Burn-Drop v2 Tokenomics Kickoff: Airdrip IGNITE (Apr 28 — May 31)

Published in
Apr 27, 2021


It’s official! There are now 3,000+ devices on the IoTeX Network, which means Burn-Drop v2 tokenomics are officially LIVE. To celebrate, we are hosting a special kickoff campaign called Airdrip IGNITE where Burn-Drop eligible stakers will receive $100,000 worth of mimo liquidity pool (LP) tokens (i.e., IOTX-XRC20 token pairs) from now until May 31!

⚡ ATTENTION: we have moved from Medium to our own hosted blog at iotex.io/blog

Read Full Post Here >>> Burn-Drop v2 Tokenomics Kickoff: Airdrip IGNITE (Apr 28 — May 31)

