Developers <> IoTeX Delegates: Building the Future of IoTeX

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8 min readMar 1, 2019

IoTeX is an open source network — an experiment in mindshare and collaboration, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Although much of the research and development of IoTeX thus far has come from the core team, a new era of IoTeX is coming soon. We are ready for diverse groups of developers to take the lead on building tools, services, and dApps using the infrastructure and features of the IoTeX Mainnet. It is now time to officially deliver IoTeX to the true owners: the IoTeX developer community and users!

The goal of IoTeX from Day 1 has been to provide a secure and feature-rich platform to enable new blockchain-powered IoT and privacy use cases. Step 1 of creating a state-of-the-art blockchain will be realized with the launch of Mainnet Alpha. The next steps of adding open source tools (i.e., SDKs, explorers, wallets) and new dApps / services (i.e., DEX, stable coins, oracles) will involve the entire IoTeX developer / user community. We can’t wait to see what you will build on the IoTeX network!

Today, we are proud to announce our developers who are running as IoTeX Delegates: Consensus Networks, CryptoLions, IoTASK, IoTeX Geeks, iotexhub, iotexmainnet, IoTeXTeam, Keys IoTeX, SlowMist, Super IoTeX, and WanNodes!

Consensus Networks designs, builds, and supports infrastructure for blockchain technology. The team consists of systems engineers, university lecturers, serverless computing experts, and technical market analysts. Founded in 2016, they are 100% focused on providing top tier network and operations support for blockchain networks. They are currently working on a blockchain-powered system for health data transfer, and also node operators for several PoS/DPoS networks. As an IoTeX Delegate, Consensus Networks will develop APIs, SDKs, and dApps for the community and guide other developers in creating their own dApps, proof-of-concepts, and more. See Consensus Network’s full Delegate profile here.

CryptoLions is a team of IT infrastructure, computer science, and security experts based in Ukraine and Germany that are deeply ingrained in the European developer community. They are well known for their respected position in the high-profile developer communities, curating many initiatives such as EOS Jungle Testnet. They hope to be the bridge between IoTeX and their wide range of networks, including EOS, European enterprises via the Europe Chain initiative, and the broader Eastern European developer community. As an IoTeX Delegate, CryptoLions hopes to be among the most reliable, responsive Delegates and help incubate high impact projects in the IoTeX ecosystem. See CryptoLion’s full Delegate profile here.

IoTASK was founded by a multidisciplinary team of developers with extensive academic and professional experience in industrial automation, telemetry, hardware and embedded systems. Some interesting projects the team has worked on include a billing system for public transportation, research in the power electronics field, hardware projects for industrial IoT, and running nodes for various blockchain networks. As an IoTeX Delegate, IoTASK plans to help disseminate their vast knowledge, develop online courses, and hold meetups around the globe. But most importantly, they plan to build many open source tools, including APIs, explorers, sub-chains, and IoT gateways. See IoTASK’s full Delegate profile here.

IoTeX Geeks is made up of developers who will run a stable node and develop a community wallet that is specific for the IoTeX network. Their team is made up of developers who are experienced in developing blockchain technology, especially in other high-profile blockchain networks. With the motto of “IoTeX wallet by the community, for the community”, IoTeX Geeks will make it simple and secure to interact with the network and other users via an IoTeX wallet. As an IoTeX Delegate, they also plan to engage with the community and take all requests for product features into consideration. Their wallet will be open source and made for the community. See IoTeX Geek’s full Delegate profile here.

iotexhub is comprised of an experienced team of cryptocurrency advocates and blockchain believers, with an abundance of expertise in the industry. iotexhub plans to create a global and fun ecosystem for the IoTeX community and broader blockchain industry. The team is led by mac, an experienced developer with 6+ years of history in the cryptocurrency world. As an IoTeX Delegate, iotexhub will leverage their rich experience to build new tools and services for the network and help propel IoTeX to its fullest potential. Their motto is “Together we will build our future!” See iotexhub’s full Delegate profile here.

