IoTeX Ambassador Delegates: GameFantasy, IoTeX Core, IoTeX LAB, IoTeX Trader, iotxplorer, and LongZ!

Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2019


Community is one of the most important parts of blockchain projects. As an open source network, community is something that IoTeX values greatly. Since we started IoTeX, we have focused on building a loyal and educated community — no ICO / airdops / fake hype, just true community members (like you!). Some of our most passionate community members are IoTeX Brand Ambassadors, who work directly with us on many initiatives:

  • Manage IoTeX communities and groups around the world
  • Attend industry events and organize meetups on behalf of IoTeX
  • Educate and inform the community about IoTeX project and updates
  • Seek out new business and technical opportunities for IoTeX
  • And most importantly: represent IoTeX with pride and dedication!

We have had an amazing time working with our 20+ brand ambassadors this past year, and are proud that many will take the next step by becoming IoTeX Delegates! Their impact on the network thus far cannot be understated, and we are excited to see their future contributions. We are excited to announce our IoTeX Brand Ambassador Delegates: GameFantasy, IoTeX Core, IoTeX LAB, IoTeX Trader, iotxplorer, and LongZ!

GameFantasy is led by Wang Qiang, an experienced game developer and current Chief Software Engineer at Giant Interactive Group. Wang started learning/developing blockchain technology in 2017, and joined the IoTeX community in early 2018. He actively participates in technical / general discussions in IoTeX WeChat groups (China). As a Delegate, Wang will contribute to IoTeX code, apply his knowledge, support other community members, and conduct offline promotional activities to grow IoTeX. See GameFantasy’s full Delegate profile here.

IoTeX Core is led by Sergey Romanov & Dobrodel, community managers for IoTeX Russian community. Sergey has a graphic design and engineering background, while Dobrodel focuses on web development, code review, and analysis. Together, they will use their combined technical and marketing skills to drive new ideas and use cases, as well as attract new developers and companies to IoTeX. They plan to facilitate community-driven platforms for experience sharing, idea generation, and blockchain/IoT adoption. See IoTeX Core’s full Delegate profile here.

IoTeX LAB is led by Simone, an IT & Industrial Engineer and current CEO at Sortec srl. Simone is one of the earliest and most active supporters of IoTeX. His passion and contributions have made him a widely recognizable figure in the IoTeX network. Simone is the community manager for IoTeX Italy community, and has hosted several in-person meetups around Italy. As a Delegate, he plans to create explainer videos / tutorials, organize meetups, and present IoTeX at industry events to promote real world adoption. See IoTeX Lab’s full Delegate profile here.


IoTeX Trader is led by Dijoin Klink, an experienced Trader / Financial Analyst and current CEO of Infall Capital. As community manager and creator of the IoTeX Trader group since mid-2018, Dijoin delivers quality analysis and insights to add clarity to the often opaque cryptocurrency market. As a Delegate, Dijoin will help create tools (e.g., calculators, staking support, trading news feeds) for the community to add transparency, minimize risk, and maximize gains in both the broader crypto market and IoTeX market. See IoTeX Trader’s full Delegate profile here.

Iotxplorer is led by Jason James (aka Kits & Cryptweeter), a chemical engineer turned computer scientist who switched careers after being captivated by blockchain. Jason was one of the first IoTeX Brand Ambassadors and has contributed to the core team and community through many different avenues, including writing and research. As a delegate, Jason’s motto is “always add value” — he has already committed to developing a block explorer, hosting meetups, funding dApp development, and awarding grants. See iotxplorer’s full Delegate profile here.

LongZ is led by Poppo, an experience technology engineer and blockchain enthusiast. Poppo is one of IoTeX’s earliest community managers and Brand Ambassadors. He has contributed code to IoTeX since early 2018! Poppo is the group leader of the largest IoTeX WeChat Group, which is focused on technology, where he actively answers questions and supports the community. As a Delegate, Poppo will promote IoTeX to more technophiles, start a LongZ DApp fund to support developers, and establish an IoTeX DApps platform. See LongZ’s full Delegate profile here.

We will be announcing more strategic partners and IoTeX Delegates soon — stay tuned to our official channels!

If you are interested in becoming a Brand Ambassador, please complete this form. If you are interested in becoming an IoTeX Delegate, please complete this form.

About IoTeX

Founded as an open-source project in 2017, IoTeX is building the world’s leading privacy-centric blockchain platform for the Internet of Things (IoT). Their mission is to build a decentralized trust fabric for a new era of collaboration and data exchange among devices, applications and people. Backed by a global team of research scientists and top engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, trusted hardware and edge computing to realize the full potential of IoT.

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