IoTeX & Chainlink: Delivering Real World Data to Blockchain

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1 min readJul 12, 2019


A primary need for any blockchain developer is access to trusted real-world data. Whether it is data from a big data database or an IoT sensor, the integrity and delivery of the information must be trustworthy to be used in DApps. This is where decentralized oracles come into play.

Oracles expand the capabilities of blockchains by locating / verifying real-world information and enabling it to be used in smart contracts. Oracles have evolved quickly, yet challenges still remain to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of all information delivered by oracles. IoTeX and Chainlink are excited to collaborate on oracle research and development to bring real-world data to blockchain applications.

“We are excited to work with IoTeX to introduce new IoT data and TEE technology to the blockchain industry and expand the capabilities of decentralized oracles.” — Daniel Kochis, Global Head of Business Development at Chainlink

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