Iotexmainnet is a team of strong technology specialists with a large technical base, administrative resources, and support of their local Russian government. As a team, they strive towards popularizing IoTeX among the Russian-speaking community and hope to bring IoTeX technology to the real world. As an IoTeX Delegate, their main goal is to bring the adoption of the IoTeX technology and products to Russia and it’s population. They firmly believe that they have everything needed, including technology, marketing, and business, to reach a global audience in order to nourish and expand IoTeX. See iotexmainnet’s full Delegate profile here.

IoTeXTeam is part of StakingTeam, a dedicated delegation service and developer organization with years of experience and a strong commitment to IoTeX. Their team is dedicated to cryptocurrency 24 hours per day — blockchain isn’t their part-time hobby, it’s their world! Their team consists of financial / economics experts, infrastructure managers, and executive-level businessmen, who combine their skills to create a holistic Delegate operation. As a Delegate, IoTeXTeam will work closely with IoTeX to help bootstrap the Mainnet, providing high-touch service to community members. As they love to say: “The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. Followed by staking!” See IoTeXTeam’s full Delegate profile here.

Keys IoTeX is led by Burak Ordu, a veteran in the financial services industry for major banks including Capital One, SunTrust, and Citizens Bank. With specialties in data analytics and computer science, Keys IoTeX has been involved in the blockchain space since early 2014. Keys IoTeX will provide highly secure infrastructure services for blockchain networks and plans to increase awareness of the IoTeX blockchain by running educational and promotional campaigns. They fundamentally believe that IoTeX will revolutionize the Internet of Things (IoT) and hope to secure and strengthen the decentralized future of the IoT ecosystem. See Keys IoTeX’s full Delegate profile here.

SlowMist is headquartered in Xiamen, China and was founded by a team from Google, Microsoft, W3C, Tencent, Alibaba, and more. They have more than ten years experience in first-line network security attack and defense. The core competencies of SlowMist include security auditing and blockchain threat intelligence, and they run security audit and defense for many well-known global exchanges. SlowMist continuously provides threat information to partners and relevant national authorities using their unique underground hacker wind vane tracking engine. SlowMist has audited more than 400 Ethereum smart contracts and has created EOS Monkit, DApp firewall FireWall.X and other products. See SlowMist’s full Delegate profile here.

Super IoTeX aims to help anyone that is interested in IoTeX to develop innovative blockchain applications. Their team is comprised of senior investors in blockchain and talented developers, all of which have proven themselves in other networks such as Lisk. The Super IoTeX team will leverage their experience in computer engineering to provide a secure multi-server environment, which could defend against DDOS attacks on the IoTeX blockchain. Their team will also build unique dApps and help others develop Dapps on IoTeX. Their ultimate vision is to help IoTeX be the top blockchain platform for IoT applications. See Super IoTeX’s full Delegate profile here.

WanNodes is a group of program developers, data analysts, hardware engineers, and marketing supervisors that joined together to run block producer nodes in many DPoS projects. The WanNodes team is led by Wan, who has five years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry, and they plan to work tirelessly for the robustness of the IoTeX network and the growth of the community. As an IoTeX Delegate, WanNodes plans to translate documents and news to Chinese and deliver to the Chinese community, build tools/tutorials/scripts to help others, develop SDKs and supporting documentation, and help organize / give back to other developers. See WanNodes’s full Delegate profile here.

We are so excited to have our developer groups on board, and we can’t wait to work closely with them to drive the future development of the IoTeX blockchain and wonderful things that will be powered by it.

If you are interested in contributing to IoTeX development, please join our Github. If you are interested in becoming an IoTeX Delegate, please complete this form.

About IoTeX

IoTeX is the privacy-centric blockchain platform that is fast, flexible, and the Internet of Things (IoT) friendly. IoTeX’s global team is comprised of distinguished research scientists, top-tier engineers, and experienced ecosystem builders. Designed and optimized for IoT, IoTeX uses state-of-the-art privacy, consensus, and sub-chain innovations to capture the full potential of IoT. By enabling trusted data, interoperability, and M2M automation, IoTeX bridges the physical and digital worlds and brings trusted machine economies to the masses.



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