Welcome Carsten Stöcker to the IOTA Foundation

David Sønstebø
2 min readNov 22, 2016


We are happy to announce another stellar member to the IOTA Foundation line up:

Carsten Stöcker, physicist with Ph.D. from University of Aachen.

He is leading the Machine Economy/Blockchain Lighthouse in the innogy Innovation Hub (formerly RWE Innovation Hub). Carsten is predominantly working on use cases and business models by integrating various technologies such as cyber physical systems, IoT, cryptography and Blockchain/Distributed Ledger Technologies. Prior to joining RWE / innogy he worked for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Accenture GmbH. In addition to this he is also a member of the Future Council Network on Blockchain over at World Economic Forum (WEF).

Carsten Stöcker on joining IOTA Foundation:

I am very much looking forward to join the IOTA foundation and to help the IOTA team to get traction in the market. The unique and compelling IOTA tangle concept solves many shortcomings of today’s Blockchain technology. With IOTA many practicable, secure and scaleable applications for physical delivery of energy, manufacturing, logistics, mobility and telecommunication services will be possible. IOTA enables and scales IoT for the real sharing economy built upon

1) privacy

2) equal participation

3) Optimal resource usage

4) Dependable service experience.

The IOTA Foundation welcome Carsten and are confident that his decades worth of experience and success in several different sectors will be of great value for the IOTA ecosystem.

