IoLove Campaign II — Unleash your Creativity on IoTeX Delegates Program

Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2019


Hello IoTeX community! As you know, we are actively preparing for the upcoming election and voting of our Delegates and the Mainnet Alpha release! Those of you who have been following IoTeX for some time, know, that we like to actively engage our community into such important milestones of our project and try our best to communicate our vision, goals, innovations and the guidelines around our programs and initiatives.

We thought that the best way to promote IoTeX and communicate with our global community would be by giving our own community a chance to be heard! As a result, we are launching this creative campaign, that will allow everyone who is interested in our project to engage and help to prepare useful information and educate others worldwide while spreading the word for IoTeX.

We welcome you to join if you are a: developer, coder, writer, artist, marketer, blockchain evangelist/enthusiast, influencer/blogger or a true supporter and believer of IoTeX. The top contributors will be featured and promoted by IoTeX and may be considered for becoming project’s Brand Ambassador or regular content contributor.

Ideas & Topics

Phase I - IoTeX Delegates Program

March 28— April 5

  • Showcase and explain IoTeX’s Delegates Program / voters and delegates
  • Compare and contrast IoTeX’s Delegates Program to other projects
  • How to become a Delegate/what are the qualities of a great Delegate/how to campaign & promote yourself/how to attract voters
  • Research and introduce the current IoTeX Delegates / who you will vote for and why
  • How to make money with IoTeX/ROI/earn passive income/accessible investment opportunities/ short-term vs. long-term gains
  • Mainnet Rehearsal

Phase 2- IoTeX Mainnet Countdown!

April 6 — Mainnet Public Launch (to be announced soon!)

  • Express and share your excitement with us to countdown for the Mainnet launch!
  • Show your love to IoTeX!

You can also propose your own topic in relation to blockchain, IoT and IoTeX, in order to be considered.


Voter Handbook

Step-by-step Voting Instruction

Voting Guide video

Voting Website

Mainnet Rehearsal


IoLove Campaign I


📌 Your content needs to be original! Translations and quotes cannot be more than 50% of the total content. Any cheating activity will result in disqualification.

📌 We do not have any limits as to the length or your content, as long as you can effectively reach and communicate to the audience, while bringing in value and informing.

📌 We welcome all types of creativeness, it can include: guides, articles, videos, memes/stickers, info-graphics, presentations, photos.

📌 We accept content in these languages only: English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Turkish, Italian, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai.

📌 We will audit all submissions and reserve the final interpretation to this campaign.

Campaign Prizes

All of the submissions will be reviewed by the team and just like before, we will have an internal evaluation process. We will take into account the topic, format, length, method, creativeness and the community engagement of your submission.

🏅 Team’s Choice 10,000 points — 124w6 and 1w62x

🎖 2,000 points — 1ejxy, 1utgz, 1rthy

🎖 1,000 points — 1tw64, 1tpza, 1nnf7, 1fqp3, 19fyg

Steps to participate:

  1. Join IoTeX Telegram Group and follow IoTeX Twitter.
  2. Post your submission on Twitter, tag @iotex_io, and add the hashtag “#IoLoveIoTeX”, “#IoTeXdelegate”, “IoTeXvotes” and your unique IoTeX Hash ID (PM @IoTeXBountyBot and enter /hashid, or follow the instructions here) in your caption!*Please double check before your submit. We cannot verify your identity to grant points if any information above is missing.*
  3. Fill in this form with the Tweet link of your work.

Looking forward to receiving your love and support to IoTeX!

About IoTeX

Founded as an open-source project in 2017, IoTeX is building the world’s leading privacy-centric blockchain platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). Their mission is to build a decentralized trust fabric for a new era of collaboration and data exchange among devices, applications and people. Backed by a global team of research scientists and top engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, trusted hardware and edge computing to realize the full potential of IoT.

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