over Aave in the past.

Deepr has a unique user interface which focuses on additional user friendly features such as the lighthouse which gives a simple to understand visual aid for your debt risk position. We will develop additional features such as staking and other yet to be announced features in the future.

Here you can find the audits the protocol had over the years. https://docs.compound.finance/v2/security/

We are taking the audited code verbatim and only adding some contracts related to our tokenomics model. These added contracts were audited by Hashex. https://hashex.org/audits/deepr-finance/

kowei: Indeed, most lending protocols are Compound forks. That’s the market’s choice.

Pre-event Question Collection:

Q1.1: Will Nakama or Deepr NFTs be integrated into the economic framework or included in the staking functionality?

A: We currently have no plans to stake our NFTs, that’s not to say we won’t look at this feature in the future. It’s worth noting that Nakama NFTs will have some form of utility added for each project we launch, for example perhaps a small token allocation, early access, discord privileges etc.

kowei: Let me help to highlight, there is token distribution.

Q1.2 Will there be future expansions to include other chains?

A: We plan to launch on ShimmerEVM first because there are a number of advantages for us as a team to do so including:

- Connections and Partnerships within the ecosystem

- Unique ShimmerEVM features to build out such as; No MEV, on chain randomness, L1 feeless transfer to name a few

- Large community which we’ve been a part of for many years

That being said, we do plan to migrate to other chains in the future once we’ve built momentum on ShimmerEVM and increased our features which will make us competitive on other chains. I believe in a multi-chain future where each chain has unique advantages and can build a niche within the web3 ecosystem and we’d like to support the very best ecosystems in web3.

kowei: In my mind, the future will be multi-chain, but it can be EVM, MoveVM, SolVM, etc. on Tangle 🙂

Q2.1: One important aspect of lending protocols is the liquidation mechanism, and currently, the smr evm ecosystem is still relatively small. How can this be avoided to prevent difficulties in liquidation due to poor on-chain liquidity? Will there be a reserve fund available for liquidation purposes?

A: At Nakama we take risk and security very seriously which is why we’ve talked about this topic several times already. It’s important that we mitigate as much risk as possible, specifically in regards to liquidation risk which refers to the availability of liquidity to liquidate large collateral positions to secure debt we’re implementing the following:

  • We’re the first ShimmerEVM project to implement on chain pricing oracles from Pyth so we get the best pricing information to feed our liquidation model which will be used together with onchain dex data. We’ve not stopped there and are also looking to implement an additional oracle provider as another backup fail safe.
    - We’ll only accept the very best assets as collateral for lending markets which will be decided based on; a) price volatility, b) team c) liquidity on chain
    To start with we’ll be rolling our Deepr with training wheels on which allows us to monitor on chain liquidity and limit collateral and debt positions to ensure we don’t run into bad debt risk
    - ensure we audit our code and use battle tested forked code

Kowei: Risk control is crucial for lending protocols, especially when it comes to selecting high-quality assets and determining the appropriate collateralization ratio.

Rob: security and risk are not the most interesting features but they are our number one priority as a team. Also part of the platforms reserves are destinated to cover bad debt scenarios that will hopefully never be used.

Daniel: I would like to add that, for some known markets we are utilizing same collateral factors and parameters than Compound. These have been battletested and proven to be solid.

Q2.2 As Nakama plays the roles of both a venture capitalist (VC) and a builder, could this potentially create conflicts in investment projects? For example, if there are already investments in lending projects, will there be an avoidance of further investments in similar lending-related projects?

A: I see this as an advantage as it allows us to make investments and build projects which can guarantee close partnerships, interoperability between projects within web3 is crucial for growth and success and we’re planning to use our resources to create successful ecosystems for all stakeholders. We do however need to ensure we have a balanced portfolio and to diversify across a number of different web3 projects, I don’t see this as a conflict of interest and would exist even if we only focused on building or investing.

kowei: I also agree that investment and development are not contradictory. Paradigm and Delphi are also great venture capital firms that actively participate in project design and protocol tokenomics.

Q2.3 From a VC perspective, how do you differentiate between investing in tokens or equity? Are there any notable differences between the two?

A: We’re open to investing in both equity and tokens, although the process of carrying our due diligence on tokens vs equity is different. The largest difference between the two is there are less legal protections for token holders vs equity however there’s far more flexibility to use tokens to incentivise web3 behaviours which benefit the dApp and ecosystem such as liquidity incentives.

kowei: In short, token is easier to incentive people and also easier to dump

Rob: Yes it’s fair to say that currently we’re focusing more of our efforts on developing web3 applications, this is because we believe there’s a lot of opportunities within the ShimmerEVM ecosystem and we want to play a core role in providing foundation level dApps for the community. With regards to short term cowboy investing (pump and dump) etc, this is not a strategy we promote, we are looking to create long term value for all stakeholders and its clear lessons need to be learnt from previous bull markets. Key is creating sufficient value and utility in the tokens to ensure they become attractive to hold long term.

kowei: Long-term perspective is crucial in the long run, and I believe that IOTA has a very patient long-term community.

Q3.1 As an iota & SMR & ASMB venture capital and incubator, how do you plan to collaborate with the iota foundation? Do you consider conducting project reviews together or using the iota foundation’s review as a basis for evaluation? What are the key factors in Nakama’s project review process?

A: We have a good relationship with the IF and share feedback in regards to bug reports and ideas which is mutually beneficial. That being said I don’t believe it would be fair for the IF to carry out project reviews and evaluations. In regards to how Nakama reviews projects we have a medium series coming out shortly where we’ll cover this in more detail, a few areas we’ll cover are:






kowei: High-quality Medium articles always generate anticipation.

Rob: We have a lot more medium content coming soon, in fact we’ve just hired additional help in our comms department to help in this area.

Q3.2 In addition to funding, what other resources does Nakama provide to incubated projects?

A: We provide advice in a wide variety of areas including tokenomics, branding, team, development assistance etc. We provide contacts and partnership opportunities within the development community. We’ve also assisted projects which we don’t have an investment in, as we want to assist the wider development community to ensure ShimmerEVM is as big of a success as possible as we believe we’ll benefit indirectly from a larger ecosystem.

kowei: I completely agree that in the Web3 crypto space, the support provided by VCs is more than just money.

Rob: We wouldn’t invest in a project if we didn’t feel we could additional value by supporting them and we’re in a unique position to provide a lot more value with our knowledgable dev team

Q3.3 What is Nakama’s ultimate vision? Is it solely focused on finding promising projects to support, or does it aim to build an ecosystem through collaborative projects?

A: For us to create long term value for all stakeholders within web3 ecosystems, when I talk about stakeholders I mean; the users, liquidity providers, team, partners and investors. It’s critical all stakeholders are incentivized for the success of each project to ensure there is long term value.

Real time QA

Q1: Using only one oracle is danger when the oracle is malfunction, just like LUNA event. Will Deepr use more oracles like Chainlink, and are you ready to cope with oracle malfunction?

Rob: LUNA did not crash because of one oracle but because of it’s ponzinomic design. That being said we are looking at implementing an additional oracle provider as a backup

kowei: I think what he said is some lending protocol loss money on luna crash due to oracle issue (like chainlink fixed luna to 0.01 or something.

Daniel: Hey, yes. When running some DeFi protocols oracles are a sensitive instance and you want to -at least- have a solid first option and a fallback you can use if you detect that your first option is behaving incorrectly. Right now Deepr runs Pyth and we are integrating Redstone as a fallback. We are very aware about the need of several oracle providers available on ShimmerEVM and we think that, with time others such as Chainlink will also be available.

Q2:When considering starting to develop projects in DeFi, there is a lot of work involved, such as community management, contract development, and frontend development. Do you have any suggestions for individual developers? It is not always possible to find a team from the beginning, and trying to do everything alone can be overwhelming and distracting.

Rob: I would suggest you reach out to the Touch Point team who speak with most devs in the ShimmerEVM space for support and contacts.

Daniel: I would suggest to research existing protocols that are of interest for you and start by forking one that includes all needed instances (contracts, subgraphs, frontends). This is a very educational process and will allow you to grasp how complex a project can be without having to cover all the fronts yourself, which is impossible tbh.

kowei: By the way, I am currently part of the Touchpoint team, so feel free to reach out if you have any inquiries.

Q3: In ETH DeFi, there is a tradition of not accepting USDT as collateral. Will this practice be inherited in the Nakama ecosystem, or will we consider USDT as a good stablecoin as USDC?

Rob: It really depends which stablecoins have the most liquidity within ShimmerEVM as to which will be the most supported, we have plans to support both USDC and USDT however one may become more dominant

Q4:What style of web3 game is Genies Bounty, and how does it differ from previous web3 games?

Daneil: Genies Bounty is just a proof of concept to showcase how ShimmerEVM can produce true randomness on-chain through the protocol getEntropy() function. We do not intend to further develop it, but we wanted to open the “free randomness” doors to other GameFi products that may run on other chains and are currently paying for randomness through services such as Chainlink VRF.

Bider: Can I interpret Genies Bounty as one of Nakama’s sandbox concepts? And can similar concept verifications be open-sourced or leased for use by Nakama-supported projects?

Rob: Correct, Genie’s Bounty is a proof of concept. We wanted to design a game which could use the on-chain randomness USP from ShimmerEVM to create something fun. This concept can be forked by other teams wishing to build random on chain games

Q5: Could you please talk about something about Nakama token economics here in AMA? Though we know that you will release medium article in the future. Will there be only one token for those projects, or one token for each project?

Rob: Nakama is our VC builder fund, there are no tokenomics at this level. For the projects we’re building, Deepr, Accumulator etc they will have a utility token and tokenomics for Deepr are available on our medium page.

Daniel: Deepr tokenomics are amazing btw. Rewards on DEEPR tokens are huge from the start and will decrease in time so this is something you guys may want to try once we are out on mainnet. You can get tokens only by supplying liquidity. No need to take a borrow, althought the system is design to issue live rewards per engagement (the more you use the protocol, the more DEEPRs you get).

Jimmy: Thanks Rob for your response. BTW, the security is very essential in defi, and its said many compound fork were hacked, so is it possible for the team provide more security review for Deepr?

Daniel: Compound is really battletested I would say. Many audits done by security giants such as TOB and OZ. Not a lot of hacks to the protocol core lately tbh. The Hundred Finance hack was produced by a very simple mistake committed by the development team: they left an empty active market that was used to manipulate prices and get some decent profits through a flashloan. That was not a Compound vulnerability, but an expected behavior that the team may have ignored.

kowei: A follow up question, will you supply all assest for like 10USD to make sure The Hundred Finance hack will not happen.

Daneil: We will obviously fund all our markets with liquidity and have a disabled market for Deepr that will also have some funds but will not be operational (unlike what Hundreds did, Deepr market won’t be accepting any ops).

Q6: What are your thoughts on the fact that currently over 30% of CRV has been used by borrowing projects to convert into USDC? Has Deepr taken this scenario into consideration?

Rob: I think all lending protocols need to manage liquidity risk for all markets, I don’t want to talk negatively about Aave however we would have implemented other controls such as collateral/debt limits and selection of assets as discussed earlier in this AMA.

